Chapter 309 Sudden transfer order

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  Chapter 309:

  A magic defense shield is suddenly ordered. It must have not only magic defense capabilities, but also physical defense capabilities.

  After all, a soldier's load-bearing capacity is limited, and he cannot carry several different shields in battle.

  The new magic shield developed by Sophia has relatively average physical defense capabilities. Not only is it dense and heavy to use, its hardness is not very high, and its corrosion resistance and wear resistance are relatively poor.

  Magic runes can easily be destroyed if directly attacked by a weapon.

  Because of this shortcoming, this kind of magic shield has major flaws and is not suitable for equipping a large number of soldiers.

  Soldiers in the Harland Territory need to undertake a variety of combat missions. Soldiers' skills, tactics, equipment, and organization must be widely adaptable. They must face many different enemies in battle, and the equipment they use must also be adaptable to different wars.

  Although the magic energy shield is very good against magicians, it is not particularly useful when facing the attack of orcs.

  The biggest enemy facing Harland's territory now happens to be the orcs, so Richard is equipped with a small amount of combined magic shields.

  If you want to create a better magic energy shield, you need to create a better magic alloy.

  Research on new materials not only requires luck, but also requires a lot of time and high costs. It is not an easy task.

  Although the combined energy shield has certain disadvantages, this magic prop enriches the tactical level of Harland's army. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, so Richard will produce it and equip the troops with some of it.

  Moreover, producing part of the combined energy shield can also allow the Magic Alloy Research Institute to return some funds, forming a positive cycle.

  Time flies by very quickly, and it’s August in the blink of an eye.

  Richard was in the Losar Basin and suddenly received a letter from William.

  On August 2, the Grizzly Legion suddenly received an order from Nolan, asking them to prepare in advance and prepare to set off in early October to garrison in the southern province of Steven.

  The province of Steven is the original earldom of Warda.

  Seven years ago, the Venus family planned a conspiracy and rebellion behind the scenes, and the supporters behind it were three earls from the south.

  Although in the end Duke Brenner relied on the strategy of feigning death to severely injure the legendary magician Irina of the Venus family and put down the rebellion, the Grant family lost the prestigious old Duke. In fact, it actually suffered a loss, which changed the situation of the Grant family. It has to be more difficult.

  After the war, the three earl families of Warda, Cloverford, and Meslin lost their titles. Some of the family members followed the Venus family and hid in secret, and some of them went into exile in the United Kingdom on the East Coast and the two neighboring countries of the Kingdom of Delon.

  These fleeing members of the aristocracy are the bane of local stability.

  Seven years have passed. Because these people are sowing discord and starting riots in the local areas, the security in the three southern provinces has been relatively chaotic.

  In recent years, the Grant royal family has stationed a large number of troops in the three southern provinces. The main force is a regiment of the Royal Guards and a regiment of the Duke of York.

  Although the Duke of York and the Grant royal family are part of the same family, they have been separated for many years. Being able to borrow troops for a few years is already a great honor.

  Moreover, the officers and soldiers also had great opinions after being stationed outside for a long time.

  Since five years ago, the Duke of York's army has returned to its territory. Without the suppression of this main army, the situation in the south has become increasingly worse.

  This spring, with the support of foreign forces, the fleeing nobles launched several sizable rebellions.

  The Grant royal family originally planned to continue to deploy the Central Forbidden Army to suppress the rebellion, but with the rise of the Harland family in the north and the annihilation of two orc legions, the balance of power in the north has changed.

  King Roger decided to mobilize the imperial troops from the north, and he chose the Grizzly Bear Army first.

  After all, William is the commander of the Grizzly Bear Legion, and his relationship with the Duchy of Harland is too close. In order to prevent the Harland family's power in the north from being uncontrolled, moving the Grizzly Bear Army southward is already the first choice.

  Moreover, the province of Lach, where the Grizzly Bear Legion is located, has been protected by the Duchy of Harland, and is no longer a frontline province facing the Orc Empire. This province has many troops stationed in it, including a central army and two second-line armies. After deploying the Grizzly Legion to the south, relying on local troops can also stabilize the situation.

  In the Grant Kingdom, there are a total of eight central legions, three of which are stationed in Nolan, one is stationed on the southern front, and four main legions are stationed in the four northern provinces. The power contained by the orcs exceeds half of the kingdom.

  King Roger's transfer of the main force from the north to the south this time actually means that the Grant family's focus of military use has shifted from north to south.

  The Grizzly Bear Legion has been stationed in Lach Province for hundreds of years, and its soldiers are almost entirely selected from the north. There are also a large number of noble officers from the north in the legion. It is very difficult to transfer the Grizzly Bear Legion south.

  However, the logistics of the Grizzly Bear Legion are completely controlled by the Grant royal family. To support a main legion, the funds consumed every year are more than 300,000 gold coins, which the Lach Province cannot afford.

  Logistics supply was controlled by the Grant royal family. Although the officers and soldiers were very reluctant to be transferred to the south, they actually could not stop it.

  After receiving the order to be transferred to the south, many officers and soldiers were unwilling to leave their hometowns and wrote applications for retirement. In just ten days, no less than 3,000 officers and soldiers requested to retire from active service.

  The officers and soldiers of the main army are all high-income people. Many of them come from professional families and have accumulated a lot of family property over several generations. The officers have large estates in Lach Province. Relying on high military pay, the soldiers have a very high standard of living and have sufficient food and clothing.

  They were asked to abandon their homes, estates, and properties, and station themselves a thousand kilometers away. Even though King Roger offered many conditions, many soldiers were unwilling to leave their hometowns, even though their hometowns often faced war.

  Despite the fierce opposition of the officers and soldiers, the loud opposition and the fierce backlash, King Roger's determination remained unchanged.

  In October, the transfer order was officially issued, but there were only 18,000 Grizzly Corps officers and soldiers heading south.

  There are 18,000 Imperial Guards in the south. Counting the families of the Imperial Guards, the actual number of people who migrated is no less than 100,000.

  As the Grizzly Bear Legion moves south, the houses of the soldiers' families must be settled. The families of the officers and soldiers cannot be allowed to live in huts or huts.

  The soldiers of the Grizzly Bear Legion are not the People's Liberation Army. If they treat the main army officers and soldiers so harshly, the officers and soldiers may rebel soon.

  In fact, before issuing the transfer order, King Roger thought about it for a long time and made a lot of preparations several months in advance, such as building houses, acquiring land, etc. Fortunately, the Three Earls of the South were destroyed in the war a few years ago, and the royal family has a lot of resources at its disposal.

  These resources include land and houses. With enough resources, officers and soldiers can be stabilized.

  In order to win over people's hearts, King Roger also referred to the policies of the Harland leader and decided to allocate fields to the soldiers of the Grizzly Legion going south. Each soldier who went south could be allocated thirty acres of land, and officers received higher treatment. For example, legion commander William could be assigned a 10,000-acre estate as long as he was willing to go south.

  For hereditary nobles like William, a 10,000-acre manor was nothing. What they valued was whether they could make military exploits and obtain new fiefdoms. It was obvious that King Roger had plans to expand to the south.

  This sudden transfer order caused the Grizzly Legion to lose 5,000 soldiers, and nearly a quarter of the officers and soldiers were unwilling to move south.

  These people are elite soldiers. Of course, the nobles of Northern Xinjiang are planning on recruiting these soldiers.

  The Harland family is the newly promoted duke, and the military treatment is also very impressive. Although the military salary is lower, including the welfare materials distributed, it is almost the same as the main army soldiers. Ordinary food is actually better.

  Moreover, Harland Territory is not too far from Grizzly Bear Castle, especially King's Castle in Grotta River County and Felin Castle in Salt Lake County, which are only 80 kilometers away from Grizzly Bear Castle.

  After joining the army led by Harland, his salary has basically not been reduced, and he can also take care of his family nearby. His competitiveness is far superior to that of the small nobles of Lach Province.

  What's more important is that William is also the commander and commander of the Grizzly Bear Legion. Serving the Duchy of Harland, old officers and senior superiors can also lead the officers and soldiers.

  With this innate advantage, Harland recruited 3,400 retired officers and soldiers of the Grizzly Legion at once.

  In addition to the Duke of Harland, the Duke of Jonathan, not far from the Lach Province, also had a feast and recruited 1,200 officers and soldiers of the Grizzly Legion. The remaining 400 people were sent to the Lach Province. Collected by minor nobles.

  Thirty-four hundred veterans were recruited. In order to maintain combat effectiveness, Richard did not dismantle this unit, but integrated it into two complete infantry brigades, equipped with military law and logistics officers, and the remaining 400 soldiers were also reorganized. Formed into two squadrons of reconnaissance cavalry, attached to the Soros Department of Grotta River County to fight.

  During this period, Richard came to the two newly formed brigades many times, met with grassroots officers, talked with the officers and soldiers, solved some minor problems for them, and gradually established some prestige.

  After replacing the weapons and equipment of the Harland territory, the 11th and 12th brigades quickly completed their reorganization. According to the situation of the exercise, the combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

  As officers of the 11th and 12th brigades, Richard also appointed former members of the Grizzly Bear Corps.

  The captain of the Eleventh Battalion is named Farrell, and he is the deputy captain of the Grizzly Legion's Warcraft Battalion.

  This man is a noble officer, and his brother is Baron McCarey of Gedda Province. After his father's death, Farrell's relationship with each McCarey was also very normal. Because Farrell was more talented, Baron McCarey was very afraid of him.

  Farrell originally planned to go to the south with the Grizzlies, but because his wife was pregnant and he was afraid of traveling long distances, he had to retire from the army and was introduced to Richard by William.

  William rated him highly, and he was also very good at commanding cavalry in battle.

  However, the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade is the lifeblood of Harland's leadership. Richard's cousin Morgan is also a qualified cavalry commander. It is impossible for Richard to take down Morgan and replace him with Farrell. Farrell was in his thirties. He had awakened his knight blood and had advanced to the fifth level. Such a talent must be reused by Richard, so he was appointed captain of the Eleventh Brigade.

  The captain of the 12th Brigade is named Roman. Roman comes from an ordinary background and is even older than William. He is sixty-five years old this year and is already a seventh-level warrior with rich war experience.

  In the Grizzlies, Roman is the captain of the second team, but because he is too old, he is at risk of being eliminated.

  Although he came from a humble background, after decades of struggle, Roman accumulated a very rich property. He not only had a manor in the southern part of Lach Province, but also a large amount of land near Grizzly Bear Castle. But Roman's accumulated military exploits are still far from being knighted. He has only two great merits and six medium merits to his name. Even if I work for another ten years, it will probably be difficult to get a knighthood.

  When veteran warriors like Roman retire from active service, not only will they receive generous rewards from the royal family, but they can also exchange their military exploits for precious resources.

  At his age, he should have enjoyed his old age at home, but Roman was unwilling to retire early and found the regiment commander William.

  Under William's introduction, Roman joined Harland's army and was appointed captain of the 12th Brigade by Richard.

  These two captains, either because of their outstanding talents or because of their rich experience, may be more capable than most senior officers led by Harland.

  The Grizzly Legion decided to move south, and William was unwilling to retire from the army and wanted to move south with the Legion.

  Now that I'm gone, I don't know when I can see my loved ones again?

  The Harland family has become the Duke of Northern Xinjiang, and the conditions are far better than those in the south. Only a few members of the Harland family will follow William to the south to develop.

  Even Mrs. Olla decided to stay in Northern Xinjiang and run the industry of Black River Fort. This time, only the palace lady Kelly and her two younger children followed William to the province of Steven. Of course, the Harland family is now very prosperous and has arranged for many maids and servants to follow William.

  Before leaving, Richard took the Harland family members to Grizzly Bear Castle to see William off.

  "I went to the south, and you have to take care of these people in my family. Some family members have low abilities and cannot keep up with the development of the territory. I hope you will treat them better for my sake." Richard knew in his heart that his

  father He was actually very dissatisfied with his harsh treatment of Tang En.

  William had a deep relationship with his third uncle Bernie. Richard dealt with Bernie's heir harshly and showed no respect to his elders. Not only did his third uncle become estranged from him, but William also had a problem with him.

  But nine times out of ten things in the world are not as expected.

  For the development of the territory, to protect the seriousness of the law, or even to put it more darkly, to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, to let the people below know who is the boss?

  Richard must break through all the obstacles, clarify his attitude, and deal with Tang En severely in order to establish his prestige and make the powerful people in the Harland territory fear him.

  This time, I took care of Tony's favor and let Tang En go. In the future, if something goes wrong, more and more people will ask for mercy. Even members of the Harland family will use chicken feathers as arrows to use me to suppress their son.

  The shackles on Richard's work will become bigger and bigger, and there will be more and more compromises.

  If the upper level is not strict enough and becomes a bit rotten, the lower level will be completely rotten, and the law will become useless paper. At that time, what discipline will there be?

  (End of chapter)

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