Chapter 308 Combination Energy Shield

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  Chapter 308 Combination Energy Shield
  After the Harvest Festival, summer grain began to be stored in the warehouse. With enough grain, Richard let go of his worries a little.

  The Lothar Basin is large, and despite years of orc development, there are still a lot of swamps in the basin.

  Overall, the eastern and northern parts of this basin have higher altitudes, while the western and southern parts have lower altitudes. Because of the rivers formed by the melting of mountain snow, there is a lake in the southwest of the basin with an area of ​​about 2,000 square kilometers.

  Geographically, the lake is in the same large basin as the Losa Basin. The western area of ​​the lake is a large area of ​​low hills with relatively fertile land and also has high development value.

  Because there is a lot of precipitation in the Eagle Mountains, the amount of river injection is greater than the increase, and the area of ​​​​the lake is expanding every year.

  Geographical surveyors from the Haaland territory carefully measured the depth of the lake and found that the central area was over three hundred meters deep.

  After surveying the terrain of the Losa Basin, Richard thought to himself: "The terrain of the Losa Basin is relatively closed, and the hurricane canyon is more than a hundred meters higher than the lakes in the southwest. If you want to build a drainage canal, you can even use magic means. , and it is almost impossible to dig through.

  According to the survey results and calculating the flow into the river, in the next thirty years, the altitude of Lake Losa will rise by more than ten meters, and the area will increase by about 160 square kilometers. There is almost no land near the lake. The value of development. In the future, the development of the Losa Basin should focus on the higher-altitude northeastern region.

  If a large amount of farmland is reclaimed in the future, water consumption will increase significantly and the amount of river water injected will be reduced, which can alleviate the rise of the lake water. It seems that , A large number of water conservancy projects should be built in the basin."

  After controlling the Losa Basin, Richard's footsteps spread around the basin.

  This basin has been developed by the orcs and is already a qualified supply center. With the support of the basin's products, it can easily support the Hurricane Fort garrison.

  The large lake in the southwest of the basin is also very rich in products and is very suitable for fishery production and processing.

  Although there are many rivers in the Harland Territory, the water volume is not very large, the fish resources are relatively scarce, and there are few professional fishermen in the territory.

  After taking control of the Losa Basin, Richard personally inspected the large lake and decided to allocate manpower to fish in the Losa Basin.

  Fresh fish can be sold in Losar Castle, and a fish canning processing factory can be built using the rich fish resources here. Nowadays, the output of Harland's glass kiln has increased significantly, and the price of glass products has become more affordable. Although the price of glass cans is still high, it has changed from a luxury commodity to a civilian commodity.

  After controlling the Lothar Basin, the administrative divisions of Harland Territory must be adjusted.

  The Losar Basin is densely populated, with more than 200,000 people living there. In terms of population density, it is second only to the Fort William area. Richard was bounded by the Lot River. Lothar County was established to the south of the Lot River, Hurricane County was established to the north of the Lot River, and the two counties were merged to form Lothar Basin County.

  In addition, two counties, Graveson County and Salt Lake County, were drawn from the county at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountains, and the former Viscounty of Nelson was added to the northern territory of Salt Lake County to form Salt Lake County.

  Richard also took out Harland County and Swamp County in the Fort William area to establish Harland County, the capital region.

  After the administrative planning was readjusted, the county at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountain Range suffered heavy losses. Four important counties were taken away, leaving only three counties: Mesopotamia County, East Canyon County, and Southern County. Its influence on the territory was greatly weakened. .

  The importance has been reduced, and Rogge, a civilian leader, naturally does not need to also serve as the governor of the county at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountain Range.

  After the administrative division adjustment, Richard's second uncle Powell was transferred back from Grotta River County and took over as the county governor of Harland County.

  Today, the Duchy of Harland governs five counties, namely the capital Harland County, Losa Basin County, Grotta River County, Salt Lake County, and Southern Eagle Mountain County.

  The territory covers an area of ​​less than 100,000 square kilometers, roughly equivalent to the five provinces of the Grant Kingdom.

  The northwest area of ​​Harland's territory is still deserted. There are almost no people in the entire northern area of ​​Platos Castle. This area covers an area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers. If it is developed in the future and part of the territory is expanded, a new county can be established. .

  After three months of garrisoning in the Losar Basin, Richard saw that the situation had become relatively stable. It seemed that the orcs were not preparing to counterattack, so he decided to slowly reduce the garrison in the Losar Basin.

  Among the five counties, the current situation requires garrisoning troops in each one.

  Grotta River County, Losa Basin County, and Salt Lake County are all frontline areas to defend against the orcs, and large armies must be stationed.

  Although the county at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountain Range was already the rear area, King Roger requested that more troops be deployed in this county to cooperate with the Mad Lion Legion to control the upper reaches of the Kaia River. The Harland Territory must increase its troops and assume its responsibility.

  In fact, the main reason why the Duke of Harland needs to garrison troops in this area is that the Earl of Downey Martins cannot withstand the orc army.

  Harland County is the capital, and the vicinity of Fort William is the administrative and industrial core of the territory, not to mention the military.

  The regular army in Harland's territory now has eleven infantry brigades, one cavalry reconnaissance brigade, one Warcraft cavalry brigade, three magic hot air balloon squadrons, one gryphon cavalry squad, plus the headquarters' staff and logistics personnel, the total number is about 20,000 people. Harland leads the Mage Association. Although he has fought with the army many times, he is not a soldier in terms of status.

  In this year's war, the territorial regular army suffered more than 4,200 casualties and 1,700 were killed. A few months have passed, and all the soldiers who were not seriously injured have returned to the military camp.

  The vacancy in the regular army is now about two thousand men.

  This year, due to the expansion of territory, the number of troops is far from enough.

  In January this year, Harland recruited 4,000 new recruits. The recruits have not yet completed training and will not be added to the army until February next year.

  By the beginning of next year, Richard plans to expand two infantry brigades, add two magic hot air balloon squadrons, continue to train 4,000 new soldiers, and strive to expand the number of troops to 30,000 in three years.

  Hurricane Castle has not yet been completed, and Richard does not dare to take it lightly. He can only let the garrison of Salt Lake County and Grotta River County return. The garrison of Harland and Eagle Mountain Counties are still stationed in the Losa Basin.

  While Richard was busy adjusting administrative plans and repatriating soldiers from the Losa Basin, the magic research team led by Sophia developed another important invention.

  Through research on the combination and splitting of magic arrays, an in-depth comparison of the basic use of magic by knights and magicians, and exploration of the deep principles of magic particles, Sophia developed a special combined magic rune array.

  This kind of magic array is called energy shield array, and it is a range-wide array.

  This array consists of twelve magic shields, with special runes engraved on them and standard magic crystals installed.

  With the magic energy crystal on each shield as the core and connected at key nodes, a special rune structure is formed. Once the soldiers activate the shield with magic power at the same time, a large ring of magic energy shield can be released. Although the energy shield is only a ring of magic and is not very effective in defending against physical attacks, it is very effective in defending against magical energy attacks.

  If a squadron is issued with twelve magic shields, and the soldiers hold up the magic shields, the restraint against magicians will be greatly increased.

  Because this large energy shield has a very large defense area, it can protect a squadron of soldiers together.

  According to the simulation of the Harland Mage Association, twelve advanced warrior apprentices equipped with magic shields, searing ray guns, and alchemy bombs can easily kill two three-ring magicians by relying on the power of the equipment.

  Richard was shocked when he received the simulation effect.

  You must know that it is very difficult to train a three-ring magician. The Harland Mage Association has been established for more than ten years, and the only three-ring magician that has been truly trained is Anne. Heath and Butler were both mages from the Tower of Death, and Roentgen was a wild mage.

  A three-ring magician is much more difficult to deal with than a fifth-level warrior. Normally, one fireball spell can kill or injure five or six soldiers. It is relatively easy for a three-ring magician to defeat an ordinary squad of soldiers.

  Now twelve elite veterans can defeat the three-ring mage through the power of equipment.

  If these equipments spread, the threat of magical power to the secular government will be greatly reduced.

  Moreover, Sophia’s research has very good development prospects. As research advances, is it possible to create protective magic props with higher combinations and range?
  Moreover, research can also be extended to other magical fields, representing countless directions.

  This research means that ordinary warriors can also rely on the power of equipment and combinations to increase their combat effectiveness.

  Zooming in on history, this research will lead the development of the times, and like the legendary priest who created the warrior breathing method, will change the balance of power and the balance of power in the Dawn Plane.

  Of course, this kind of magic shield is not easy to make and requires a high cost.

  The shield uses orichalcum to smelt precious magic ore. In order to allow the magic nodes to communicate, the formula of the magic inscription solution requires the use of highly valuable mithril.

  Not counting labor, a shield requires about one hundred and twenty gold coins in pure material cost. This kind of cost is a bit higher than that of Warcraft War Horse.

  Due to cost constraints, Richard could only equip elite soldiers. He carefully selected sixteen squadrons from the elite infantry in the Harland territory, and selected a squad from each. The first batch was equipped with the new magic shield.

  Making one hundred and ninety-two magic shields not only requires a lot of gold coins, but also wastes a lot of Sophia's time. After all, she is the only one who can engrave magic runes now.

  After researching the magic energy shield, Richard took the time to return to Fort William.

  Because Sophia was short of time, it was impossible to create magic energy shields every day. So Richard carefully analyzed the magic energy shield manufacturing process, split the magic runes into twelve parts, and taught them to different people.

  In addition, the shield alloy materials and inscription engraving solution formulas need to be kept strictly confidential, and the processes are split up and handed over to different people.

  Various means are used to greatly increase the difficulty of leaking secrets. Fortunately, the Harland territory now has a royal seal, which is very helpful in preventing leaks.

  Richard came directly from the Harland Mage Association and went directly to the Magic Alloy Research Center.

  The core of the Magic Alloy Research Center is the Magic Alchemy Furnace.

  The manufacturing technology of the magic alchemy furnace in Harland Territory comes from the Tower of Death. Compared with the Tower of Death, the Harland Mage Association has a deeper understanding of the nature of magic.

  The magic alchemy furnace of the Tower of Death uses the fire attribute magic core as the energy core.

  The first magic alchemy furnace built by the Magic Alloy Research Center was a copycat product. It copied the construction plan of the Tower of Death and also used the fire attribute magic core as the energy core.

  Although the fire attribute magic core is not particularly rare, it is also not easy to find.

  In addition to hunting fire-attributed monsters, the Harland Territory can only trade with nearby mage organizations. Because the magic alchemy furnace is used very frequently, ensuring the stability of energy supply has become an important matter.

  However, when using the magic core of fire-attributed monsters as energy, the supply is indeed unstable.

  In order to solve this problem, five or six years ago, Richard and several auxiliary researchers changed the design drawings of the magic alchemy furnace, using magic crystal as the energy core, and added a flame transformation rune array.

  Adding a flame transformation rune array is equivalent to redesigning the blueprint of the magic alchemy furnace. After many experiments, it took more than two years and many difficulties were overcome before the new generation of magic alchemy furnace was successfully created.

  Because the new magic alchemy furnace added a new rune array, the volume was almost doubled compared to the original magic alchemy furnace, and the use of magic bricks also increased dramatically, causing the construction cost to double, reaching almost 10,000 gold coins.

  Despite this, in order to get rid of the dependence on the fire attribute magic core, even if the construction cost increased a lot, the new magic alchemy furnace was still built. After all, the Harland Territory lacks fire-attribute magic cores and does not lack magic crystals.

  As of now, the research on the magic alchemy furnace in Harland Territory has reached the third generation, and the construction of the third magic alchemy furnace has been completed.

  There are three magic alchemy furnaces, and the Magic Alloy Research Center continuously puts in different meta-magic metals to create different magic alloys. In the past few years, we have accumulated a lot of valuable experience and successfully produced a variety of special alloys.

  Harland's flagship product rolling bearings are products of Alloy Labs.

  By manufacturing rolling bearings, the Magic Alloy Laboratory accumulated a large amount of funds, improved a small number of designs, built a third magic alchemy furnace, and successfully created a new super magic alloy without using any territory.

  To create a magic energy shield, the key part is not only the combination of runes, but also the materials themselves.

  If the magic energy conductivity of the manufacturing material is poor, even if the magic energy shield is created, it will basically be useless. In addition, the adaptability of super magic metal and magic energy is also a key indicator. If the adaptability is low, a large amount of magic energy will be lost and the cost of equipment will be increased. If the cost is too high and the cost performance is too low, the equipment will not be manufactured. use.

  In addition to magic conductivity, the density, hardness, and durability of the material itself are also very important indicators. These physical indicators determine the physical defense properties of the magic energy shield.

  (End of chapter)

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