Chapter 241 Formation of the Second Warcraft Squadron

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  Chapter 241 Formation of the Second Warcraft Squadron
  However, the real value of the Breathing Technique is not that high. It is just the monopoly of knowledge used by the great nobles to forcibly raise the difficulty of acquiring extraordinary knowledge. This not only squeezes out talented professional officers, It also reduces competitors and restricts the development of small nobles.

  Compared with a complete barony, the value of a set of breathing techniques is actually not that high. After all, most ordinary people will find it difficult to advance to the fourth level after practicing breathing techniques throughout their lives.

  The Silver Wolf Breathing Technique that can be practiced to the fifth level is enough for ordinary soldiers to practice. The exchange price for the first eight levels of breathing techniques is less than 5,000 gold coins, and the exchange price for the next four levels of breathing techniques is as high as 95,000 gold coins.

  The more knowledge that can threaten the great nobles, the more valuable it will be.

  A set of breathing techniques that can be practiced to the ninth level is estimated to be one hundred thousand gold coins, and there is no price on the market. The complete breathing technique cannot be purchased with gold coins at all. It needs to serve the great nobles and exchange for military merit.

  Mastering a more powerful meditation method is of course more valuable. According to the general unspoken rules, the price of things used by magicians is at least three times that of warriors.

  A complete meditation method such as the Highland Meditation Method is worth three times the Silver Wolf Breathing Method, equivalent to the resources of a viscounty, which is equivalent to approximately 300,000 gold coins when converted into gold coins.

  As for the Starlight Meditation Method, which involves rules, it is already a priceless treasure and cannot be exchanged for ordinary resources.

  There is no shortage of meditation method resources in Harland's territory. There are three sets of advanced meditation methods. Richard has a deep understanding of the roots of magic and can also deduce meditation methods.

  In terms of meditation knowledge, the Harland Territory Mage Association surpasses the royal family.

  But the more low-end breathing method, Harland's territory lacks the foundation, is very short.

  The plane of dawn is an extraordinary world, and the knowledge of the extraordinary world is monopolized. Unless Richard is willing to spend time studying the rules of the breathing method and deducing and completing the Silver Wolf Breathing Method, he will have to be squeezed by the great nobles.

  Everyone who climbs up has to pay a price, and this price is either life or money.

  Richard's time on weekdays is very tight. He not only has to practice breathing methods and meditation methods, but also takes time to do magic experiments. He also needs to deduce two sets of meditation methods, the Book of Fire and the Book of Curses, and always pay attention to the development of magic technology in the territory.

  In addition, Richard also needs to manage the territory, pay attention to people's livelihood, understand craftsmanship, and even redress injustices for ordinary people and punish corrupt officials.

  Richard's schedule was extremely full every day, and he had no time or energy to practice the Silver Wolf Breathing Technique.

  Moreover, Richard did not have a deep understanding of the breathing method and had no unique insights. There was no legendary level breathing method in the territory and there were no samples. It was very difficult to deduce the breathing method.

  In order to enhance the attraction to talents and prevent it from becoming a talent transportation center, from a long-term perspective, the Silver Wolf Breathing Method must be exchanged.

  "Ten thousand gold coins per griffon is not impossible, but I will castrate the male griffin to monopolize the precious magical resource of gryphon. Can the royal family agree to this request?" In the flash of lightning, Richard found an excuse

  . Deliberately making things difficult in order to increase the value of the Griffon trade.

  After hearing what Richard said, Maurice's expression changed. This was what he was most afraid of, because what Richard said was in line with the values ​​of most nobles in the Dawn Plane.

  The great nobles naturally like to monopolize everything. Richard went to Edward and Jonathan to buy wildebeests, but he could only buy geldings, forcing him to establish his own wildebeest breeding farm to break the big nobles' desire for Warcraft horses. monopoly.

  This was the most taboo thing when King Roger sent Maurice to trade the Gryphon.

  Nolan hopes to use the traded griffons to slowly domesticate and breed them, expand the population, and establish the Griffin Knights.

  If it was just to cultivate ten lion knights, Roger Kingdom would not pay attention at all, and there would be no need for Maurice, a special envoy, to come forward.

  "If it is a castrated griffon, the transaction value will be much lower, and the nobles of the royal capital will also have opinions on Viscount Richard. The exchange of resources between us is a matter of mutual benefit. If Viscount Richard does not agree with my offer, If you are satisfied, I can write to the royal capital and improve it as appropriate."

  "I want the complete silver wolf, mad lion, and savage bull three sets of breathing methods. In addition, I also want one thousand Tenghui potions, one thousand enchanted armors, and ten thousand magic crystals." Nobles exchange resources, and sometimes they don't consider it

  . The specific value is limited by the relationship between supply and demand and the desire for transactions.

  There is no doubt that the royal family is more eager to trade with the Haaland territory.

  The royal family provides ordinary resources. Although they are of high value, they are not in short supply on the market.

  What Harland Territory brought out were flocks of griffons, which were a unique and precious resource in the vicinity besides King Lane.

  It is impossible for the Lion Kingdom to sell gryphons. If you want to cultivate the gryphon knights, the only hope is to exchange with Richard.

  For this reason, the Kingdom of Roger gave Maurice the authorization of 300,000 gold coins.

  In addition, another reason is that the strength of the Harland family is already extraordinary. Their status in the Grant Kingdom is equivalent to that of a reserve noble. Their position is also very important and cannot be easily suppressed.

  If the royal family wants to get something from the great nobles, it must bleed and compromise.

  If Richard becomes an earl, King Roger may have to spend more resources if he wants to obtain the gryphon population.

  If it were not the Harland family but Duke Jonathan who obtained the gryphons, there would be no exchange at all. Instead, they would monopolize the gryphons and cultivate their own order of gryphon knights.

  Seeing Morris showing his weakness, Richard naturally asked the lion to open his mouth, and showed an expression of victory, unwilling to bargain.

  Richard's request exceeded Morris's authority. If you ask for help from the royal capital, you will leave an impression of incompetence.

  For a moment, Morris showed an annoyed expression. He suppressed the negative emotions in his heart and continued: "The Silver Wolf Breathing Technique can be practiced to the ninth level, and I have enough authority to trade. But the Barbarian Ox Breathing Technique cannot be practiced. This breathing method can be practiced to the Legendary Second Level. Richard The Viscount should know that the king will not take out legendary level things easily. My authority here can only be traded to the ninth level and practiced to the sixth level of professional. I can agree to give Richard the Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique. The Viscount copied it, but he had to sign a non-leakage contract.

  The annual output of Tenghui Potion is not much, only 500 bottles can be spared, and only 6,000 magic crystals can be allocated.

  As for enchanted armor, Harland Territory has no shortage at all, I I think it is not a resource that must be traded. If Viscount Richard must enchant the armor, I can only mobilize some from the Northern Army." Seeing that Richard still did not let go, Morris continued to persuade

  : "Viscount Richard, the Harland Territory is also Those who need the support of the royal family and give a good impression to the nobles of the royal capital are very critical to the development of the territory. The last conflict between the Harland family and the Holland family, Viscount Richard's handling was too tough. What I am giving here The conditions are already the maximum authority, and are worth about 300,000 gold coins. Your Excellency the Viscount should be satisfied." Richard knew that this was almost Morris's bottom line.

  If the armor must be enchanted, Morris would only recruit from the brigade commanded by William. In the end, William was made to look like a human being inside and outside, making the officers and soldiers of the Northern Army resentful.

  After thinking for a moment, Richard made another request: "We are currently conducting a magic experiment that requires a large amount of discarded magic crystals. I need 60,000 magic crystals that have exhausted the magic power. If the capital can provide this I will agree to your terms if you want to discard the magic crystal."

  "Viscount Richard, privately minting gold coins is a serious crime. You must not do it recklessly?" "

  Baron Morris, how can I challenge the royal family's right to mint coins? I want to The purpose of using discarded magic crystals is to study the technology of charging and reusing magic crystals. Recently, I thought of an experimental direction that requires using a large amount of discarded magic crystals for experiments."

  In fact, Morris did not completely believe what Richard said, but delayed a little and said: "Although the waste magic crystal is not valuable, I have to report this matter to the royal capital, and you have to sign an agreement not to use the waste magic crystal to mint gold coins. Soul contract."

  Richard thought for a moment and finally agreed to Morris' request.

  After Maurice's urgent letter was delivered to the royal capital, King Roger approved it almost immediately.

  After receiving instructions from the Roger Kingdom, Richard exchanged ten griffons for a sum of resources with the Grant royal family.

  Obtaining the follow-up breathing method from the Mad Lion Legion reduced Richard's many troubles. Now Richard has practiced the breathing method to the eighth level and was promoted to a fifth-level warrior. In a few years we will have to find a way to exchange for subsequent breathing techniques.

  Fortunately, the breathing method of the Mad Lion Legion has been widely circulated. It is not a breathing method monopolized by the royal family. Many nobles have collections. Otherwise, Richard will definitely be blackmailed and spend more resources.

  Silver Wolf Breathing Technique This time Harland's territory has also been completed. With a complete breathing technique, talents can be retained. For the great nobles, excellent talents are the most precious resources.

  The first half of the Bull Breathing Technique is also exchanged, which is enough to train most soldiers and officers.

  The breathing method was exchanged, which strengthened the Harland family's foundation, but it could not improve the Harland family's combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

  After getting a large sum of magic crystals, Richard would of course want to purchase some resources to enhance his combat effectiveness.

  Richard immediately used a thousand magic crystals to purchase a hundred iron horned horses from Duke Edward, and formed a second squadron of Warcraft Cavalry. The squadron leader appointed third-level warrior Julian.

  If it weren't for the lack of professionals and elite cavalry in the territory, Richard would even plan to expand to two more squadrons of Warcraft cavalry.

  The soldiers of the Second Warcraft Squadron were all drawn from the infantry squadron, and 500 Tenghui potions were used on the veterans. Forty-two professional officers were trained in the Harland Territory.

  This group of new professional officers were basically transferred to the Second Warcraft Squadron to serve as the backbone.

  Thoros also resigned from the position of captain of the 1st Warcraft Squadron and was promoted to captain of the Warcraft Brigade. The position of squadron leader was given to his eldest son, Kent.

  Kent is thirty-eight years old and has just been promoted to a third-level warrior. His qualifications are not particularly good. Although Soros has invested a lot of resources, it will be difficult to advance to the sixth level before the age of sixty.

  For ordinary warrior professionals, their health will decline after the age of sixty, making it basically difficult to advance.

  In fact, nobles with average qualifications, even if they invest resources and work very hard, can basically be promoted to the fourth or fifth level when they are old. If they have poor qualifications, they may not be able to be promoted to the third level.

  Ordinary free people cannot keep up with nutrition, and do not know the written language, so they cannot grasp the essence of the breathing method. And because of the pressure of life, there is not much time to practice breathing techniques. In addition, the threshold for redeeming the techniques is very high. If you work in the main army until they are in their fifties, most of the soldiers will only be at the first or second level.

  People like William and Roland who became mid-level professionals in their thirties were very rare in the main legion. Such people were the officers that the legion focused on.

  The development of William and Roland is very different. Talent is not the main reason. What matters is luck and opportunity.

  The Warcraft Cavalry Brigade in Harland's territory now has two Warcraft Cavalry squadrons and two heavy cavalry squadrons. There are a total of 200 Warcraft cavalry and 300 heavy cavalry. In addition to the guards, command and logistics personnel of the brigade, the total number is about 600.

  Although there are fewer people in the brigade unit, their combat effectiveness far exceeds that of the infantry brigade, and they are very powerful.

  In May of this year, Richard's third uncle Bernie was also promoted to the sixth level and his military rank was promoted to colonel. Bernie is forty-five years old this year. According to his age, he should be able to advance to the eighth level professional before he is sixty years old.

  Without a particularly great opportunity, it is almost impossible to become a legend.

  In the spring of this year, Richard's cousin Audrey Dark was also promoted to a third-level knight, catching up with her brother Morgan Dark.

  Although his uncle Thoros had good talents, he was not as good as his two children. Counting illegitimate children, Thoros had given birth to more than ten children, three of whom had awakened the blood of knights.

  Morgan became a third-level knight at the age of thirty, and his talent is already very good. Audrey's talent was even more outstanding, and she broke through to the third level at the age of twenty-five.

  Knights have awakened the power of bloodline spells and can fight at higher levels than warriors. According to Audrey's age, if life goes well, she can reach the legendary realm before she is sixty years old.

  At the same time, Captain Lost, the second captain, also advanced to the fourth level knight in April.

  Sophia's cousin Behrman also successfully broke through to the fourth level.

  There is also good news from the Mage Association. After years of accumulation, the second-level magician Heath has been promoted to the third level, and the magic level of Butler and Anne has been raised to the second level. Bella, the first apprentice to practice the Book of Fire, was also successfully promoted to a first-level magician.

  Last year, the territory developed the abandoned magic crystal charging technology, and the territory’s magicians all made contributions. During the period after the success of the magic crystal charging technology, the feedback from meditation was particularly good. In addition, the accumulation time is relatively long, and the territory’s participating in the research All the main magicians advanced successfully.

  Richard's sister Wendy, because she is the main developer of magic crystal charging technology, has the deepest understanding and the best feedback during meditation, and has successfully been promoted to the fifth level.

  (End of chapter)

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