Chapter 240 Exchange of Resources

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  Chapter 240: Exchange of Resources
  King Roger was a resolute man with a very strong military style. After the meeting, he immediately sent a special envoy and rushed to Northern Xinjiang to discuss with Richard, hoping to exchange resources with the Harland family.

  Although the griffon is precious, in Richard's heart it may not be impossible to exchange it.

  Because the Griffin Cavalry is difficult to train, it is difficult to form combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

  Although Richard could rely on the magic contract to force the griffin to take off into the air to fight.

  However, gryphons are also intelligent creatures with high IQs. As long as they fly in the air, without the control of knights, gryphons have no subjective initiative. When encountering harpies, they usually choose to avoid fighting.

  I'm afraid I can only deal with Richard a little bit near the camp.

  It often takes five to ten years to tame wild griffins, train a griffon cavalry, and truly form combat effectiveness.

  The Grant family controls the political power of a kingdom and has many precious resources in its hands. If the royal family is willing to give them, Richard's bottom line is to give up half of the griffons in exchange for the royal family.

  The royal envoy came to Northern Xinjiang and first met Richard's father William.

  William had many connections in the Northern Army, and through the nobles in the royal capital, he had found out the background of Special Envoy Morris. Then a messenger was sent to deliver the information to Richard.

  After receiving the information, Hayden immediately reported to Richard and handed Richard the secret letter written by William.

  "The royal family's special envoy to Northern Xinjiang is named Maurice Allen. This person is the brother-in-law of King Roger and the brother of Marquis Allen. Because of this relationship, Morris Allen has very high authority and is even more powerful. With autonomy, there is no need to report major or minor matters to the royal capital. Many issues during the negotiation process can be decided by oneself.

  This person is quite rich. Although his father has been tested, the special envoy did not leak the news in Heihe Fort. The bottom line of the royal family still needs to be negotiated and tested by us. ." Hayden introduced Morris' background and looked at Richard expressionlessly, waiting for him to make the final decision.

  "What do you think?"

  Hayden said decisively: "I think we should exchange some resources with the royal capital, especially the breathing techniques practiced by the territorial soldiers. It is best to complete them this time. The great nobles of the Grant Kingdom at least have

  a complete set of breathing techniques in their hands. . And the breathing method our family has mastered is still incomplete. In

  a few years, Zhan Nings will be promoted to the fifth level. After he is promoted, for the sake of his future, will he join the Silver Wolf Legion? Even if we can restrict him For personal freedom, he is required to sign a long-term service contract, allowing him to serve the territory for twenty or thirty years. But will he have any complaints in his heart? Incomplete breathing is not conducive to our recruitment of outstanding talents. Now it

  seems Even if the breathing method is not complete, it will not have a great impact on the territory. In ten or twenty years, this problem will be very troublesome." After hearing

  Hayden's answer, Richard nodded with satisfaction and said: "You have considered it. Yes, it seems that my work has been tempered in recent years, and my thinking has matured a lot. Intelligence work often comes into contact with the dark side, which has a great impact on people's personalities. This work is not suitable for long periods of time. You have to be prepared in advance. I may have plans to replace him in the next year or two."

  Although Hayden is Richard's brother, it has been Richard's decision making for the two brothers since they were young. Regarding Hayden's appointment, although Richard would notify him in advance and seek his opinion, he would not be influenced by Hayden's opinion.

  The relationship between the two of them is now not only that of elder brother and younger brother, but also that of lord and territorial officer. The difference between them is very obvious.

  Because of the cruel environment, the tradition in Northern Xinjiang has always been to give priority to the weak and the weak, with little emphasis on the distinction between elder and younger.

  Hayden has adapted to this since he was a child and developed the habit of obeying Richard's orders.

  "Who are you going to appoint as the new intelligence officer of the territory?"

  "I haven't decided yet, but I am going to split the intelligence system into three aspects: military intelligence, internal intelligence, and external intelligence. Will Ruiz and Lucia Nuo and others promoted him and appointed George as intelligence adjutant."

  After hearing this, Hayden said hesitantly: "Richard, this is not how my father planned George's future. He plans to send George to the royal capital as a civil servant. ."

  Although William did not publicly state his plans for his son at the family meeting, everyone has understood William's thoughts over the years.

  The William Territory would naturally be handed over to Richard for inheritance. After all, Richard had put a lot of effort into this territory.

  Fort William is now the core territory of the Harland family. If this territory is handed over to others, Richard will definitely not give up.

  Richard is not a good-tempered person, and his prestige in the territory is at its peak. If William makes a foolish decision, human tragedy will immediately break out in the Harland family, and they will fight against each other.

  Hayden, Wendy and Richard are from the same mother and have a very close relationship. Of course, they will follow Richard to develop in the Harland territory.

  William plans to train Mrs. Ola's sons to become businessmen, scholars, and officials of the royal capital, so that they can stay away from right and wrong and avoid threatening Richard's inheritance.

  As for Ron, because he is the son of William's first love, and because Barron died in the battle, the real feelings may be deeper. I'm afraid William wants to obtain a second fief and let Ron inherit the title and become a hereditary baron.

  "I'm thinking about the development of George and the others. The intelligence system needs members of the Harland family. I will discuss this matter with my father alone." "George is only seventeen years old and has little

  experience. I'm afraid his abilities are not as good as yours." requirements, to supervise and balance intelligence officials."

  After listening to Hayden's words, Richard pondered for a moment and said: "Over the years, based on my own experience, ability is relatively secondary, and opportunity is more important. You are in charge of intelligence work You are only nineteen years old. If you don't have William's blood, you won't be qualified for the job. But judging from the subsequent results, there is no problem with you in charge of intelligence work. As long as you give George a chance, your ability can be gradually improved. After all, George

  accepts He has received a complete education, has been practicing breathing techniques for two years, and has been promoted to a high-level warrior student. His talent has followed our father's, and he can rival me and my third uncle in the practice of breathing techniques."

  "My situation is different from George. When I was in charge of intelligence work, there were not many people in the territory, and intelligence work was not very troublesome. Now the Haaland family has a population of more than 200,000, an area of ​​more than 18,000 square kilometers, and more than 10 people in the territory. There are so many things going on in this castle, and it is far more complicated and troublesome than it was at the beginning." "

  Maybe you are right, and I have no intention of promoting George to a high position all at once. He may first serve as your adjutant to assist you in managing intelligence work. This time is about two to three years."

  "Since we talked about intelligence work today, I am going to recommend an intelligence talent to you. This person's name is Vitas."

  Before Hayden could finish his words, he was hurriedly interrupted by Richard. .

  "Who are you talking about, Vitas? Isn't this person the intelligence officer of the Cisse family?" "

  You actually remember Vitas?"

  "You know that my memory is very strong, not to mention a few years ago. We have dealt with this person. Back then, Vitas caused us a lot of trouble. Even Ruiz, the current intelligence backbone of the territory, was a person installed by Vitas. " After hearing this, Hai Den laughed loudly and said: "Vitas never expected that Ruiz would choose to rebel because we cured his appendicitis. No, he should choose the side of justice." "The relationship between

  us and the Cisse family Time cannot be called justice."

  "The winner is not condemned, and the winner is always just. Because the winner writes history, but the loser can only invent history."

  Hayden's words immediately made Richard burst into laughter. Laughing, leaving Hayden confused. He really didn't know what was so funny about his words. It was just his true words.

  Richard coughed violently while laughing. Hayden's words brought his mind back to more than twenty years ago.

  At that time, Richard was still in college on Earth, and his favorite thing to do was hang out in major military history forums every day. At that time, there were countless fruit fans, and well-known celebrities were rampant in various forums.

  In his previous life, Richard had some knowledge of the history of the Republic of China because he liked to read miscellaneous books. During a quarrel with a fruit fan, he said the same classic saying as Hayden.

  This sentence immediately became a classic saying on the forum.

  Richard suppressed his cough and put away his memories. Seeing Hayden looking at him confused, he explained a few words: "It's nothing, your words reminded me of a funny thing he encountered while studying. "Could it be that Vitas came to join us because he was implicated in the internal struggle of the Cisse family?" "

  Yes, Vitas is a close associate of the previous Cisse family patriarch, Boy, and the current Cisse Baron David. After taking office, we must hold the Cisse family accountable for their failure. Vitas was used as a scapegoat by Boy, but we still relied on our strength to escape from the prison of the Cisse family." "Would Vitas hurt his own body

  ? To defraud us of our trust?"

  Intelligence work has always done everything possible.

  Hayden's own feeling was that he believed Vitas, but Richard's words made him fall into a long silence.

  Because doing intelligence work requires a heart that is suspicious of everything and always looks at problems objectively.

  "Maybe, maybe it's possible."

  After a long time, Hayden answered Richard's question uncertainly.

  "Although Vitas is a talent, he was not trained by us. This person can be used, but he cannot be reused. You can make him responsible for part of the external intelligence and be stationed in Fort William. How to use this person and grasp the scale is up to you

  . It's about something."

  The two talked for a long time, involving aspects of the land, and had dinner together at noon before Richard sent Hayden away.

  A few days later, the royal envoy came to the territory. Richard did not dare to neglect and entertained Maurice Allen very politely.

  Morris and his entourage spent several days wandering around Haaland's territory.

  Although Richard was unwilling to let him investigate the reality of the territory, due to Maurice's special status, Richard could not restrict his freedom, let alone expel the king's envoy.

  However, Richard still prohibited him from visiting places such as factories, mines, schools, research institutes, mage towers, and hospitals that involved confidentiality. Even if Morris showed some dissatisfaction, Richard would not change his determination easily.

  After wandering around the Harland Territory for a few days, I secretly estimated the strength of the Harland Territory. Morris was also secretly alarmed by the speed of development of Haaland's territory.

  According to Morris's observation, the strength of the Harland family is now comparable to that of the weaker earldom.

  If a family wants to be promoted to earl, it often requires the efforts of several generations. The Grant family's promotion from baron to earl also took four generations of hard work and more than 160 years. Then through the struggle of the eleventh generation of earls, he became the Duke of the Kingdom of Venus. Finally, the sixth generation of Dukes seized the opportunity and overthrew the rule of the Kingdom of Venus.

  From baron to king, it took the Grant family a thousand years.

  For the Harland family to develop to this point in just over ten years, Richard's abilities must be far beyond ordinary people.

  There are some such people in the history of the Dawn Plane. They are often recorded in history books and are legendary figures.

  Richard's performance surpassed that of the Grant family's ancestors. Morris was also a little wary of such people, and he was unwilling to offend the Harland family and cause trouble for himself.

  Morris has also seen the griffon with his own eyes in the past few days. Obtaining the griffon is his main task. He found Richard and said straight to the point: "Viscount Richard, can I take the liberty to ask if you have caught it?" How many griffons are there?"

  Richard made a pot of elf black tea and poured a cup for Morris.

  Morris did not act like a royal noble, and thanked him very politely.

  "There are nineteen gryphons in total, of which thirteen are adults and six are sub-adults."

  Hearing the answer given by Richard, Morris nodded and thought to himself: "Nineteen gryphons are already a complete As long as we are willing to spend a certain amount of time and continuously invest resources, we can breed a griffon army based on this group of griffons."

  "Viscount Richard, you must have guessed my purpose of coming. Do you have any plans to trade these nineteen griffons with the Royal Capital?" Richard took a sip of tea, moistened his throat and said, "How are the

  Royal Capital prepared? Trading?"

  "Normally, the price of a griffin is about five thousand gold coins, but the price of a group of griffons will be much more expensive. I'll give you a lowdown here. The royal family is prepared to pay double the premium. You can use the breathing method , Tenghui potions, gold coins, magic crystals, enchanted equipment, magic knowledge and other resources in exchange."

  After hearing Morris's conditions, Richard secretly calculated: "The conditions given by the royal capital are quite fair. If ten lions are given up, The resources of a lion can be exchanged for approximately one hundred thousand gold coins. However, the price of a complete set of breathing techniques is equivalent to one hundred thousand gold coins. Ten griffons can only be exchanged for one set of breathing techniques. Such an exchange price is too disadvantageous."

  In the Grant Kingdom's military merit system, one extraordinary meritorious service can be exchanged for a barony, and a complete breathing method can be exchanged for it. In total, it takes about one extraordinary meritorious service. Breathing techniques exchanged in the army must sign a royal power contract. The first generation cannot be taught to others, which limits the speed of the spread of breathing techniques.

  The average baron noble basically does not have a complete breathing method, which can be redeemed to the tenth level. It is very rare to practice to a seventh level warrior.

  (End of chapter)

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