Chapter 22 Attacking Skirmishers

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  Chapter 22 Attack on Skirmishers
  The three Richard brothers had Warcraft mounts and led more than thirty mounted infantrymen to follow Lieutenant Colonel Marvin.

  Lieutenant Colonel Marvin is a scout directly under the legion and can receive military information from all aspects.

  As the news continued to be compiled, Richard received more and more intelligence, and gradually figured out the general situation of the war.

  In this war, the Orc Empire launched attacks from five directions: the Kingdom of Grant, the Kingdom of Lane, the Grand Duchy of Stanik, the Principality of Larson, and the Principality of Chromia. The attack range of the orcs is very large, covering a very wide area, with a length of three thousand kilometers, and the orcs are everywhere.

  Almost all the countries in the northern part of Dawn Continent were invaded by orcs.

  The orc army that entered Grant Kingdom was divided into three directions and formed three front armies.

  The Western Front invaded the territory of Duke Fox from the Vera Mountains, captured more than a dozen castles, and killed five barons.

  The legion commanded by Duke Fox could not resist, and the nearby Dukes Edward and York had already sent reinforcements. On the Western Front battlefield, the Grant Kingdom had suffered a lot, with more than 20,000 soldiers killed or injured.

  The Orc Eastern Front crossed the Annes Mountains and entered the territory of Duke Jonathan. It has not yet broken through Duke Jonathan's defense line and is in a stalemate.

  The Grizzly Bear Legion is stationed not far from the Dukedom of Jonathan, and is temporarily acting as a reserve force to guard against the orcs increasing their troops on the eastern front.

  The Chinese Front Army is the main force of the orc army, attacking Black River Fort and Flame Fort in two directions.

  The orcs have made a major breakthrough in the direction of Black River Fort.

  Having broken through the defense line at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountain Range, the Black River Fort is being stormed, and the scouts have penetrated into the Dragon Canyon.

  Harpy Inspectors even appeared over Fort Wright.

  The Grant Kingdom Knight Academy has been fully mobilized to form the Academy Knights, launching a brutal strangulation battle to hunt down the orc scouts and sentries.

  The Feiyan Legion also entered the battlefield, threatening the orcs' food routes from the sides and rear, and cooperating with the main force of the Northern Army.

  The orc army in the direction of Flame Castle is divided into two groups, and the main two legions threaten the direction of Flame Castle. There are also seven large groups of orcs attacking the Platos Mountains to act as surprise troops.

  In the direction of the Platos Mountains, the Orc forward group underestimated the enemy and rushed forward, but was annihilated by Baron Harden in cooperation with the Eighth Group.

  In the ensuing siege, the orc army was poorly prepared, and the defenders seized the opportunity and killed and wounded more than a thousand people from both inside and outside.

  Orc commander Gund personally visited the battlefield, learned from the experience of two failed battles, and reduced the two brigades to enrich the organization. The integrated forces used their superior strength to capture half of the fortress of Platos, breaking the deadlock in one fell swoop and regaining the upper hand.

  At the critical moment when Gunderson continued his efforts, preparing to annihilate the 8th Brigade and completely break through the Platos defense line, Baron Harden led his cavalry to attack the Orc transport troops and burned the Orcs' food and fodder.

  The Un'Goro Brigade is responsible for escorting grain and grass equipment and protecting transportation routes. This brigade was attacked several times by Baron Harden's cavalry, and the losses were already very serious. It is already very difficult to protect the grain road, and it is impossible to mobilize troops to participate in the attack.

  With no choice but to divide his troops, Gunderson sent the Silver Moon Wolf Cavalry Brigade to track and kill the Baron Harden Cavalry Regiment. The Walder Brigade was sent to bypass the defense line and capture the Stopa Barony by surprise to collect food for the main force.

  The remaining two brigades attacked the Platos fortress complex and suffered heavy casualties. Being restrained by the main force of the Eighth Battalion, they could not easily withdraw their troops.

  Lieutenant Colonel Marvin had a very keen sense of battlefield. When he appeared in the Baron of Stopa with his cavalry, he found that the orcs had begun to shrink their troops.

  If the Wald brigade is allowed to concentrate its forces, four and a half squadrons of orcs will be a considerable force. Appearing on any battlefield, he is a heavy weight that can change the situation of Platos's defense line.

  After entering Stopa's territory, investigation revealed that dozens of orcs were escorting prisoners to Vic Castle. Lieutenant Colonel Marvin decisively launched an attack. Although Richard fought very bravely, there were too many soldiers this time and he failed to kill the professional in the battle.

  The third-level snakehead who led the team was directly killed by Lieutenant Colonel Marvin. The remaining orcs' bloodline was not mature enough. Richard shot two orcs and failed to achieve any merit.

  However, in this battle, they rescued more than 1,300 human prisoners.

  Compared to orcs, humans have a much better level of development and have higher IQ than most orcs. Orc slaves are of high value in the human kingdom, and human captives are also a precious resource in the orc empire.

  Many of the great orc nobles would keep human slaves in captivity and let the human slaves make weapons and equipment to serve as logistical units. There are even human magicians who serve the orc empire, providing the orcs with magic items.

  Lieutenant Colonel Marvin's men were all reconnaissance cavalry, and it was impossible to take the refugees with him.

  Richard ordered Hayden to take a few soldiers and settle the refugees in a nearby dilapidated village. He and Ron fought with Lieutenant Colonel Marvin.

  Lieutenant Colonel Marvin sent out reconnaissance cavalry on a large scale.

  They appeared very suddenly in Stopa's territory and caught the orcs off guard. They captured three orc squads in a short period of time and killed more than 160 orcs in total.

  This time, Richard finally seized the opportunity and shot the second-level goat body, once again achieving two small feats.

  The experience value has once again increased by 1,000 points. Richard has accumulated 2,500 experience points, but cannot upgrade his skills yet. Looking at the increased experience, Richard took advantage of the break in the battle to silently open the attribute panel.

  Richard Harland

  Strength: 8.7
  Agility: 2.6
  Physical: 3.9
  Mental Power: 9.1
  Mad Lion Legion Breathing Technique: Level 4 (1302/10000)

  Grant Kingdom Basic Swordsmanship: Level 3 (589/4000)

  Archery: Level 4 ( 601/10000)

  Riding Skill: Level 3 (523/4000)

  Northern Legion Fighting Skill: Level 3 (106/4000)

  Experience: 2500
  In recent days, the experience has increased slightly, and the physical attribute has increased by 0.1 points.

  Richard inherited William's talent, and his natural physical fitness exceeded that of ordinary people. He is not yet an adult. He has joined the Mad Lion Legion for more than two months, and his physical attributes have increased slightly.

  However, according to Richard's estimation, his physical potential has basically been fulfilled and it will be difficult to improve in the future.

  Although Richard is only a first-level professional, his physical attributes are enough to compete with second-level professionals. Various combat skills have been honed to a very mature level, especially archery. There are probably less than five people in the Eighth Battalion who are better than him.

  Even when facing a third-level professional, Richard's chance of winning is still very high, especially when the distance is far away. Without good enchanted armor and enchanted shield, Richard can easily shoot the enemy.

  In a close fight, Richard's attributes, swordsmanship, and fighting skills are enough to compete with ordinary third-level professionals.

  (End of chapter)

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