Chapter 21: Strong walls and clear fields

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  Chapter 21 Strong Walls and Clear Fields
  This beam of light is a magic energy ray inherited from the Iron Wild Horse's bloodline.

  If you want to unleash the power of Warcraft mounts and let Warcraft activate magic at the right time, you need to have very good riding skills.

  In particular, low-level monsters are not smart enough and cannot communicate well, so they often need more guidance and training from knights.

  Fortunately, Richard's riding skills have improved to level three, otherwise it would be difficult for him to seize the opportunity.

  If you cannot seize the opportunity and use spells inappropriately, you may accidentally injure friendly forces.

  The training of Warcraft Cavalry is not an easy task.

  The energy ray hit Ortaeus hard, severely damaging the kobold in an instant.

  Orteus tried to struggle to get up, but Richard on his iron horned horse trampled on him fiercely.

  Being trampled by the heavy Warcraft horse, Ortaeus' sternum was immediately shattered, and it seemed that he would not survive.

  Richard drew out his sword and threw it with all his strength, piercing the kobold commander's back of the heart and delivering the final blow.

  Letting the monsters kill the enemy, Richard has no experience to gain.

  "Killing the second-level kobold will reward you with 1,000 experience points."

  In just one day, Richard gained 1,500 killing experience points.

  Unfortunately, the breakthrough time of each skill is short, and it cannot be advanced in a short period of time, allowing the combat ability to be improved again.

  Richard killed the kobold, and Ron, who was following him, leaned out, grabbed the body of the kobold officer on the horse, and picked up the enchanted arm shield used by the kobold.

  This shield is an enchanted weapon. Although it is damaged, it should still be usable after repairing it.

  Richard continued to urge the iron horned horse, took out the battle ax hanging on the saddle, waved it with both hands, and fiercely opened the heavy camp door.

  Before the kobolds in the camp could organize an effective formation, they saw the gate of the camp being broken open, and squadron leader Orteus died at the hands of human cavalry.

  They were immediately filled with despair, shouted out one after another, and chose to flee for their lives in a panic.

  Richard rode an iron horned horse, brandishing a huge ax, and swung by with thunderous force. With the sound of cutting through the armor, the two kobold soldiers were suddenly dismembered.

  The scout cavalry followed Richard and rushed into the camp, slashing and killing them. In less than half an hour, all the kobolds in the camp were slaughtered.

  War is always a matter of life and death!

  Especially the Northern War involves the racial survival rights of humans and orcs.

  The war between the two sides is more cruel. Even the soldiers with weaker combat effectiveness usually do not surrender, but fight to the last soldier.

  Richard cleaned up the battlefield and wiped out the entire kobold squadron today, and captured only thirteen injured kobold soldiers.

  After the battle, Lieutenant Colonel Marvin jumped off his horse and asked Diarra: "How are your casualties?" "

  Six were killed and thirteen were injured."

  "Although you are an infantry squadron, your riding skills are You must also pay close attention to training. I observed during the charge that your casualties were caused by falling off your horse. This is not acceptable." Seeing

  Lieutenant Colonel Marvin's careful observation, Diarra smiled bitterly and said: "Our squadron does not have a cavalry unit. I want to practice. The conditions for riding skills are not sufficient."

  "Our brigade has recruited some horses. They may not be good enough to be used as war horses, but they can be used to train riding skills. These more than thirty horses will be handed over to you after returning to the city, and you can use them at your leisure. Time, hurry up and train!"

  Diarra was particularly happy to receive this unexpected supplement from Lieutenant Colonel Marvin.

  This part of the horses was collected from Baron Harden Castle.

  Although the Sixth Squadron is stationed at the Baron Castle, it is difficult to collect and mobilize supplies from the Baron Castle. Especially the war supplies were in the hands of the serf army. Without Baron Harden's order, Diarra could not command the serf army at all.

  Diarra only has the rank of captain, and the serf army officer rank is similar to Diarra. If the two sides have no direct affiliation and do not control each other, their forces cannot be integrated together.

  After Lieutenant Colonel Marvin arrived at the castle, the situation immediately changed. With the rank of lieutenant colonel, he is already a mid- to senior-level officer in the Mad Lion Legion.

  If the serf army did not obey the orders of Lieutenant Colonel Marvin, and the regiment commander granted the lieutenant colonel arbitrary power on an emergency basis, Lieutenant Colonel Marvin could legally kill them.

  After winning the battle, Commander Marvin seemed very happy. He waved his hand and said: "We fought well today. I will give everyone credit." According to convention, the

  total annihilation of the kobold squadron should be worth a medium credit.

  However, there were many soldiers and officers participating in the battle. After more than a dozen officers were divided, only a small part was given to Richard.

  According to the regulations of the Mad Lion Legion, merit reporting documents must be made public and subject to the supervision of soldiers and grassroots officers.

  Lieutenant Colonel Marvin's merit report documents have been posted. In this battle, Richard made four small merits in total.

  The investigation mission was successfully completed and a small merit was achieved.

  The surprise attack mission was a complete success and a small achievement was achieved.

  Kill the second-level kobold squadron leader and receive two minor merits.

  Including these four small skills, Richard has already accumulated two medium skills and one small skill in less than two months after joining the Mad Lion Legion.

  Once a war breaks out, outstanding officers can easily accumulate meritorious service.

  Other officers of the Sixth Squadron also made some achievements. Squadron Leader Diarra received a small merit, and Ron also received a small merit for killing a first-order kobold professional during the reconnaissance mission.

  Of course, Ron's credit was given to Richard, and the military judge who reported the credit also knew it well. After returning to the Baron's castle, Diarra took over the horses from the legion's reconnaissance brigade.

  Marvin also conveyed the order to strengthen the walls and clear the country. He ordered the destruction of farmland and wells, the burning of houses, and the migration of free people and serfs from more than ten villages in the baronial territory to the baron's castle.

  As a result, Baron Harden's business operations in recent years have come to naught and he has lost a lot of money. At the same time, Marvin led the scouts around the Baron's castle, hunting orc scouts.

  The report of merit was quickly delivered to the Flame Castle.

  During the war, everything was kept simple, and the approval of various paperwork was very fast. After the military judge at the legion headquarters approved the kobold head, the meritorious service was quickly distributed.

  After Ron had the battle merit in his hands, he immediately exchanged it for the fourth-level breathing method and took the time to practice, hoping to break through and become a professional as soon as possible.

  After this battle, the three Richard brothers followed Lieutenant Colonel Marvin and participated in several reconnaissance missions.

  These missions went very smoothly and there was no fighting with the enemy.

  The intelligence detected was of average importance and did not achieve any meritorious service.

  As the intelligence becomes clearer and clearer, the fog of war gradually lifts.

  Lieutenant Colonel Marvin once again called a meeting of key officers. A simple map was placed in the middle of the conference room, and the lieutenant colonel's face became very solemn.

  "I received news yesterday that Vicksburg was lost a few days ago. Baron Stopa was killed and all the defenders were killed. There are about four or five squadrons of orcs who captured Vick Castle and are spreading out to capture Stopa. The baron's subjects.

  After the kobold squadron was annihilated by us, the orcs began to mobilize reinforcements, and these reinforcements came from the baron of Stopa. In order to turn passivity into initiative, I decided to take the initiative, attack the scattered orcs, and control the war in Sri Lanka. The cavalry in the barony of Topa and

  the castle all accompanied me to participate in this war. I ordered Captain Diarra to be the commander of the city defense, with full authority to command all the soldiers to defend the city. The serf troops in the city must obey Captain Diarra's orders. ”

  (End of chapter)

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