Chapter 205 Legendary Battle

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  Chapter 205 Legendary Battle
  Duke Roger is stationed at Gordon Castle on the north bank of the Oram River, more than ten kilometers away from the river bank.

  The coalition of three earls in the south wanted to go to Nolan to relieve the siege and prevent King Charles from being overthrown. They could only take the initiative to go north, give up their water warfare advantage, and take the initiative to find Duke Roger to fight.

  After crossing the Oram River, there is an endless plain. There is no waterway to go on the next journey to Nolan.

  Roger has Warcraft Cavalry under his command. If this trouble cannot be solved, Roger can attack the 100-kilometer logistics line from the Oram River to Nolan at any time.

  Therefore, if the three southern earls' coalition wants to relieve Nolan's crisis, they must first defeat Roger.

  It was already evening when the three Earls' coalition forces arrived at Gordon Castle.

  Duke Roger stood at the top of Goldenberg City and looked at the setting sun, suddenly feeling a cold and majestic feeling.

  The setting sun is like blood, and it is so brilliant when it sets from the horizon.

  Roger stared at the three Earls' coalition, and he was a little confused. If they were so eager to fight, why did they arrive at the city only in the evening?
  After walking all day and setting up camp at night, this was a serious test for the physical strength of the soldiers.

  If you don't have a very elite and powerful army, you simply can't do this.

  Although the soldiers under the Third Earl of the South were considered regular troops, they were stronger than the second-line army, far inferior to the main army in Northern Xinjiang, and even a little worse than the coalition of nobles in Northern Xinjiang.

  The three earls were all experienced men and had many years of experience in leading troops. They actually took the initiative to give Roger an opportunity to exploit.

  Roger also suspected it was a trap, but he had commanded cavalry for many years and liked to take risks when leading troops in war.

  An excellent cavalry commander must have a strong proactive offensive spirit. Many times when attacking, the commander must be required to take risks.

  Now that the fighter plane has appeared, Roger will certainly not let it go. He sends scouts to continuously harass the three counts' coalition.

  While investigating information, look for traps.

  At about ten o'clock in the evening, the Southern Allied Forces had just set up camp, and Roger immediately led his troops to launch a surprise attack.

  The Warcraft Cavalry commanded by Roger was very elite and easily broke through the defense line of the Three Earls.

  The quality of the coalition forces was very poor. They were attacked by the Warcraft Cavalry, and the dense crowd suddenly fell into chaos.

  The thundering sound of fighting drowned the Southern Allied Forces camp.

  The Southern Allied Forces encountered a surprise attack. They were blind and unprepared, and a camp roar broke out. The more than 30,000 troops immediately lost their organization and began to collapse on a large scale.

  "Why are the Southern Allied Forces so inferior in combat effectiveness? They seem like serf soldiers."

  An idea came to Duke Roger's mind, and he decided to withdraw his troops and stop the pursuit.

  But the defeated enemy was like a delicious piece of fat, making Duke Roger feel like he couldn't stop.

  Because the enemy was defeated so easily, the Warcraft Cavalry led by Duke Roger pursued them far away, and the formation was somewhat out of touch.

  Just when Duke Roger was about to stop and reorganize his team, an elite group of Warcraft cavalry suddenly appeared.

  Although this group of Warcraft cavalry only has 800 people, it is the essence accumulated by the three count families in the south for many years. Every Warcraft cavalry is a professional, and the Warcraft horses are also carefully selected. Many of the war horses are second-level Warcraft. It seems that the equipment is better than that of the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade of the Northern Army.

  Seeing this group of Warcraft cavalry, Roger immediately ordered a retreat, but the order was conveyed a little late.

  The dozens of cavalrymen who rushed at the front were surrounded by the Confederate Allied Forces and were quickly wiped out by the enemy.

  The south is not famous for its Warcraft cavalry, but the combat effectiveness of this cavalry is extraordinary. Almost everyone is wearing enchanted armor, which shines with a chilling light in the moonlight. They hold polished and shiny enchanted shields in their hands. There was a bloodthirsty madness on the soldier's hot face.

  Faced with the siege of the Confederate Warcraft Cavalry, Roger led his soldiers to flee wildly.

  In this situation, once someone catches you. Even a ninth-level legendary knight like Roger might die in a melee.

  After all, even a legendary warrior cannot withstand being attacked by dozens or hundreds of spells.

  On the battle formation, many legendary knights and legendary magicians died. Although Roger was a powerful knight, he did not dare to lead dozens of soldiers to fight hundreds of Warcraft cavalry.

  The two sides chased and escaped, and soon came to the vicinity of Fort Gordon.

  "Raise the fire."

  Roger shouted, and the soldiers around him lit the rockets, igniting the firewood that had been piled outside Fort Gordon in advance.

  The raging fire illuminated the outside of Fort Gordon red.

  The trebuchet operators on the top of the city could already clearly see the enemy's position by the light of the fire.

  As the bugle sounded, the counterweight trebuchet crew began loading stone bombs.

  Compared with the torque trebuchet, the counterweight trebuchet is more accurate, and it is easier for the trebuchet operator to gain experience.

  If it were daytime, the Warcraft Cavalry under the Southern Allied Forces would naturally not approach the walls of Fort Gordon easily and enter the range of the heavy trebuchets.

  After all, it is very difficult to train a Warcraft Cavalry, which requires a large investment in personnel and capital costs.

  The three counts had accumulated for many years, but their combined strength was only a thousand Warcraft Cavalry.

  This time they went north to relieve the siege and brought 800 cavalry at once, just to hunt Duke Roger.

  However, the vision was weak in the dark night, and it was difficult to grasp the direction and distance. In addition, it was not far from Duke Roger, so the cavalry commander of the Southern Allied Forces took the risk to get close to the city wall and entered the range of the heavy trebuchet.

  Duke Roger himself made the bait, so the power of the trap was naturally extraordinary.

  There are more than 100 trebuchets of various sizes installed in Fort Gordon, including 80 counterweight trebuchets and 60 torque trebuchets. These trebuchets threw out stone projectiles one after another, like falling meteors.

  Even a sixth-level professional has no ability to withstand a 200-pound stone bullet falling from the sky.

  As long as they are hit by giant stone bullets, even people and horses will become meat patties.

  Only a big guy like a rhinoceros with rough skin and thick flesh can withstand one or two heavy stone bullets.

  After several rounds of stone bombs, the losses of the Confederate Allied Forces exceeded 100 cavalry. For the Warcraft Cavalry, which only had a total of 800 cavalry, this loss could be described as crippling.

  Seeing Duke Roger walking around the city, the Confederate Warcraft Cavalry did not dare to pursue him.

  Just when Duke Roger was relieved, a surprise attack suddenly appeared.

  A bolt of lightning pierced the night sky and hit Duke Roger. It was a four-ring magic lightning spell.

  Although lightning magic is only a four-ring magic, Duke Roger doesn't dare to underestimate it at all.

  The power of magic depends not only on the number of rings, but also on the amount of magic invested.

  A powerful four-ring magic, if you invest 60 points of spiritual power, it is not uncommon to kill a legend.

  Seeing the lightning coming, the fire dragon colt under Duke Roger's crotch immediately released a magic shield to block the lightning.

  Roger's body lit up with a magical aura, and he used the seven-ring magic holy light in his blood to protect him, including his people and horses, in the magical aura.

  This lightning spell was indeed a powerful magic, easily penetrating two defenses and hitting Roger hard.

  Roger secretly estimated that the power of this lightning spell was much more than the nine-ring magic, and its power was only slightly worse than the legendary magic. The amount of mental energy invested is estimated to be over twenty-six points.

  The powerful lightning technique immediately severely injured Roger, making him feel numb all over his body.

  Before Roger could relax, a fireball hit Roger.

  The diameter of this fireball is more than one meter, and it looks like a powerful magic that has invested more than 20 points of spiritual power.

  Roger's body was struck by lightning, and he was still in a numb state, with no time to dodge.

  Fortunately, the fire dragon colt had good magic resistance and broke out of the numb state in advance, immediately spitting out a mouthful of flames.

  The flames collided with the fireball, and there was a loud noise. A wave of heat swept over, burning Roger's flesh. The strong sting finally made him wake up a little.

  "The attacker is a legendary magician!" A thought flashed through Roger's mind, but he didn't know anything about this mysterious legendary magician.

  Seeing that the attacking magician was about to release another spell, Roger's warcraft cavalry unfurled their bows and fired arrows at the enemy.

  A layer of magic aura lit up on the attacker's body, easily blocking the incoming arrows, which were surprisingly second-ring magic protection arrows.

  A second-ring magic actually blocked dozens of enchanted crossbow arrows. It can block dozens of arrows from Warcraft Cavalry at one time, and the amount of mental power invested in it exceeds at least ten points.

  In just three magic spells, according to Roger's estimation, close to fifty points of mental power should be invested. Even a legendary magician should have consumed more than half of his magic power.

  In fact, Roger didn't know much about the legendary magician's combat power. If his mental power exceeded fifty points, he would inevitably awaken several special magic talents.

  Generally speaking, if the mental power exceeds 20 points, danger perception and meditation acceleration type talents will be awakened. If the mental power exceeds 30 points, talents such as spell delay, spell range increase, and spell broadening will be awakened. If the mental power exceeds 40 points, Powerful talents such as powerful spellcasting and magic doubling will be awakened.

  After entering the legend, you will also awaken talents that change the nature of life, such as elemental resistance, life advancement, and soul eternity.

  If a second-level legendary magician mastered the two talents of super long magic power and powerful spell casting, the spell just released would probably consume only ten points of mental energy.

  When the Warcraft Cavalry under Roger saw that the attacker had blocked the arrows, they immediately let their mounts fire magic missiles.

  Dozens of magic missiles hit the attackers. Even the legendary magician, whose magic resistance far exceeded that of ordinary people, did not dare to resist dozens of magic attacks.

  The attacker immediately used a transformation spell to avoid the wave of magic missiles.

  Dozens of magic missiles hit the open space, causing dust and gravel to fly everywhere.

  After dodging dozens of energy missiles, the legendary magician once again released the seven-ring magic rainbow jet, spraying an energy ray at Roger.

  It seems that this legend will not stop until he kills Roger. Even if Roger is under the protection of the army, the trouble must be solved once and for all.

  Facing this seven-ring magic, Roger was powerless to stop it.

  Seeing that Roger was about to be killed, a gem on his chest shimmered.

  Three figures appeared next to Roger. These three people are senior members of the Grant Mage Association, and the leader is Pansy Grant. As soon as
  this nine-ring magician appeared, he immediately released a seven-ring magic spell reversal, which reflected most of the energy of the rainbow light.

  Some of the remaining energy rays were also blocked by the magic shield.

  Even though reinforcements appeared around Roger, the attackers remained unfazed. He stretched out his hand and immediately released an eight-ring magic to banish the alien plane.

  This magic was extremely effective, banishing Pansy and the three of them to an alien plane in no time.

  If you want to come back from an alien plane, you need to be proficient in space geometry, plane geometry and other subjects.

  Even the legendary knight, if his magic resistance is not enough, is hit by this spell and falls to an alien plane, it will be difficult for him to come back smoothly, and there is a high probability that he will be trapped in the alien plane and die.

  However, Pansy and others are all knowledgeable magicians and are proficient in plane and space science. Although they can return, it will take some time.

  After banishing Pansy and the other three, the legendary magician who made the sneak attack had very little magic power left, and immediately released a six-ring magic chain of lightning.

  Groups of electric snakes gathered around him and turned into a long snake, hitting Roger again.

  Roger shouted, and countless flames jumped out of his body, and his whole body was like a real fire element.

  Flames ignited from Roger's body, igniting the branches and leaves of the trees at his feet. Balls of flames burned around Roger, and a flaming sword suddenly appeared on his hands.

  The flaming sword stabbed the electric snake hard, and the powerful force on the electric snake immediately knocked Roger away more than ten meters.

  Seeing that the attacker was about to release magic again, the soldiers around Roger looked at each other in shock. They never expected that the attacker would be so difficult to deal with.

  The powerful Duke Roger was powerless to resist this mysterious attacker. It was as easy as an adult beating a child.

  Roger's guards had experienced battles for a long time and had considerable mental strength. They restrained their fear and panic and at the same time loosened their bowstrings. Then he activated the Warcraft horse and raised his shield to protect Roger.

  Just when the sneak attack legendary magician launched his final blow, a bright sword light appeared from behind the attacker.

  When the sword light appeared, the attacker looked shocked and showed an expression of disbelief.

  The one who slashed out this sword light was the old Duke Brener, who was rumored to have died long ago.

  "This is a successful deception, isn't it? What should I call you, the legendary magician Thunder Flame Rose? Or Elena of the Venus family?" Duke Brener

  is a third-level legend who lived in the Dawn Continent thirty years ago. He can also be called the strongest among hundreds of legendary professionals.

  His sword had countless variations, blocking all of Elena's escape routes. The powerful sword intent froze the nearby space, and all of Elena's space spells were unable to be used.

  Unless he was in his prime and exhausted his mental energy to release the legendary magic space transformation, he would have a chance to escape this terrible sword.

  The timing of Duke Brener's attack was perfect. He was even mentally prepared to sacrifice Roger. He chose the moment when Elena's magic power was low and struck out a fatal sword.

  Normally speaking, the third-level Duke Brenner's combat power is much stronger than the first-level legendary Elena, but because the magician has mastered many mysterious methods, neither one of them can do anything to the other.

  Moreover, Duke Brenner was successfully plotted by the Venus family. Although his own strength was beyond the expectations of the Venus family and he could hold on for a while longer and take action once, but against the legendary magician, even if Pansy and Roger were added, There is no chance of winning.

  Because the legendary magician can come and go freely, he has the initiative in the battle.

  This time, Duke Brenner used a trick to fake his death and encouraged King Charles to stage a palace coup, sacrificing Prince Chris and a lot of other important figures. Only then did he hide it from the Venus family and let the secret enemy take the initiative to jump out.

  Then he used Roger, the first heir of the Grant Kingdom, as bait to successfully attack Elena, the legendary magician of the Venus family.

  Duke Brener's sword put Elena into a certain death situation.

  Elena wanted to use the space door to escape, but found that the space had been fixed by the sword, and it was impossible to open a different space in a short time.

  A ray of crystal light flashed across her eyes, and in an instant Elena saw her head falling to the ground.

  There was no trace of fear on her face, but a strange smile appeared on her face, as if she was mocking Duke Brener.

  After killing the enemy, Duke Brenner seemed to have exhausted his last bit of strength and said weakly to Roger: "The Royal Guards have arrived nearby, can you still command the battle?"

  Duke Roger held the sword tightly and said : "Of course."

  "Children, the future of the Grant family is entrusted to you."

  After saying this, Duke Brener exhausted his last bit of strength and slowly closed his eyes.

  Roger held back his tears, suppressed his sadness, and immediately sent soldiers to contact the Praetorian Guards. The warcraft cavalry of the Southern Allied Forces were surrounded by front and rear attacks.

  Seeing the appearance of the Royal Guards, the three earls felt that disaster was imminent.

  One careless move and everything will be lost.

  Realizing that the situation was over, some of the Warcraft Cavalry members fled and rebelled.

  The three earls were very decisive and immediately fled to the south bank of the Oram River with their cronies.

  They didn't even dare to return to their territory, and fled into the Delong Kingdom to seek refuge.

  The Kingdom of Delon and the Kingdom of Grant have serious territorial disputes, and the two countries have had border conflicts for hundreds of years.

  The Duke of Guise and the Duke of Duran were once great nobles of the Kingdom of Delon, and joined the Kingdom of Grant with their territories.

  If the three southern Earls can join the Delon Kingdom with their territory, the situation in the southern part of the Grant Kingdom will become very dangerous.

  In order to avoid the worst situation, Roger had no time to feel sad and sent people to collect the body of Duke Brener. With serious injuries, he personally commanded the Royal Guards and easily surrounded and annihilated the three counts' coalition forces. Then without rest, he led the army south to quell the rebellion the next day.

  Duke Roger led his troops to put down the rebellion very quickly. Before the three counts could contact the Kingdom of Delon, Roger's army captured the territories of the three counts and turned the three southern counts into provinces directly under the royal family.

  This time the Grant family lured the snake out of the hole. Although Duke Brenner died, they eliminated the hidden dangers and captured three wealthy provinces in the south, making them stronger.

  After receiving the news of the defeat of the South and the death of the family's legendary magician Elena, the members of the Venus family in the Gascoigne Province were immediately in big trouble.

  (End of chapter)

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