Chapter 204 The situation reverses

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  Chapter 204 The situation reversed and
  entered the dawn calendar year 3260, and the situation in the Grant Kingdom became dizzying.

  First came the news that Marshal Brenner was poisoned by the Warda family, and then King Charles launched a palace coup, killing the Queen, Mrs. Duran, her son Prince Chris, and even his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Jonathan, were not involved in the palace coup. survived.

  Marshal Brenner is the pillar of the Grant Kingdom. Even the top brass of the Orc Empire are very afraid of this old marshal and are unwilling to break out a full-scale war with the Grant Kingdom. They only carry out harassing raids southward every year.

  Before everyone could recover from the news that Count Warda had murdered Duke Brenner, King Charles actually launched a palace coup, which was bloody, and took the initiative to provoke a civil war in the Kingdom of Grant.

  After more than ten days, almost all the nobles took action. The five Dukes, Jonathan, York, Roger, Duran, and Nolan, all raised armies to overthrow the rule of King Charles and elect Prince Roger to take over the throne.

  The situation changed so quickly that it soon went beyond the control of the Venus family.

  The Venus family secretly exchanged the water of life that Count Warda gave to Duke Brenner. They planned to remove Brenner, cut off the arms of the Grant royal family, and get rid of Earl Warda in the south.

  Unexpectedly, King Charles launched a palace coup very decisively after Brener's death, and a civil war immediately broke out in the Grant family.

  Seeing that the Lach Province is in a fight, a war is about to break out in the Geda Province.

  Gascoigne Province seemed to have not received the news and was as stable as a rock.

  Charlemagne, the leader of the Wild Lion Legion, Baron Harden, and Viscount Anthony, three members of the Venus family, held a dinner party to start secret discussions.

  "The situation has exceeded our expectations. Although the war broke out, there is a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves. According to our deduction, once the Duke of York leads troops to attack Nolan, the Royal Guards will immediately rebel, and the Kingdom of Charles will not be able to support it for too long. time."

  "What should we do now? Should we use the banner of the Venus family to capture several provinces?"

  "No, once Roger is firmly on the throne, there is a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves. Even if we separate ourselves, we have no chance of winning."

  Charlemagne knocked on the table and said: "There is also a very crucial point. If we publicly fight Wiener Under the banner of the Si family, the Mad Lion Army may not be willing to fight with the Venus family.

  Although I have a high prestige in the Mad Lion Army, it is still not as influential as the Grant family for hundreds of years. I am afraid that the soldiers and officers of the Mad Lion Army They are unwilling to follow us and fight against the Grant royal family. According to my idea, the balance of power between the two sides must be maintained. Whichever side is weak, join whichever side. Only when the situation is chaotic can we fish in troubled waters and achieve better development. ."

  Viscount Anthony nodded and said: "Charlemagne is right, we must mobilize openly to support King Charles. The Mad Lion Legion, the coalition of nobles in Gascoigne Province, will soon go south to lead troops to quell the rebellion." The Venus

  family Several members of the group had great influence in the Gascoigne province.

  Once they made a decision, the Gascoigne Province immediately mobilized, and the Mad Lions led the coalition of Gascoigne nobles and went south to support King Charles in his battle.

  King Charles was already in dire straits and had already planned to escape. Unexpectedly, the Gascoigne Province actually sent reinforcements.

  Even the earls in the south began to mobilize. The three earls of Warda, Cloverford, and Meslin joined forces with 30,000 troops to also reinforce the royal capital.

  The two earls of Cloverfield and Merlins are already secretly controlled by the Venus family. Although Earl Warda is loyal to the Grant royal family, he can only join King Charles' side because he poisoned Duke Brenner.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can now see that King Charles has been suppressed by Duke Brenner for decades and hates Duke Brenner to the core. However, the situation requires that King Charles must respect the old Duke. Only in this way can he command the Royal Guards. backbone.

  With reinforcements on the two southern fronts, the Kingdom of Charles suddenly became more confident and felt that it had a chance of winning. He decided to give a speech to the Guards in person to boost their morale and stabilize their morale.

  "There are rumors outside that I launched a military coup! This is undoubtedly a lie and a frame-up!

  It was Chris and Melissa Duran who launched the military coup. It was they who poisoned Duke Brenner, murdered our respected old Duke Brenner, and fabricated rumors about the Duke's will.

  Chris, the rebellious son, and Melissa, the lewd woman, actually wanted to murder me, a respectable king.

  I had no choice but to execute them, but the remnants of Chris and Melissa openly rebelled.

  We are the Royal Guards, and our 600-year-old tradition is to support the king in battle. You are the king's strongest shield and sharpest sword. In this rebellion, we must be the victors.

  We are the Royal Guards, with more than 60,000 people, the most powerful regiment in the Kingdom of Grant. Moreover, we are not alone in the royal capital. The Grizzly Bear Legion in Lach Province is fighting for us, and the Mad Lion Legion is about to go south to support us. There are also three earls in the south who have sent 30,000 troops to cooperate with us in the battle.

  I will open the treasury and give money to the members of the Praetorian Guard. After the war, I will give the rebels their territory, money, and women to everyone. As long as they can achieve military merit, I will not be stingy with rewards. The next baron, earl, and duke will be chosen among you. "

  King Charles's mobilization still achieved a certain effect. After distributing a sum of gold coins to the soldiers, the morale of the Guards recovered somewhat. After all,

  Charles had been king for thirty years. Although there was a big mountain above his head, he was often beaten by Brenner. The Duke bullied and even beat him, but thirty years of accumulation had promoted many capable officials. He

  still gathered a group of supporters around him, and these people were also a huge interest group.

  Relying on this interest group, plus Charles The king's propaganda and rewards can also deceive some soldiers to fight for him.

  The Royal Guards mobilized, began to stock up on food and weapons, built some city fortifications, and mobilized before the war.

  Just when the Duke of York led the army and was about to approach Novotel At the time of Lan, under the city of Grizzly Bear Castle, Roger, who commanded 40,000 coalition troops, frowned in the large tent of the Central Army. During

  this time, the situation was changing, and there was good news and bad news. Until now, the great figures of the Grant Kingdom Everyone made their stance clear.

  As the situation develops, Roger gradually feels the pressure.

  The Duke of York's soldiers are getting closer and closer to the royal capital. Once the Duke of York captures Nolan, the situation in the Grant Kingdom will change dramatically.

  Who will take over the throne then?
  If the Duke of York balances all the forces and gets the support of the Royal Guards and the recognition of the Grant Mages Association, he will be able to take the lead in this country.

  Now the Duke of York supports Roger as king because Roger is more advanced in succession and has greater influence in the royal guard.

  But the situation has changed. Will the Duke of York regret it?
  It is uncertain whether the soldiers below will stage a mutiny and support the Duke of York as king.

  A general in the Dawn Plane, as long as he is strong enough, will also stage an alien version of Chen Qiaoyi's mutiny.

  The most important and core right of every lord is the right to command the army.

  If the situation really develops like this, Duke Roger will have to admit defeat and can only return to the territory to become his own hereditary earl.

  So he must appear in Nolan with his army as soon as possible.

  But if Grizzly Bear Castle is left alone, Grizzly Bear Castle will cut off his food routes and supply lines.

  Without supplies, Duke Roger could only choose to plunder.

  Duke Roger carefully analyzed the pros and cons, but decided to take a military risk. He commanded the soldiers to plunder a batch of food near Grizzly Bear Fort, gave up the attack on Grizzly Bear Fort, and immediately led the army south.

  Seeing Roger leading the coalition forces south, Waldo Jeff, the commander of the Grizzly Bear Legion, immediately decided to lead his troops to pursue him.

  As a result, they were ambushed and raided by the Warcraft Cavalry Regiment commanded by Roger, resulting in the loss of 1,300 soldiers.

  The loss of a large group of combat effectiveness is not a big deal for the Grizzlies.

  When fighting the orcs, even if they suffered more than half the casualties, the Grizzly Bear Legion's combat effectiveness was still impressive.

  But the current situation is not a battle with the orcs, but a civil war between the Grant family.

  The soldiers of the main army are not ignorant farmers. They are generally experienced, smart and capable, and have a certain understanding of the country's political situation.

  After the serious casualties occurred, Waldo Jeff's prestige immediately dropped a bit, and his order also suffered a backlash.

  Not only did the Warcraft Cavalry express their objections, but the soldiers of the six infantry brigades were also unwilling to participate in the battle.

  Seeing that the morale of the army was so high, Valdodev did not dare to force the soldiers to go south to join the war.

  If you forcefully order soldiers, it may cause rebellion among the officers and soldiers. At that time, Waldo will also be torn apart by the angry officers and soldiers, and the Grizzly Bear Legion will also join Roger's side, who has a greater chance of winning.

  Entering February, various armies have gathered in Nolan.

  At this moment, the palace of Grant Kingdom was already gloomy.

  The streets of Nolan became very depressed, and the citizens of the royal capital did not dare to go out at all, hiding in their homes like frightened quails. I hope to rely on the blessing of the Goddess of Dawn to escape this military chaos.

  The residence of the Duke of Brenner.

  It has been a month since the old Duke died, and the funeral has not been completed yet.

  After King Charles launched a palace coup, the Duke of York immediately returned to his territory and raised an army to rebel.

  Those left in the mansion are all distant relatives of Duke Brener.

  Duke Brenner is now one hundred and sixty years old. His eldest son died of illness a hundred years ago, and his youngest daughter is only four or five years old. Because he lived too long, the Duke had many descendants, and the hierarchy was somewhat confusing.

  Duke Brenner did not know many of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and the family relationship seemed a bit distant.

  The royal capital has been in chaos in the past month, and no one has taken care of Duke Brener's funeral.

  His coffin was placed in the mourning hall, and the huge Duke's mansion was already very deserted.

  The beautiful maid has been carried away by the rebels, the Duke's mansion has been robbed several times, and the servants have long since dispersed.

  Late at night, a thin, middle-aged man walked to Duke Brener's coffin.

  His hands shone slightly, and he released a nine-ring magic to release the confinement. A faint blue light bloomed on the coffin. The lid of the coffin opened automatically, and Duke Brenner sat up slowly.

  "Pansy, how is the situation?"

  "It's so bad. Charlie is really a waste. He has been king for thirty years and can't control the situation. He is only proficient in political struggles and palace intrigues. If there are no external enemies, he can barely control the situation. We can secure our position.

  But now we have many external threats, including the Orc Empire, the Kingdom of Rhine, cultists, and members of the Venus family hiding in secret.

  We need a lion to lead us in order to survive in the jungle.

  Charlie is not The lion, he can only be regarded as a wild dog, but he has the mind of a fox. He only fights for power and has no overall vision." "

  But he is my son."

  "Uncle Brenner, the situation has developed to this point, it's time to stop. I am determined. Back then I agreed with your opinion and supported Charles to succeed to the throne, giving up the more capable Philip and Roger.

  But Charlie is obviously a piece of stinky shit. This time I will support Roger.

  Recently There is good news. Roger has been promoted to the ninth level epic knight. According to his age, he has the potential to advance to legend. Uncle Brener, you should put aside your selfishness now and plan for the Grant family. Your descendants are not only Charlie, I want to Think of little York, think of Isabel. They are also your children, and you should also think about them."

  Although Brenner is a powerful third-level legendary knight, his private life is relatively chaotic. He once had an affair with the former queen and had a child. She gave birth to an illegitimate son, Charles, who made the previous king so angry.

  Because it was a royal scandal, Charlie didn't know anything about it.

  The only ones who really understand this are Pansy and Philip. Pansy has a very special status. She has mastered the magical power of the Grant family and is Brener's nephew. Philip, the eldest prince at that time, was forced by Brenner and entered the monastery of the Church of the Dawn.

  After hearing the good news, Duke Brenner sat up with difficulty and said with some annoyance on his face: "I am too selfish. If I had supported Philip to take over as king at that time, wouldn't it be as difficult for the Grant family as it is today? Counting
  Luo Jay, we already have four ninth-level professionals in our family. If you can unite together after I die, you should be able to stabilize the situation. But be careful of Duke Jonathan, he is the biggest threat to us. Duke Jonathan does not want to fight back

  . The Grand Duchy of Tanik, agree to his request. If the Jonathan family regains the lost throne, we can take back half of the land in the Duchy of Jonathan." "How can we stabilize the northern Xinjiang defense line without the strength of the Jonathan family?


  " To support new nobles, I think the Harland family, the Roman family, and the Raphael family in northern Xinjiang are very capable. If they can establish their positions, promote them to earls as soon as possible." Pansy Grant

  smiled Said: "The Harland family and the Holland family have grudges and had to be involved in the war. The Roman family and the Raphael family were very clever and did not get involved in this civil strife." "What is Archbishop Senna's opinion

  ? ?"

  "The Church of Dawn generally does not participate in the struggle between nobles, but the Venus family colluded with the evil believers back then. This time the Venus family exposed its flaws, and Archbishop Senna promised to make it convenient for us." With the support of the Church of Dawn

  , , Duke Brener breathed a sigh of relief.

  The Church of Dawn is very powerful in the Kingdom of Grant. The number of priests, pastors, and church knights from all over the country combined exceeds 3,000. If the power of the church is concentrated, it will be stronger than the Dukedom of Jonathan.

  It's just that the professionals of the Church of the Dawn are located in different areas of the Grant Kingdom, making it difficult to gather them together.

  But the influence of the Morningside Church among the middle and lower classes is undoubtedly far greater than that of the Grant family.

  With the endorsement of the Church of the Dawn, this time the Venus family had no chance of winning, either by calculation or not.

  After Pansy awakened Duke Brenner, he immediately began to secretly summon senior officers of the Royal Guard.

  There are many members of the Grant family within the Royal Guards, and many of these people are descendants of Duke Brener. Duke Brenner's influence on the Royal Guards far exceeded that of King Charles.

  Even though King Charles hated Duke Brenner very much, he still wanted to use his trick to win people's hearts.

  As Duke Brenner began to meet with senior officers of the Guards, military morale suddenly came to Duke Brenner's side.

  But King Charles was kept in the dark and became a tragic victim.

  On the ninth day of February, Duke Roger and the Duke of York met.

  The two Dukes of the Grant family commanded more than 100,000 soldiers combined.

  When a hundred thousand troops fight, the range is very large. Duke Roger's scouts are usually sent out two hundred miles away.

  Because the Duke of York's army arrived near Nolan first, they occupied a favorable situation. The towns near Nolan were basically controlled by the Duke of York.

  The terrain advantage was also held by the Duke of York.

  In order to lift the siege, the reinforcements from Gascoigne Province need to first break through the defense line deployed by the Duke of York in the mountains north of Nolan.

  This line of defense is more than 200 kilometers long and dozens of kilometers wide.

  Fortresses were established on the four main mountain roads. Thousands of troops were stationed in the fortresses, and there were also a large number of fresh troops and grain garrison points in the rear.

  After discussing with Duke Roger, the Duke of York decided that the Duke of York should deal with the Gascoigne Army from the north, and the Duke of Roger should deal with the coalition of the three Earls from the south.

  The north of Nolan is protected by mountains, which is a natural line of defense, but the south is flat.

  This flat terrain is very suitable for cavalry operations, and Roger is a famous cavalry commander in the Kingdom of Grant.

  The blue sky is spotless in the early spring season.

  The crystal clear clouds lightly covered the sky with a thin layer of sand. On the beautiful and clear Oram River, the water was sparkling, and occasionally some merchant ships could be seen.

  Several military ships cut through the rapids of the river, like three agile fish swimming in the rolling white waves, approaching the river unscrupulously.

  There are many swamps in the south of Grant Kingdom, and the nobles are good at water warfare.

  The ships were equipped with strong bows and crossbows, so Duke Roger would naturally not let the Warcraft cavalry shoot at the warships. This would be asking for trouble for him.

  The three earls in the south, if they want to rescue Nolan, must cross the Oram River and defeat Duke Roger's army.

  Therefore, Duke Roger would naturally not take the initiative to fight with the southern army by the river. If he holds the key stronghold, he can wait for the three counts' coalition to attack and fight a defensive battle.

  (End of chapter)

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