Chapter 187 Fugitive Slave

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  Chapter 187: Fugitive Slave
  Purple Blood Vine is also a relatively rare plant in northern Xinjiang.

  It has been about four years since Richard discovered that the Goat used Purple Blood Vine to stop bleeding.

  In the past four years, the territory has not only researched the formula and efficacy of hemostatic ointment.

  Sophia also studied the biological characteristics of Purple Blood Vine and used the power of magic to successfully catalyze a large number of Purple Blood Vine seeds.

  Because the research on the formula of hemostatic ointment is about to mature, 60 acres of purple blood vines were planted on the hillside last year, and this year we plan to expand the number to 200 acres.

  Two hundred acres of Purple Blood Vine, with a yield of 40,000 kilograms.

  Forty thousand kilograms of Purple Blood Vine, plus all the royal jelly in the territory, can be made into 80,000 servings of hemostatic ointment.

  Being able to sell these 80,000 copies of hemostatic ointment is also a huge amount of income.

  The Grant Kingdom is a magical desert. Due to the insufficient number of magicians, the healing power in the army is also insufficient.

  When war breaks out, priority can only be given to treating officers. Many veterans died of bleeding and infection.

  If the hemostatic ointment does not have too many side effects, there should be no shortage of sales.

  Richard can sell the hemostatic ointment to the Northern Army through William's connections.

  Richard made a decision and accelerated the progress of human trials of the hemostatic ointment.

  Some time ago, Adrian and the hospital doctors had done a lot of animal experiments.

  In addition, the hospital used some hemostatic ointments on the goats and kobolds, and the results were very good.

  However, animal testing is different from human testing. There is no problem when used on animals, but it may not be OK when used on humans.

  It may take hundreds of human patients to be observed before side effects can be clarified.

  When he came out of the hospital, Richard saw Zhan Nings and said hello to their brother and sister.

  Just after leaving the hospital, I saw Hayden running towards Richard.

  "What happened, that we were chased to the hospital?"

  "A big event happened in the territory recently, and I need to report to you immediately. In the past two days, there has been an influx of foreigners in the territory, all of whom are the escapees of nearby lords. Slave, how should we deal with this matter? You need to make a decision immediately."

  Since last year, a large number of free people have appeared in the Harland territory.

  Because Richard established a relatively low land tax, the freedmen had accumulated a certain amount of income within one year, and their living standards improved a lot.

  Even if Richard made a decree prohibiting migration, the changes in the territory would naturally not be hidden from the serfs of the neighboring noble territories.

  After the goddess's birthday, many serfs began to flee and poured into the Harland territory. In the past two or three days, a large influx has begun.

  "Which lord are they all escaped slaves from?"

  "The largest number is from the Dirham Baron. In the past two days, there have been more than 300 escaped slaves from the Dirham Baron." "The

  Dirham family has not yet Elect a new baron?"

  "Indeed not. Two consecutive orc invasions have caused this family to decline greatly. It is estimated that it will fall from the hereditary nobility this year." "The Baron of

  Dirham does not have a large population anymore, right?"

  Hai Den nodded and said: "There are indeed not many people. The total population is only more than 2,000, and they are mainly old and weak." "

  Send people to the Baron of Dirham to incite the remaining serfs and let them all come to Harlan. Virtue leader."

  After listening to Richard's words, Hayden hesitated a little and said, "Will this have any negative impact?" "

  I finally understand that all nobles are profit animals, what's the use of having a good reputation? ?" "Where are the escaped slaves from other lords' families?"

  "Are there escaped slaves from other territories?" After hearing what Hayden said, Richard was a little suspicious.

  The population flow in the Dawn Plane is very small, especially in the Gedda Province, where many serfs have never left home for almost their entire lives.

  Because the Dirham Barony borders the Stopa Baron, in recent years Richard has devoted a large number of people to developing Stopa Territory, which has better agricultural conditions. Therefore, there is contact between the border people on both sides.

  It was precisely because of the relatively close contact that there were escaped slaves from the Barony of Dirham.

  "Yes, there are dozens of serfs in Baron Sharp, as well as a few scattered escaped slaves from Baron Rice and Baron Barzel." "

  All the escaped slaves from Baron Sharp are sent back, and Baron Rice, The escaped slaves in the Baron of Bazell were treated as private slaves and let the merchants in the territory take over. If Baron Rice sent people to investigate, he would just say that they were slaves purchased on the market. We did not send people to capture slaves in

  other territories. They The loss of the serfs is due to their own lax management, and they will definitely suffer the consequences of this mute." "Would

  this offend Baron Rice and other nearby nobles?"

  "What if it offends them? I tried to win over these people before. , but you saw it, what's the use?
  Even our uncle, Baron Duck, always comes here if there is any benefit, like a dog that eats shit. He kicks you away without any benefit, and there is no kindness to be said.

  I have seen through these people. I can only use them but not make close friends." "

  In this case, I will immediately arrange for people to go to the Baron of Dirham."

  After Hayden returned, he immediately sent intelligence personnel into the Baron of Dirham to incite the remaining people. of serfs.

  In order to achieve a better life, there are ready-made models to refer to and support from Viscount Richard. The remaining serfs took up their courage and left the Dirham Barony together.

  In just ten days, more than 2,000 people entered the Harland Territory.

  Although Richard had no money to buy slaves this year, relying on private slave purchases in the territory, coupled with the influx of escaped slaves from the Dirham territory, the Harland territory still increased its foreign population by more than 4,000.

  Counting the natural population growth in the territory, Harland Territory already has a population of more than 55,000.

  There are about 15,000 young adults.

  There are 15,000 men, and more than 3,000 are in the army. According to normal standards, it can be called a military force.

  But to survive in the northern Xinjiang region, every lord needs to find ways to use force.

  Otherwise, it really means that others are collecting grain and I am collecting guns, and others are my granary.

  After the Harland territory received a wave of escaped slaves.

  Human trials of a hemostatic ointment have also begun.

  The first to be used were military personnel.

  Military training is very intensive, and many people get injured every day.

  Then came the miners in quarries, coal mines, lime mines, etc., and finally the freedmen and serfs.

  As the number of human trials increases, the side effects of hemostatic ointments are basically understood.

  The side effects of hemostatic plasters are minimal. Most users do not experience any discomfort. Only about 3% of users experience slight numbness in the mouth.

  Haaland Territory has used hundreds of hemostatic ointments without incident.

  After the ointment was successfully developed, relying on William's relationship, it quickly passed the appraisal of the Northern Army's medical team and received a purchase order from the Northern Army.

  Shortly after the Northern Legion made the purchase, the main legions such as the Mad Lion and Grizzly Bear also received the news and placed purchase orders for Richard.

  (End of chapter)

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