Chapter 186 Hemostatic Ointment

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  Chapter 186 Hemostatic Ointment
  Although Richard is now a pauper, the cash in his hand may not be as much as that of an ordinary baron.

  But he has three thousand troops under his command. In the province of Geda, even the provincial consul sometimes has to look at his face.

  He made a gesture of non-cooperation with the provincial governor, so the royal capital replaced the provincial governor of the Horan family.

  It was because Otto understood this that he decided to talk to Richard.

  Many great nobles in the Dawn Plane value gold and silver coins.

  What they like to do most is to collect the gold and silver in the territory, put it in boxes and store it in the treasury.

  Li Cha's three views came from his previous life, and his vision was much better than that of a country bumpkin from the Dawn Plane.

  Upon hearing Otto's words, he immediately agreed to his request, revised the territorial laws and regulations, and relaxed the rules.

  In just one or two months, merchants in the Harland territory purchased two thousand slaves, consuming tens of thousands of gold coins.

  Of course, privately purchased slaves entered the Harland territory and needed to be subject to official supervision.

  The Haaland Land Act stipulated that slaves had the same right to life as freedmen.

  Anyone who kills or tortures a slave to death will also be punished with his life.

  After slaves entered Harland's territory, they needed to exchange contracts.

  The previously signed contract is invalidated, and the Harland Territory will ask the slave to sign a new contract.

  This contract can only be signed for a maximum of ten years. Ten years later, private slaves would also become legally freedmen.

  This law was not very friendly to wealthy people who purchased slaves.

  But Harland's territory is now Richard's decision. With the support of the violent machine of the army, even if wealthy businessmen don't like the decisions he makes, there is no opposition.

  Although money is important in the Dawn Plane, it is far less important than strength.

  Without adequate protection, no matter how big the business is, they are just fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

  After leaving Harland Territory, the safety of their property and even their lives may not be guaranteed. Moreover, Richard has formulated a compensation policy and will not let businessmen lose money.

  "Odaye, how have you been in the past few years?"

  "Viscount Richard is a kind and good man. After I retired from the army due to illness, I received a monthly allowance of one silver coin, and some material rewards before the goddess's birthday. , mutton, brown sugar, etc. In addition, I will be given 30 kilograms of grain every month, which is enough for my daily life.

  Later, when I got better, I entered the quilt factory. The military uniforms you are wearing may have been made by me. Sewn."

  "After you retired from the army, our station was not fixed due to the invasion of orcs that year. Sulla searched for you for a long time but could not find you. I remember that he heard that you were in the quilt factory and went there too. I've been looking for you."

  "When Sulla came to the quilt factory, I was actually near him. It's just that Sulla became a professional at that time, and I became a useless person. I couldn't accept the reality and didn't want to see acquaintances like you. "

  Because Odaye is in poor health and has no habit of drinking.

  Sula, Zhan Nings, Julian and other old comrades did not let him drink. Instead, they asked him to make a cup of brown sugar water and talk to everyone about what had happened in the past few years.

  "How is your hotel business?"

  "It all depends on Sulla taking people to eat. I originally planned to open a roadside stall and sell some bread. But I met Sulla, who wanted to buy slaves and a house. I spend a hundred gold coins all at once, and I don’t know when I will earn it back. Thinking of this, I have a headache."

  Sulla smiled and said: "Viscount Richard once said in the basic economic literacy class that gold coins can only be circulated if they are spent. , can it play its role. Hidden in the cellar, it is no different from rotten stones." "

  Viscount Richard did say this. I have two hundred gold coins in my hand, and I also decided to buy people from the slave market and rent them to the municipal government. Hall."

  "Jennings, I heard that there is little profit in buying slaves and leasing them to the city hall."

  "Actually, there are still some, but the profit is relatively low. For a slave in his prime, the city hall will give him a rent of one gold coin every year, and a one-time subsidy of fourteen gold coins after ten years. The total annual income is 2%.

  " 2% income is too low."

  "You don't know, this guy married Viscount Richard's cousin and is now a noble lord. His wife earns a lot every year, which is enough for their living. This money is regarded as Support the construction of the territory." People who came from the army were precarious, some of them took money very seriously and were real desperadoes. They would do anything as long as they were given money, and they were not afraid of danger at all.

  But there are also some people who, because they are used to seeing life and death, live a very free and easy life and do not attach much importance to money.

  Jennings and Sura are both such people.

  After a while, Odaye had a roasted whole lamb served.

  Zhan Ning Si and others live in the army, the food is very good, and they can often eat mutton.

  Ordinary citizens do not have such good conditions.

  There are more than two thousand goats in the Harland territory. The goats are very good at raising sheep and pay taxes to the territory every year.

  Because they are slaves, the tax burden on goats is relatively heavy.

  These tax sheep basically made the soldiers cheaper. The occasional remaining mutton was basically distributed to disabled soldiers, families of fallen soldiers, etc.

  It is basically difficult for ordinary people to eat meat. Some pigs are only killed before the goddess’s birthday, which is not enough.

  "Why do you have mutton here?"

  "Last year, many free people raised sheep at home. Around the goddess's birthday this year, the supply of mutton has increased a lot, but it is still very expensive. A pound of mutton costs three copper coins. , almost three times the price of pork. Only those of you who are officers can afford it." "

  Compared to when we first came here, things are much better, and things will get better gradually."

  After the meal , Zhan Ningsi did not let Su La treat him, and insisted on paying the meal.

  In this meal, a dozen strong men ate a sheep, two chickens, three fish, and drank twenty kilograms of white wine.

  The meal alone cost eight silver coins. Eight silver coins are equivalent to two months' salary, which is almost enough for ordinary people's living expenses for a year.

  Only people like Zhannings who don't take money seriously are willing to treat a dozen comrades to a big meal.

  After eating and drinking, Jennings came to the field hospital to visit his sister Connie.

  After studying for more than a year, Connie has mastered the meditation method and has become a low-level magic apprentice. She has also learned the spell to treat minor injuries and signed a work contract with the hospital.

  Because her magic level is not high, Connie's monthly salary is eight silver coins. For a child who is only thirteen years old, her salary is already twice that of an ordinary person.

  As soon as Zhannings entered the hospital, he found that Richard, Sophia, and Wendy were all in the hospital.

  "How is the effect of the experiment?"

  "The hemostatic effect is very good, but it is slightly toxic." "

  I think we can try production. If there are patients, we can also try to implement it. In many cases, the treatment effect and adverse reactions are the same. The key is to weigh the pros and cons."

  Richard held a brand-new ointment in his hand, which was somewhat red in color and had a sweet taste.

  This ointment is a hemostatic ointment developed by Richard and Sophia.

  During his observation, Richard discovered that goat-like people occasionally eat a red vine to relieve pain.

  Richard studied this herb called Purple Blood Vine, squeezed the Purple Blood Vine juice, mixed it with Purple Toufeng royal jelly, and added Qi-tonifying red ginseng to develop a new hemostatic plaster.

  This plaster not only has the effect of stopping bleeding, but also dissolves congestion, relieves pain, and eliminates swelling.

  The only drawback is that the hemostatic cream is slightly toxic.

  How specific the toxicity is and how serious the impact is on people still needs to be summed up in experience during use before a conclusion can be drawn.

  (End of chapter)

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