Chapter 184 Megatooth Tiger II

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  Chapter 184: Megalodon 2
  Just as Megalodon was about to pounce, Wendy had already released the greasy spell. Megalodon's foot slipped and his movements became a little slower.

  When Richard saw this, he immediately used a wooden and vine wrapping magic.

  A wooden vine formed under the giant toothed tiger's feet and tied its legs. Two consecutive magic spells restricted the giant toothed tiger's range of movement and prevented it from jumping.

  The giant toothed tiger exerted force violently, but could not break the vine.

  Although what Richard released was a magical wooden vine entanglement, he actually invested ten points of spiritual power. The strength of this wooden vine was stronger than a steel cable.

  Although the giant toothed tiger has extraordinary strength, it is unable to break the vines in a short period of time.

  Seeing how fiercely the giant toothed tiger was struggling, Sophia immediately released the four-ring magic sleep spell.

  Although the giant toothed tiger had a high magic resistance, he immediately felt seriously sleepy and his strength to struggle was a little smaller.

  Upon seeing this, Wendy immediately released the powerful one-ring magic activation rope and invested ten points of mental power to increase the strength of this magic to the standard six-ring.

  Controlled by the two magics of activating rope and wooden vines, and being hit by the sleeping spell and unable to lift his spirits, the failure of the giant toothed tiger was inevitable.

  Richard's current strength is already stronger than that of a seven-ring magician, and Sophia's strength is comparable to that of a six-ring magician, plus Wendy, a three-ring magician.

  Not to mention the sixth-level giant toothed tiger, even the seventh-level young dragon cannot defeat their lineup. Besides, there are more than a dozen melee professionals in the demon hunting team.

  Led by their second uncle Powell, everyone swarmed forward and tied the giant toothed tiger firmly to the ground using thick ropes.

  A magical creature like the Megalodon is naturally arrogant and has a kingly aura. It would rather die than sign a partnership contract with a human magician.

  Sophia tried it, and sure enough, the giant toothed tiger was unwilling to sign a pet contract.

  Seeing that the giant toothed tiger was not being used, Richard naturally would not tolerate it, and immediately stabbed the giant toothed tiger to death with the enchanted sword.

  Deep in the Eagle Mountains, you are constantly facing danger.

  If you capture the giant toothed tiger alive and return to the territory, you can communicate with the giant toothed tiger for a long time, and you may have a chance to make the giant toothed tiger subdue and conquer this powerful monster.

  But Richard is not willing to take risks at all. If he encounters trouble on the road, for example, the last time he entered the Eagle Mountains to chase the refugees, he encountered a flying dragon.

  If they are attacked by high-level monsters and the giant toothed tiger escapes from the chaos, the demon hunting team may suffer casualties under attack from inside and outside.

  Sophia and Wendy are both weak female magicians and are more likely to encounter danger.

  Seeing that Sophia was in a dilemma, Richard immediately made a decision for her and killed the giant toothed tiger directly.

  After hunting the giant toothed tiger, everyone entered the cave to search, and found that more than a dozen third-level magic plants, red blood grass, were found near the cave.

  Red blood grass is the main raw material for refining bloodline enlightenment potions. Because it involves the awakening of the knight's bloodline, the price is much more expensive than ordinary third-level magic plants.

  A red blood grass can often be sold for more than 180 gold coins, and most of the time it is priceless.

  Red blood grass can not only be used to refine bloodline enlightenment potions, but can also be used as bait for hunting monsters.

  The first time Richard followed his uncle Thoros into the Eagle Mountains, he used red blood grass and sleeping grass as traps to capture a group of feral wildebeest.

  The total value of more than a dozen red blood grasses is more than two thousand gold coins.

  These red blood grass Richards are not going to exchange bloodline enlightenment potions with the royal capital. The blood concentration of the Harland family knights is very low, and there is no need for bloodline enlightenment potions to cultivate family members for the time being.

  Margaret Knight's bloodline is better, and she is too young now. There is no need for Richard to prepare training resources for her in advance.

  This batch of red blood grass Richard is going to be transplanted to Sophia's magic plantation. After the territory could produce large pieces of glass, Richard built a greenhouse and grew off-season vegetables.

  Although it cannot be promoted due to cost reasons.

  Sophia still built her own magic plantation by renovating the greenhouse.

  Today, this plantation is mainly used to cultivate brown sugar saplings in winter. If the red blood grass planting is successful, the territory will gain new financial resources.

  After killing the giant toothed tiger, everyone pulled off the tiger's skin.

  Sophia looked at this majestic tiger skin and said to Richard: "Can you not sell this tiger skin? Look at you, you don't even have a few high-end clothes to wear? You are a viscount now. Make this tiger skin into a coat. You will look very majestic and beautiful when you wear it." "

  It's better to sell it! Our military expansion is too strong, and the territory is short of money now. From a practical point of view, Yalong The leather armor made of leather is better than the tiger skin coat. The tiger skin should be sold and the magic crystal should be kept to provide energy for the magic plantation." After processing the

  materials on the giant toothed tiger, the tiger teeth and tiger teeth of the giant toothed tiger were processed . Pi Licha is ready to sell.

  The brain and internal organs can be combined with magic plants to refine the Tenghui potion. For higher-level monsters, the effect of the potion will be better.

  With this batch of Tenghui potions, the territory can also cultivate a group of professionals.

  Tiger bones can be used to make wine. The wine made from the sixth-level monster Megalodon tiger bones is a very good publicity stunt. If you meet the right buyer, you can also sell it for a big sum of money.

  Everyone eats some tiger meat on the way, and distributes the rest to each squadron. In conjunction with Tenghui Pharmacy, resources are pooled to train high-level students and help them be promoted and become professional officers.

  Tiger blood can be used to refine tiger blood potion, which can be used to replenish vitality of wounded soldiers.

  Tiger blood potion is an apprentice-level potion, and the materials used are very simple. It can be refined by adding tiger blood to red ginseng. The better the quality of tiger blood, the stronger the effect of the potion.

  The Megalodon is a sixth-level monster, and the potion refined with its tiger blood is as effective as a first-order potion.

  Refining tiger blood potion now does not require the intervention of formal magicians such as Richard and Sophia. There are two magic apprentices, Adrian and Anne, in the territory. Their magic power can already refine this low-end potion.

  Richard the Tiger Whip is not going to keep it to see if he can sell it to the old and frail member of the aristocracy.

  Richard is only twenty-three this year, and he is a fourth-level warrior. It is the time when he is strong and powerful. Sometimes even Sophia can't stand him, and there is no need for such strong tonic medicine.

  On the contrary, only nobles with aging bodies and young minds would pay a high price for this kind of thing.

  After successfully hunting the giant toothed tiger, the mission of hunting monsters in the mountains ended early.

  A pair of Megalodon's teeth was sold to Baron Harden for one thousand gold coins.

  The tiger skin was sold to Duke Roger for two thousand.

  The tiger whip was sold to Viscount Luomen for six hundred gold coins. It seemed that Viscount Luomen wanted to continue to fight for the palace lady, so he paid a high price.

  Tiger bone wine also sold for a high price of five hundred gold coins.

  Before the most valuable magic crystal was sold, Richard received four thousand gold coins.

  It seems that hunting monsters is indeed the fastest way to get rich. It's just that luck will not always favor you. When hunting monsters, it is easy to encounter danger.

  If it weren't for Richard's sense of danger, Powell's extraordinary sense of smell, Luciano, a warrior in the demon hunting team who had awakened his extraordinary hearing, and Sophia's sense of malice, the demon hunting team would not have dared to walk in the Eagle Mountains. too far.

  Ordinary barons and viscounts would basically not send soldiers into the mountains to hunt monsters, let alone go into the mountains themselves regardless of the danger. There are only a few powerful dukes who have the strength to hunt monsters.

  (End of chapter)

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