Chapter 183 Megatooth Tiger 1

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  Chapter 183 Giant Tooth Tiger -
  Fort William is about 80 kilometers away from Black River Fort.

  By water transport along the Powell River, fresh fruit could be transported to Black River Fort in two days.

  But in Heihe Fort, because there are only tens of thousands of consumers, even if they monopolize the fruit market, the profit from selling fruits can only be several thousand gold coins a year. It simply cannot fill the gap in steel revenue.

  Moreover, many aristocratic territories have orchards, and the fruit business cannot be monopolized by the Haaland family. So Haaland Territory must find new industries.

  Richard pondered for a night and finally decided to set up a department for hunting monsters and exchange money for them by hunting monsters deep in the Eagle Mountains.

  There are two extraordinary creatures in the Eagle Mountains, one is the legendary black dragon, and the other is the legendary ogre. Many Warcraft have signed protection contracts with these two legendary creatures. Especially monsters with high potential levels and high IQ levels, in order to avoid human killing and enslavement, they will find legendary creatures as their backers.

  The territory of the legendary black dragon is located at the easternmost edge of the Eagle Mountains, only three hundred kilometers away from the Dukedom of Jonathan.

  The territory of the legendary ogre is located to the west of the Eagle Mountains, one hundred and sixty kilometers away from the Earl of Martins.

  The Black Dragon was afraid of Duke Jonathan and had not dared to cross the line for decades.

  The legendary ogre often goes down the mountain to hunt humans and eats several human brains every day. Duke Edward, Earl Martins, and the Province of Gascoigne are powerless to stop it.

  The ogre tribe may eat more than 10,000 humans every year.

  Because there are extraordinary creatures of legendary level as backers, hunting Warcraft is quite dangerous.

  Among King Grant, only Jonathan, Edward and other great nobles could make stable money by hunting monsters.

  Other minor nobles and Warcraft hunters would be at great risk if they entered the Eagle Mountains.

  For this reason, after the Harland family became a baron, Richard has always managed the territory and has not ventured into the depths of the Eagle Mountains.

  Now due to lack of funds, Richard can only choose to take certain risks.

  In the early stage of entering the Eagle Mountains to hunt monsters, Richard was not prepared to do so on a large scale. He transferred some veterans and officers from the main force, plus exploration and intelligence personnel, to form a demon hunting team of more than thirty people.

  This demon-hunting team is composed of elite soldiers, with more than ten professionals. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, magicians such as Richard, Sophia, and Wendy also follow the demon-hunting team. They also carry stars. Brilliance necklace.

  With the starlight bomb as its trump card, even if it encounters a legendary extraordinary creature, it will still be able to fight. The

  goddess's birthday has just passed and we have entered January 3259 in the Dawn Calendar.

  This demon hunting team of more than thirty people entered the depths of the Eagle Mountains. After just two days of walking, they discovered traces of a big guy.

  This is a giant toothed tiger, the king of beasts in the wilderness.

  Although the adult Megalodon monsters are only at the sixth level, when they are short of food, they will attack the seventh-level Earthdramon.

  Sometimes they can even successfully hunt terrestrial dragons. In the early years, a magician conducted follow-up research and found that terrestrial dragons were actually in the diet of the giant toothed tiger, accounting for 1.3%.

  Cats are very good hunters, and the abilities of cats that evolve into Warcraft are even more extraordinary.

  Although the Megalodon's intelligence is not high, only slightly better than the Iron Wildebeest, this big cat is a natural hunter and has a very cunning and ferocious personality.

  Through the scratch marks left by the Megalodon, Wendy estimated that the Megalodon was five meters long, two meters high at the shoulder, and weighed more than three tons.

  This size is a bit more powerful than an elephant.

  The appearance of Megalodon is not much different from other tiger creatures, but it has a pair of giant teeth more than 20 centimeters long in its mouth. This pair of giant teeth is a natural magic material and does not require any polishing. It is just a sixth-level enchanted dagger.

  This pair of teeth is worth more than a thousand gold coins.

  In addition, the magic crystal of the giant toothed tiger, tiger skin, tiger bones, tiger whip, and tiger blood are all very valuable. Adding up the bits and pieces, if you successfully hunt this giant toothed tiger, you can probably sell it for 8,000 gold coins. .

  With these eight thousand gold coins, it is enough to make up for the reduced steel trade.

  The Megalodon possesses a special tiger-like language and an ability similar to the dragon's breath, which allows it to spit out flames when it opens its mouth. Their tracking ability is very outstanding, and there is also a tiger roar spell in their blood, which can send out sonic attacks, which is very difficult to deal with.

  The pattern of the giant toothed tiger's skin is very beautiful. It is not only tough and warm, but also has a powerful sense of intimidation attached to the king of beasts.

  Many nobles are eager to own a giant-toothed tiger skin coat. The price of a tiger skin is more than two thousand gold coins, which is twice as expensive as a dragon skin.

  Clothes made from the skin of the giant toothed tiger are one of the top luxury goods in the Dawn Plane, and the premium is very high.

  In the Eagle Mountains, monsters like the Megalodon are not common.

  The Eagle Mountain Range is the territory of the legendary black dragon and ogre. Only the middle part of the mountain range is home to a small number of giant toothed tigers, probably no more than twenty in total.

  Being able to discover a target of great value soon after entering the mountain meant that I had very good luck in hunting this time.

  "Judging from the smell, the Megalodon is not far away from us."

  To hunt monsters in the mountains, your second uncle, Powell, must come out. The extraordinary sense of smell he possesses is much more useful when entering the Eagle Mountains than a mid-level professional.

  With Powell by his side, many dangers can be avoided.

  Powell's extraordinary sense of smell, coupled with Richard's sense of danger, and Sophia's sense of malice, these three talents combined are enough to allow the demon hunting team to avoid most dangers.

  Following the giant toothed tiger's paw prints, the demon hunting team quickly approached the giant toothed tiger's lair.

  Sensing the approach of the demon-hunting team, the giant-toothed tiger immediately jumped out of its lair and let out a majestic roar.

  After the tiger's roar came out, it immediately caused severe pain in the ears of the demon hunting team members, and a feeling of fear and surrender came from deep in their souls.

  Especially those with relatively low mental strength attributes fell to the ground in an instant, making howling sounds.

  Richard, Sophia, and Wendy hurriedly released the second-ring magic requiem spell to soothe their souls and their mental states became better.

  There were twelve professionals in the demon hunting team. The professionals had higher mental strength than ordinary people, and their spell resistance was much stronger. They endured the discomfort, raised their bows and nocked arrows, and shot at the giant toothed tiger.

  Seeing a dozen arrows shooting towards the giant toothed tiger, Richard's expression changed.

  The skin of Megalodon is quite valuable. If these rough guys shoot the skin to pieces, it will really not be worth the price. Before he could say anything to stop him, the giant toothed tiger dodged more than a dozen feather arrows with a slight jump.

  Sophia reacted quickly and immediately released the spider web technique to cover the giant toothed tiger.

  Unexpectedly, the giant toothed tiger's teeth were very sharp and could easily cut through the spider web.

  (End of chapter)

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