Chapter 121 Firing Glass

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  Chapter 121 Firing Glass
  Feeling that Sophia might be pregnant, Richard suddenly felt extremely happy and excited.

  In his previous life, Richard had a daughter. When he first traveled through time, he missed his daughter all the time.

  Thinking about never seeing her daughter again, sometimes I even want to die.

  I hope I can go back in time after I die.

  Richard gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his heart. Time is the best medicine to heal pain.

  After coming to this world for more than ten years, my daughter's appearance seems to have become blurred, and the unspeakable pain of that time seems to have become an unforgettable memory.

  Life is still going on. Richard has gotten married in Dawn Continent, has a new family, and is about to usher in a new life.

  Recalling the past events scene by scene, Richard suddenly remembered the faces of his family members. His nose suddenly felt sore and his eyes were filled with tears.

  "Just be pregnant, why are you crying."

  "It's nothing, I'm just too excited. Since you feel tired, you should rest for a few days and put aside the things at hand. If you are really pregnant, you must not be too excited. Tired, you are still the first born, so you have to take care of your health."

  Since May, Richard has been busy building the Warcraft Cavalry, from soldier barracks, cavalry training grounds, training equipment, living supplies, and even stables for Warcraft horses. Richard needs to worry about everything.

  In this busy life, three months passed and it entered mid-August.

  This year's autumn harvest has begun again, but this time Richard doesn't need to keep an eye on it. The autumn harvest work is left to his cousin Tang En. Richard just looks at the statistics and checks the granary to know how much food has been harvested this year.

  Over the course of three months, Sophia gradually showed obvious signs of pregnancy. Her belly gradually became larger and her face became more rounded as the pregnancy progressed.

  The two have been married for two years and now they finally have their own child.

  After confirming her pregnancy, Sophia stopped her magic research and returned to Sophia Castle to raise her baby.

  The higher-ups in the territory also attach great importance to this child. They all swore to Richard Sophia that they were willing to be loyal to this unborn child.

  Although William has not publicly discussed it, he will hand over the territory to Richard for inheritance.

  But looking at his training of Richard, it is obvious that he regards Richard as his successor.

  Even in order to establish Richard's prestige, William rarely came to the territory.

  Even though Richard is not the first heir to the William throne, Ron and Hayden are ahead of him in the succession order.

  But the succession of noble titles does not only depend on the order of succession, but also on who is supported within the territory?

  Without prestige in the territory and without enough supporters, even if the succession is higher, it is basically impossible to inherit the territory.

  Because there will be pressure on you from within the territory, requiring you to give up your inheritance rights.

  If they don't know how to promote, they will even use violent methods, assassinations and attacks to physically eliminate their opponents and support the people they support to rise to power.

  Unless you have the power to suppress opposition.

  For example, Ron, if he inherits the territory, Powell, Bernie and other Harland family members may not obey him.

  When William was promoted to baron, Richard, Powell, and Bernie all made great efforts.

  The combined military exploits of the three men exceeded four great achievements. This barony was not just the territory of William alone.

  They worked hard throughout their lives to become hereditary nobles, and they all had a say in the selection of their heirs. They don't want the foundation they have worked hard for all their lives to be handed over to a mediocre person.

  What's even more troublesome is that the territory's military forces will not easily obey Ron's command.

  Even the civil affairs, agriculture, and industry departments with the weakest influence will probably fool him.

  It is impossible to inherit a complete territory by relying on one title alone.

  If Richard inherits the territory, there will be no above problems.

  His ability has already been affirmed by Bernie and Powell, and he built the army by himself. Whether in terms of ability or prestige, commanding the army is not a problem.

  Moreover, Richard had deep relationships with some officers, and emotionally they were not willing for Ron to inherit the territory.

  The industrial department was founded by Richard himself, and every key member was promoted by him. He also had a high degree of influence on the bureaucrats in charge of industry and agriculture.

  Even if Ron is reluctant and resentful, he must give up his inheritance in this situation.

  Hayden has discussed with Richard that during the family meeting on the goddess's birthday this year, he will give up his inheritance rights and take the initiative to clarify this issue.

  In August, the glass kiln was successfully put into operation, producing the first furnace of glass in the territory.

  Unfortunately, there were still a lot of bubbles in the glass and the color was not very pure. After processing by the glassmaker, this batch of glass was made into glass wine bottles and handed over to Mrs. Ola's tavern.

  Firing glass is not easy. It requires six major processes: material selection, melting, mold preparation, pouring, cooling, and polishing.

  Every craft has many details, and some even require the craftsman to have exquisite skills.

  Fortunately, there were already experienced kiln-firing masters in Harland's territory. Even if they had never fired glass, they were already very sensitive to the temperature at the kiln mouth, so they fired the first furnace of glass.

  Richard knew that the glass industry was a precursor industry to the chemical industry. Without the glass industry, it would be difficult to develop the chemical industry.

  The glass craftsman Richard spent fifty gold coins to buy was not of high quality, so he relied on experience. But relying on these people, Harland Territory did not make many detours, and finally burned glass.

  Sometimes in industrial manufacturing, a small detail can be stuck for many years. Before purchasing these glass craftsmen, Harland Territory had been burning glass for several years without success. When the glass craftsmen came to give some advice, Richard suddenly discovered that burning glass was not difficult at all.

  Through these people, Richard learned how to design a glass kiln, the formula of glass, how high the temperature is required, how to remove bubbles, how to bake colorless or various-colored glass, and how to blow finished products?
  After several failures, the craftsmen of the glass kiln summed up their experience and found that the reason why the glass was impure was that the soda used before had too many impurities.

  Richard sent people to purchase a batch of natural soda from Jonathan's territory, and then mixed the soda with limestone and river sand to calcine.

  After the fired glass slurry is fully stirred to remove some bubbles, it is blown into containers of various shapes with a blowpipe.

  After purchasing pure soda, the fired glass immediately improved a lot, barely meeting Richard's requirements.

  Richard first asked the glassmaker to blow a batch of experimental utensils such as cups, test tubes, and distilling bottles, and handed them over to Wendy and Adrian.

  They all need to do experiments and use a lot of glassware every year.

  Now that glass can be produced in the territory, Richard does not need to buy Viscount Luomen's glass products at high prices.

  As for the large pieces of transparent glass that Richard needed, the glass kiln directly cast a batch of copper molds. By using the pouring method, the large piece of transparent glass that Richard needed was successfully produced.

  The glass kiln was successfully put into operation, and the territory's industry improved a bit.

  (End of chapter)

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