Chapter 120 Sophia is pregnant

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  Chapter 120 Sophia is Pregnant

  As the territory becomes larger and larger, the population increases, and things become more and more complicated.

  Richard was gradually overwhelmed with government affairs, and Richard had handed over the affairs of the Baron's Mansion to the butler Bernard Luca.

  In addition to taking care of Richard, his wife, Wendy and other Harland family members, Bernard is also responsible for managing the orc slaves.

  The Harland family now has three stewards. The chief steward, Gibson Harland, follows William and is mainly responsible for the Harland family's communication and management of the Black River Castle mansion.

  The second steward, Bernard Luca, followed Richard and was responsible for managing the orc slaves and the Lord's Palace of Fort William.

  Mrs. Ola also has a housekeeper, Liliana, who is responsible for taking care of William and Mrs. Ola's minor children and is involved in part of the Harland family's business activities.

  The industry run by Mrs. Olla is now mainly in charge of Liliana and the palace lady Ms. Kelly.

  Mrs. Ola no longer directly manages the industry. Her main task is to be a good baroness and communicate with the noble ladies of Black River City.

  Part of the Haaland family's intelligence network is also in the hands of Mrs. Ola.

  Richard wanted to get rid of the complicated routine work, and now he urgently needed to find a few assistants in government affairs, and he already had several candidates in mind.

  Two cousins, Adrian and Tang En, are candidates.

  Richard has arranged some work for them this spring, and both cousins ​​have done a decent job, neither too outstanding nor too incompetent.

  Both Adrian and Tang En have received complete education, which exceeds 99% of the people in the territory.

  If you want to be Richard's assistant, you must at least be illiterate.

  There are more than 25,000 people in the territory, and only a few dozen are literate.

  The literacy rate on Dawn Continent is much lower than in ancient China.

  Under the conscious blockade of the nobility, there was no such person as Confucius in this world.

  Only one out of hundreds of people in the Grant Kingdom is literate.

  The threshold for studying is very high. Even if you are sent to a missionary school, the tuition fee will be several gold coins every year. Ordinary serfs and citizens cannot afford to study at all.

  Only high-income earners, such as high-level craftsmen, butchers, mercenaries, hunters, soldiers, and bounty hunters, can afford to let their children study for a year or two and have the opportunity to change their destiny.

  In this world, only nobles have the right to be bureaucrats. Even if ordinary people read books, they are of little use in a closed society.

  The nobles will only use their own tribesmen as bureaucrats and assistants. Even the caravans controlled by the nobles will use their tribesmen first, followed by domestic slaves.

  Ordinary people, even if they are talented, can at most be a small businessman and make ends meet.

  On the contrary, the Church of the Seven Gods will cultivate some poor people.

  The church school will absorb bright students, reduce their tuition fees, reduce the burden of schooling, and train them to join the church, grow into professionals, and slowly enter the church management.

  Because there are gods in this world, even though the Seven Gods are still sleeping, the upper echelons of the church are basically people of faith. These people generally have higher moral standards than the aristocracy. Relatively speaking, the church priests are more civilized than the feudal aristocrats.

  Because investing in children's education is not cost-effective, even high-income people rarely let their children read and write and become literate people. Richard basically entrusted the scholars in the territory with important responsibilities, and all of them were freed from physical labor.

  Even if he asked them to write calculations, register reports, and tally supplies, Richard felt that it was more efficient and useful than manual labor.

  Adrian Richard planned to let him manage the health of the territory. In addition to being the director of the hospital, he also wanted to prevent plague and research diseases.

  Through the sheep-headed people, Richard discovered several herbal medicines for treating diseases, such as rushes for diuresis, yellow flowers for treating malaria, and loquat leaves for treating coughs. After research, these herbs also work on humans.

  Because there are magical factors in this world, Richard doesn't know whether the Chinese medicine theory from his previous life is useful.

  But through plants and minerals, diseases can indeed be treated.

  Richard arranged for Adrian to summarize his experience in using medicinal herbs to treat diseases, hoping to develop a widely applicable medical theory.

  If medical theory is developed, it will benefit the vast majority of ordinary people.

  On the Dawn Continent, ordinary people can only fend for themselves when they get sick. Unless you are a devout believer and know the priest of the church, you can get treatment with magical power.

  Adrian is responsible for managing the territory's medical and health care, while Tang En is responsible for managing the territory's planting and farming.

  In the future, Richard will not need to do things like reclaiming farmland and growing food in the territory, just let Tang En keep an eye on it.

  The brown sugar tree plantation that Richard valued most in agriculture, Richard did not leave it to Tang En, but appointed an old man with rich planting experience, Ihaqir.

  Ehaqir used to be a fruit farmer for Baron Dirham and was responsible for managing the orchards for Baron Dirham.

  After the fall of Malte Castle, Ihakir became a slave. He was later rescued by Richard and came to the Harland Territory.

  When planting the brown sugar trees, Richard found some people with experience in taking care of trees to take charge of the management. Ihakir had done a good job in the past two years. This time, Richard took advantage of the situation and made him a free citizen, and straightened him up to become a Managers on a brown sugar plantation.

  The person to manage government affairs and law for Richard could not be found for a while. Those who can handle government affairs and are proficient in legal provisions are basically nobles.

  It is still difficult for a baron to get a noble to leave the family to assist him.

  Only when you reach the earl level can you really recruit some idle talents.

  Richard was going to discuss with Sophia and write a letter to his two brothers-in-law to see if they could let them return to Northern Xinjiang and share some of the government affairs and legal work for him.

  In a territory with more than 20,000 people, every trivial matter must be decided by oneself. How can it be done without a judge?
  Richard had just finished a busy day and suddenly noticed that Sophia's face was a little pale. He was about to ask a question when suddenly Sophia bent down and made a sound of retching.

  "How is it? Are you pregnant?"

  Richard had experience in his previous life. When he saw this scene, he felt happy and immediately asked Sophia.

  "I don't know. I've been feeling a little tired during this period and can't lift my spirits. Whether I'm pregnant or not, I have to wait for a while and see the changes in my belly to confirm." There is neither Chinese medicine nor Western medicine in Chenxi Continent.

  Magic The teacher will not create a magic to detect whether a pregnant woman is pregnant?
  In this world, women mainly rely on experience to check whether they are pregnant. Sophia's mother died at the hands of orcs. Without her mother's guidance, she didn't understand anything about this kind of thing.

  Finally, my belly gradually became pregnant, and I realized I was pregnant with a child.

  (End of chapter)

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