Chapter 106 Mercenary Raid

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  Chapter 106: The mercenaries
  killed the flying dragon in a surprise attack. Using the dragon's tendons and a part of the orichalcum purchased by Richard, Harland Territory made more than a dozen enchanted bows.

  Although Richard could not afford mithril and fine gold, so the grade of this batch of enchanted bows was not very high, and some dragon tendon materials were wasted. This batch of enchanted bows was equivalent to level three enchanted equipment, and the price exceeded 200 gold coins.

  This part of the enchanted bow is basically equipped for mid-level officers in the territory. Even deputy squadron leaders such as Kent and Robin were assigned one.

  The Haaland Territory was established not long ago and there is a shortage of talents.

  Even though the first-level professionals who had just advanced had not made great contributions to the territory, Richard still prepared enchanted armors and enchanted bows and arrows for them.

  You must know that in the Central Legion, if you want to equip enchanted weapons, you need to exchange them for military merit.

  Although the Harland family will equip officers with enchanted armor and enchanted bows, the ownership of the enchanted equipment belongs to the Harland family.

  If officers retire, they cannot take away the enchanted bows and enchanted armor for their own use.

  The five enchanted bows and arrows have a range of more than 800 meters in the hands of professionals.

  In just a minute or two, the five people fired more than a dozen rounds of feather arrows, killing more than fifty mercenaries.

  Seeing how powerful the five Richards were, the professionals hidden among the mercenaries moved out one after another.

  The seven figures moved extremely fast, running out from the mercenary team in an instant, stabbing everyone like arrows.

  There are more than seven professionals in this small mercenary group.

  You must know that the squadron of the main army generally has five professionals.

  For private soldiers of lords like Harland Territory, there are often only two or three professionals in a squadron.

  With seven professionals as the backbone, it is enough to organize and train two or three squadrons. This kind of strength is no weaker than that of a baron.

  What's worse is that Richard suddenly felt a serious threat, as if he was being targeted by a beast in the dark.

  This was the second time he had encountered this situation since he had more than twenty days of mental strength and acquired the talent of danger perception.

  The last time he fought with the flying dragon, Richard felt the danger.

  Although the talent of danger perception is good, it also requires the user's willpower to pass the test.

  If the user is too afraid of death, he will be scared to death when he senses danger and cannot fight calmly.

  This talent may be counterproductive.

  On the battlefield, the more you fear death, the faster you will die.

  People who are afraid of death may die earlier if they awaken their danger perception talent.

  Richard's courage is not small. Although he is young, he has fought more than a dozen battles. Although he has not been seriously injured, he has also experienced many battles.

  The more danger he felt, the calmer he became on the battlefield.

  Seeing the seven professionals rushing up, Richard and Soros looked at each other and decisively released the bowstring.

  Two arrows shot out of the air and arrived in front of the mercenary in the blink of an eye.

  The targeted mercenary sensed the danger and hurriedly used the enchanted arm shield in his hand to block the cold arrow.

  The kinetic energy attached to the arrow is very strong, as well as the destructive power carried by the fighting spirit.

  Although the arrow shot by Richard did not penetrate the enchanted arm shield, it knocked his opponent to the ground.

  The enchanted bow in Thoros's hand was of a higher grade. An arrow shot through the arm shield, and the arrow pierced the mercenary professional's neck.

  The main artery was pierced by the arrow, and blood sprayed everywhere.

  Unless a magician casts a serious injury healing spell on the spot to stop the bleeding, the blood will drain out in a short time and his life will be lost.

  The mercenary professionals were very fast and crossed the 800-meter distance in less than two minutes. They used weapons one after another to break into the Sixth Squadron from all directions and chose to fight on their own.

  The ordinary soldiers behind also accelerated their advance and cooperated with the professional mercenaries in fighting.

  The professional who rushed towards Richard was a third-level warrior. This man had just knocked down a soldier and stabbed Richard with a spear.

  Two wooden vines appeared out of thin air and entangled his legs. The third-level mercenary exerted force on his legs, and the muscles in his legs bulged, and his trouser legs were stretched instantly, trying to break away from Mu Teng.

  It's a pity that Richard invested only four points of mental power in this magic.

  Four points of mental power are enough to release a three-ring magic.

  Although Mu Teng Coil is only a ring of magic, the power of investing four points of spiritual power is still very impressive.

  The third-level mercenary exhausted all his strength and could not break free from Mu Teng.

  If you are suddenly unable to move in the ground formation, your situation will naturally be extremely dangerous.

  Not waiting for Richard to launch a powerful freezing ray.

  Seven or eight soldiers raised their swords and guns and swarmed the man and chopped him to the ground.

  His legs could not move, and he was unable to dodge at all. Although this person also killed two soldiers head-on, he was attacked by soldiers from behind.

  In the blink of an eye, a third-level professional was killed by random swords.

  A third-level professional fighting serf soldiers, wearing heavy armor, can defeat one against a hundred.

  Unfortunately, his hands and feet were restrained by the magician on the battlefield, and a few serf soldiers could deal with and kill him.

  "Be careful, there is a magician among the enemies."

  Seeing this scene, the faces of the remaining mercenary professionals changed drastically.

  When Simon hired them, he deliberately did not tell Richard's information clearly.

  Secretly, he also wanted to borrow their hands to let Richard use some magic to consume Richard's mental power.

  The task given by Jerram to Simon was to secretly kill Richard and then annihilate the caravan.

  After killing the flying dragon, Richard's magician level has exceeded the fourth level.

  Outsiders don't understand this information at all.

  It takes only three and a half years of learning magic to advance to the fourth level. This speed is faster than even the recognized genius Sophia.

  In order to avoid trouble, of course Richard would not deliberately publicize it.

  Including the news of obtaining the fourth to sixth level Breathing Technique of the Mad Lion Legion and advancing to an intermediate warrior.

  Except for Sophia, William, Powell and other close people, even the officers in the Harland territory did not know that Richard had broken through the fourth level in both magic and martial arts.

  Although I failed to kill the opponent myself, I gained killing experience. By surprise, two soldiers were sacrificed in exchange for a third-level officer.

  In addition to the professional who was shot to death by Soros, two of the seven mercenary professionals have been reduced.

  Three of the remaining five people have already broken into the Sixth Squadron. The most powerful fifth-level warrior was entangled with Soros. The

  fallen professional who was shot by Richard just got up, and Richard took the opportunity to shoot him. Powerful freezing ray.

  This time his luck was at its worst and he had no time to dodge.

  He was hit by the freezing ray and received a lunch box on the spot.

  "Kill a first-level professional, and you will be rewarded with 500 experience points."

  A prompt came in his mind, and Richard turned around, ready to help his uncle Soros solve the problem.

  Thoros is not particularly good at melee combat.

  His fighting skills are not as good as Richard's, his swordsmanship is only at the third level, and he has never learned any close combat qi martial arts.

  Once you get into close combat with an opponent of the same level, you will immediately be overwhelmed.

  Seeing Richard free his hands to help, Soros felt a little more relaxed.

  (End of chapter)

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