Chapter 105 Buying the Iron Wildebeest

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  Chapter 105 Purchasing the Iron Horned Horse

  For ordinary professionals, the first-level Iron Horned Horse is also a very precious mount. Even the inferior horses are Warcraft war horses. They can use bloodline spells, and their power and speed are much better than any thousand-mile horse.

  If you ride a Warcraft horse in a war, it will be of great help to junior professionals.

  Richard rode the iron horned horse and made great achievements.

  But for the Harland family, who are interested in starting a racecourse, the value of this batch of iron horned horses is not too high.

  Breeding inferior horses actually contaminates the feral wildebeest genes.

  To be honest, Richard was very disappointed when he saw this group of feral wildebeests.

  But he knew in his heart that it would be good to have Warcraft horses released.

  Even if you go to the royal capital, the third-level horse king has always been priceless. The second-level mares also have to be kept for breeding and cannot be purchased at all.

  Even second-level stallions are very rare, and those that can be put on the market are inferior horses or defective products.

  The price of more than a dozen male horses is not high, each costs only fifty-five gold coins, which is cheaper than the normal market price.

  On the contrary, the price of four mares is not cheap, eighty gold coins each, which is the same as the market price.

  Although the price was not cheap, Richard quickly made up his mind to buy some feral wildebeests to expand his population.

  After buying the salt, there are still six hundred gold coins in the caravan.

  Richard is ready to take away all four mares, and the remaining gold coins can still buy five stallions.

  Purchasing nine iron horned horses at one time is considered a big customer for Mrs. Sera.

  The great nobles all have their own warcraft breeding farms and look down on inferior goods.

  Small nobles simply cannot form a Warcraft Cavalry Regiment. To buy their own horses, they often go to the royal capital to select a group of good horses.

  Those who come to the Dukedom of Jonathan to buy Warcraft horses are basically professional mercenaries and Warcraft hunters who are doing well.

  The dozen or so inferior horses eliminated every year by Jonathan Duke's World of Warcraft Breeding Center often take more than a year to sell, sometimes even to the next year.

  It requires professional care for such a long time, which incurs costs.

  A professional's monthly salary costs at least two or three gold coins.

  If you are proficient in raising and training horses, your salary will double.

  Forage also requires careful selection and costs.

  Richard purchased nine iron horned horses at one time, and Mrs. Sera was very happy. A batch of horse gear was also given as a gift, and Richard was also asked to take away some of the fodder.

  Before leaving, Mrs. Sera gave some special instructions to Richard to be careful on the road.

  It came very smoothly, which made Richard a little careless.

  But Mrs. Sera's special reminder immediately made Richard nervous.

  Richard knew that unless the relationship between nobles was close, they would not say unnecessary words.

  Especially for a noble noble like Lady Sera, she might have received some secret information when she warned her.

  But they didn't explain it directly, and the relationship between the two parties was very ordinary, and the status gap was also very different, so it was impossible for Richard to ask questions without courtesy.

  After the transaction was completed, Richard took the caravan to rest for a day, picked up the goods early the next morning, and left East City.

  Although the cargo they carried when they returned was the same weight, with nine more iron horned horses carrying the cargo, everyone could feel a little more relaxed.

  In the Dukedom of Jonathan, the caravan did not encounter any accidents.

  Just entering the province of Lach, I was told on the ferry that the provincial governor had recruited transport ships to take on the task of transporting grain, and there would be no ferries for a short time. Even low-ranking officials at the ferry are unsure when shipping will resume.

  Although his attitude was very good, he also clearly told Richard that the ship would not come.

  There was an accident when he returned to the city, and he was reminded by Mrs. Sera, and Richard immediately felt nervous.

  "Could someone really dare to attack us?"

  Because of his suspicion, Richard became more cautious along the way.

  There is a town near the ferry, which is a territory under the direct jurisdiction of the royal family.

  Richard bought some carriages from the town and hitched them to the iron horn horses.

  Then he bought five thousand kilograms of grain and marched carefully along the roads on both sides of the Heihe River.

  Every night, he would personally set up checkpoints and patrol the camp at night. After dinner in the evening, he would dig trenches with the soldiers, cut down trees and lay out antlers to prevent the camp from being stolen at night.

  Richard and Soros would also be on duty late at night to personally check the sentries. There were not only open sentries, hidden sentries, but also mobile sentries in the camp. The marching speed was slowed down to twenty kilometers every day to ensure that there would be no loopholes.

  Using the turtle flow tactic, we walked along the Heihe River for six days. Most of the food was consumed, and we still had to walk thirty kilometers to the next city.

  This section of the road is deserted and has not yet been developed. The roads have not been repaired and it requires climbing over mountains and ridges.

  After entering the wilderness, Richard's requirements became even stricter, and he constantly sent out scouts to make sure there was no ambush before passing.

  Encountering a dangerous canyon, even if there was no ambush, Richard still asked the soldiers of the Sixth Squadron to put on armor and did not dare to relax at all.

  After walking for another day, they had just climbed a big mountain and the soldiers were planning to rest.

  A group of mercenaries rushed up from a distance. Richard looked up and saw that there were about three hundred people.

  This group of mercenaries is well-equipped. Most of the soldiers are wearing leather armor, and the core mercenaries are also wearing iron armor. They are also very skilled in cooperation. They should come from a mercenary group.

  Such large mercenary groups are very rare in the Grant Kingdom.

  Although no flag was raised, Richard already knew that behind them was the provincial consul Jerram.

  Seeing this scene, Richard never expected that Jerram would be so vicious.

  He just didn't want to be exploited and bypassed the channels controlled by Jerram, so Jerram would hire mercenaries to kill people.

  Richard sneered, feeling secretly angry in his heart, and immediately took off the enchanted bow from his back.

  There are five professionals in the caravan. In addition to Richard, there are also uncle Thoros, Captain Norman of the Sixth Squadron, Deputy Squadron Captain Kent, and Deputy Squadron Captain Robin.

  After killing the wyvern, Sophia used the wyvern's brain and internal organs to refine a batch of Tenghui potions.

  After this batch of potions was distributed, four more professionals were added to the territory, including Robin.

  Robin was not an old mercenary under Soros. He was an ordinary slave and came to Harland after being purchased by Richard.

  In the army, he learned the breathing method, advanced to become a professional, and became the upper-middle class in Harland's territory.

  With this experience, he is very loyal to his territory.

  It was Richard who saved his life, and it was Harland Territory that changed his destiny.

  Robin fought tooth and nail in every battle. Only by having accomplished military exploits could he stand out from the soldiers. He bought potions to become a professional, became a master, and changed his and his family's destiny.

  The five professionals all have enchanted bows and their archery skills are also very good.

  Even if they are not within the range of conventional bows and arrows, as long as they pull the bow string, the opponent will die.

  (End of chapter)

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