Chapter 178 Tianyuan Missile

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  Chapter 178 It can be judged from the normal source energy value of the Tianyuan missile
  detected by the Sky Eye that the race level of the giant beast on the big screen is extremely close to the legendary emperor, and its strength is above the sixth level. It is an extremely dangerous and terrifying existence.

  "It must not be allowed to come within a hundred miles of Changji Market, otherwise most of the city will be destroyed by it!" Tang Bilin stared at the giant beast on the screen, her eyes full of fear.

  Unlike other beast masters, even through the screen, as an appraiser, she can still clearly perceive the unusualness of this giant beast.

  "The target is about to enter the strike range of the Tianyuan missile." Shi Shuyun said while operating the three-dimensional virtual screen in front of him.

  Tang Bilin ordered without hesitation: "With this giant beast as the center, launch two level six Tianyuan missiles." "

  Roger that," Shi Shuyun responded.

  Her fingers clicked rapidly on the big screen without stopping for a moment.

  Shi Shuyun: "President, the launch of the Tianyuan missile requires final authorization."

  Tang Bilin pressed her finger on the confirmation button in front of her without thinking.

  "Permission confirmation completed!!!" On the three-dimensional screen, the crimson Tianyuan missile was being loaded.

  The next second, the high-tech pentagonal tower launch silo on the right side of the main base of the Beastmaster quickly deformed and expanded, revealing two giant missiles that exuded a red metallic luster and were about ten meters in length. Then, brightly The brilliance of flames flickered and erupted at the bottom of the launch silo, and the two Tianyuan missiles rushed into the sky at extremely fast speeds.

  A look of surprise appeared on Yi Xiangyang's face at the side, "President, there are currently only five level six Tianyuan missiles in Yushou Base. Isn't it too fast to launch two at once...

  " The source missile is divided into nine levels. It is an important weapon for Donghua's domestic urban defense force. It has the characteristics of fast launch speed, long range, high hit accuracy, short reaction time, and powerful lethality.

  Currently, the latest research on the Tianyuan series of missiles has a maximum level of only eight. As for the nine-level Tianyuan missile, it is said that it is still under development. The higher the level of missiles, the more expensive they are.

  In order to guard the safety of the city, each level 3 city will be equipped with five level 6 and one level 7 Tianyuan missiles as a defense force.

  Even if a sixth-level king is at his peak, if he is directly hit by a level-6 Tianyuan missile, most of his life will be lost.

  However, because the perception of the king beasts above level six is ​​extremely sensitive, they can basically escape from the core area of ​​the explosion when the Tianyuan missile comes.

  Therefore, level six Tianyuan missiles can often only cause minor injuries to king beasts, and the results they can achieve are not great.

  On the contrary, these Tianyuan missiles can play a great role in clearing out large-scale beast tides.

  As for the seventh-level Tianyuan missile, the aftermath of the missile explosion after launch alone is enough to paralyze Changji City's protective power and even destroy most of the city.

  It is the ultimate weapon to kill everyone. Without the permission of the superior city, or the city is in desperate situation, the seventh-level Tianyuan missile will never be launched.

  As a king-level beast master, Yi Xiangyang deeply knows the terror of the sixth-level overlord.

  Although the behemoth on the big screen is extremely large, that does not mean that its speed is insensitive. This is also the reason why Yi Xiangyang questioned the launch of Tianyuan missiles.

  In this regard, there was no hesitation on Tang Bilin's solemn face, "I need to test its speed and defense capabilities in order to prepare for the worst." "Is the

  situation serious enough?"

  Hearing this, Yi Yi Xiang Yang and Shu Shutao looked at each other, their faces becoming serious.

  The meaning revealed in Tang Bilin's words was obvious. She suspected that this giant beast was a terrifying existence of a seventh-level epic overlord! ! !

  "Almost there." Feeling the attraction coming from not far ahead, Bai Luo had a look of desire on his face.

  At this moment, the blue sky became bright, and two hot flowing fires appeared in the sky at an unknown moment, and they were approaching at a crazy speed like flying clouds and lightning.

  Bai Luo was stunned for a moment as he looked at the two streams of fire falling from the sky.

  The next second, the tail ends of the two red oval-shaped Tianyuan missiles began to unfold and separate, revealing the blazing power source at the rear end of the missile, and the speed increased significantly.

  In the battle prevention and control room, everyone was extremely nervous looking at the violent explosion that was about to occur on the big screen. Tang Bilin's eyes were fixed on the screen.

  Boom boom! ! !

  Two consecutive suns suddenly rose on the ground, and the picture on the big screen was obscured by white light and waves of fire.

  The ground where Bai Luo was standing at this time had already cracked. Thousands of thick long beards like horned dragons were swallowed up and burned by the waves of fire. The violent shock wave swept out in all directions like a tsunami, wildly devouring and impacting the surroundings. Everything.

  Along with these two deafening roars, the ground in Changji Market also shook. Some people who had not yet completed their evacuation began to look at the two dazzling suns in the distance with panic expressions on their faces.

  "Don't worry, we are protecting you, move forward in an orderly manner and prevent stampedes!" the

  beast-controlling soldier responsible for maintaining order shouted loudly, and then looked slightly distracted at the fire in the distance.

  "Is the beast tide coming? The association actually used six-level Tianyuan missiles!" On

  the other side, a large amount of smoke and dust filled the area where the two suns rose, and then Bai Luo's body reaching the sky and the earth was revealed.

  It was a giant beast that reached the sky with a height of more than a thousand meters. The hot flames covering its body were slowly extinguishing. Only dozens of its majestic long beards like a horned dragon were broken, and its incomparably strong lower body was scorched black. It appeared A wound more than ten meters long was opened, and some green blood slowly flowed out of it.

  However, within a few seconds, the wounds on Bai Luo's body began to repair and heal quickly, and even the burnt skin recovered under bursts of green light.

  "Chirp." (゜-゜) (Boring.)
  Bai Luo glanced in the direction of the missile attack, and then continued to move forward at a high speed.

  The most important thing for it now is to collect enough energy to revive Chen Wei. It doesn't want to pay attention to attacks like this that can only make the body feel a slight sting.

  Changji Market, combat prevention and control room.

  Looking at the terrifying beast on the big screen, which was unharmed and even seemed unconcerned, all the beast masters were shocked.

  "How is that possible!" Shi Shuyun couldn't help but swallowed.

  What a monster is this!

  Without evading, he was able to withstand the bombardment of two level six Tianyuan missiles with his physical body alone!

  "Sure enough." Tang Bilin clenched her fists and murmured, even her body couldn't help but tremble.

  Her inner guess turned out to be true!
  The two king-level beast masters, Yi Xiangyang and Shu Shutao, stared at the screen with their faces filled with unconcealable fear.

  (End of chapter)

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