Chapter 177 Asking for Support

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  Chapter 177 Request for Support
  "Just a king? It seems you don't know the seriousness of the matter at all!" Tang Bilin said coldly.

  She always had an ominous premonition about this terrifying beast that suddenly appeared, so she immediately asked her subordinates to send a signal for help.

  Being able to defeat six peak kings in a short period of time shows that the combat power of this unknown beast is close to the seventh-level epic.

  If this strange beast still hides part of its strength, it will be a disaster for the Changji City Beast Control Association, which underestimates its enemy.

  As the president of the association, she would rather make mistakes in her own decisions than allow any problems to occur in Changji Market.

  Vice President Yi Xiangyang couldn't help rolling his eyes and snorted: "With three of our king-level beastmasters sitting in charge, even a seventh-level overlord can compete with one or two, let alone a king beast. ."

  Not long ago, he noticed a terrifying aura approaching very quickly. Although the aura was very powerful, it was not enough to make him fearful.

  The fact that the strange beast was able to defeat the unknown king beast master did not mean that it could survive the three king beast masters.

  Shu Shutao on the side saw this and said with a smile: "The president is also being cautious. It's just that there is no large-scale beast tide. It is difficult to attack the city with just a sixth-level king beast. There seems to be no need to ask for support."

  "But what if it's a seventh-level epic overlord?" Tang Bilin asked.

  Think of defeat before talking about victory!

  She doesn't allow any accidents to happen.

  Yi Xiangyang was speechless, and for a moment he didn't know how to refute this assumption.

  If a seventh-level overlord really appears, they will die if they don't escape. The strength of the three of them alone can only last a few rounds at most. Even with the support of nearby cities, it will be no different than death.

  Only epic warriors can fight against the seventh-level overlord beast! This is an iron law. Only a monster-like king beast master can cross this barrier!

  "President, Changji No. 1 has deduced the information about the king beast master." Shi Shuyun said while controlling the computer.

  "Who is it?" Tang Bilin asked, tilting her head.

  "Based on the aura of the pet beast, there is an 80% chance that the beast master is Yin Tongxin from Longqing City, Researcher Yin." Shi Shuyun showed a hint of surprise on his face.

  Everyone present was shocked when they heard this name.

  Yin Tongxin is not only a senior researcher, but also a famous king-level dragon master of the Long Qing Yin family. He is extremely powerful and can even crush most king-level experts.

  Among the king beast masters present, no one dared to say that they could defeat Yin Tongxin if they were one on one.

  "Transmit this information to Longqing City, and also request support from the epic powerhouses from the provincial association. It shows that the strange beasts encountered in Changji City are most likely epic overlords, are extremely dangerous, and require support." Tang Bilin said decisively. .

  "Understood." Shi Shuyun nodded.

  "Don't try to persuade me, you must know that I am the president of the Changji City Beast Control Association." Tang Bilin glanced at Yi Xiangyang and Shu Shutao who were hesitant to speak next to them.

  Yi Xiangyang opened his mouth, and finally couldn't help but retort, "You will regret it, President!"

  You know, every epic powerhouse is a boss, and their status is even higher than that of the president of the city association. Be respectful.

  If an epic warrior with a clean wealth joins the beast-controlling corps, the lowest rank he can achieve is the rank of lieutenant general.

  If Tang Bilin let the epic powerhouse run in vain, he might not even be the president of the city association by then!
  After all, Changji City is just a remote third-level city, and even the president of the association does not have much responsibilities. Gold content. "I am the president of the Changji City Beast Control Association, and I will be responsible for the consequences of this action." Tang Bilin gave Yi Xiangyang a deep look, and then turned her eyes to the big screen.

  There, she can get the information she wants through her eyes.


  At this time, Bai Luo's huge body had already approached Nanshe River. The ground was cracking wherever it passed, and it was only about two hundred miles away from Changji Market.

  "Annoying flies."

  At this moment, Bai Luo paused slightly and glanced at the hazy clouds around him, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

  The next second, the surrounding space system energy began to fluctuate violently, and dozens of mechanical life forms trying to hide their traces suddenly appeared in the blue sky.

  Faced with this terrifying space shock, the fourth-level lower-level Sky Eye could not even escape. It could only stay in place, as if it had malfunctioned and was completely unable to move.

  Bai Luo was not in the mood to pay attention to these scraps of metal. His huge body quickly crossed them, and then the agitated space began to fluctuate. The cracks like spider webs swallowed up and destroyed all these heavenly eyes that were unable to resist.

  "Space-based alien beast? No wonder it suddenly appeared near the city!" Looking at the giant beast with a body that could cover the sky and the sun on the big screen, as well as the surging space fluctuations around the alien beast, Tang Bilin's face showed a hint of shock.

  After many battles, this was the first time she had seen such a terrifying space beast! !

  Shi Shuyun was stunned as he looked at the dozens of small screens that instantly lost signal on the big screen.

  Even though she was watching from a distance through the screen, the terrifying and terrifying pressure from the giant beast almost crushed her heart.

  Suddenly seeing such a majestic giant beast, Yi Xiangyang and Shu Shutao on the side couldn't help but feel their hearts sinking.

  Maybe the president’s approach is right!

  Just looking at the huge size of this giant beast, the three of them are indeed unstoppable, and even difficult to defeat!
  Seeing that there were only three Heavenly Eyes left, Tang Bilin quickly asked: "Has the specific information been detected?" "The

  results are being deduced." At this point, Shi Shuyun couldn't help but cover his plump chest with his hands.

  At this startling glance, she didn't expect that her body was so fragile, and her heart felt like it was about to jump out.

  A few seconds later, Shi Shuyun forced a smile on his face and said, "The results of the deduction are out!"

  [Name of Pet Beast]:? ? ? (Suspected to be a plant dragon species)
  [Pet attributes]: Wood, dragon, space

  [Race level]: King ~ Overlord? ? ?

  [Strength level]: Sixth to seventh level? ? ?
  [Current source energy value]: 3,576,000
  [Evaluation speculation]: It is speculated that this alien beast has a 61.45% probability of being a sixth-level overlord race, a 19.12% probability of being a sixth-level emperor race, and a 19.78% probability. The probability is that it is the seventh-level king race.

  Seeing this shocking test information, the staff present couldn't help but take a breath.

  It’s no wonder that the results inferred by the Sky Eye are very vague.

  What is the concept of 3,576,000 source energy values!
  You must know that the normal source energy value of a general sixth-order king is between 400,000 and 1.2 million, while the normal source energy value of a sixth-order overlord is 1.5 million to 2 million! ! !

  (End of chapter)

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