177. Chapter 177 Three Parties Gathering

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  Chapter 177 Three parties gather together
  ! Stephana didn't expect that Gildas in front of her actually recognized Shadra's appearance.

  It seems that Gildas might have had a share of "credit" for Shadra's previous serious injury.

  However, what Stephana didn't expect at all was that after she looked around the battlefield, she actually saw a familiar face - Andrea from the Ignis School.

  This was a friend she had met not long after she came to Ignis School a year ago.

  The key is that Andrea is not only her friend, but also the friend of the owner Richard.

  Moreover, I heard my master Richard mentioned in his chat that Ophelia, Andrea and a few others were one of the few good friends he had in the Ignis School.

  This made her feel terrible.

  Stepina took a casual glance and immediately judged that Andrea's current strength was only the best among the second-level wizard apprentices. She
  saw that he was in a fierce battle with a spider knight, relying on the help of two other wizard apprentices. , was able to withstand the attack of the Spider Knight.

  But because he had been fighting head-on with the Spider Knight at the front, the fine knight armor on his body had been broken a lot, and the bright red blood was slowly seeping out through the broken parts!

  In other words, when Andrea fights an enemy that is far more powerful than him, he may be seriously injured or even die at any time.

  Moreover, Stephana also thought of a problem. Another high-level spider woman, Dolores, has not returned yet.

  If Dolos leads another twenty or so spider knights back to the camp, and if Gildas doesn't have any powerful backup, the dozens of wizard apprentices from the three major academies in front of them will only be defeated.

  There are no eggs left behind when the nest is overturned!
  Therefore, if Andrea does not leave now, Dolores will definitely not be able to leave when she returns to the camp.

  There is a high probability that he will die here!

  Thinking of this, Stephana felt agitated. Gildas, an idiot, dared to confront someone head-on with just a few people!
  However, the matter had come to this, and she had to find a way to notify Andrea so that he could find an opportunity to withdraw as soon as possible.

  Just when Stephana was distracted thinking about Andrea, Gildas stared at her with bright eyes and said:
  "Shadra, you killed Donato!"

  Gildas said in a low voice. The angry voice brought Stephana's mind back to the scene again.

  In an instant, a flash of inspiration flashed in Stephana's mind, and she seemed to have thought of a way to remind Andrea naturally.

  "Haha, oh haha, I remembered it, and I said that the wizard apprentice looked so familiar. He turned out to be your heir, Gildas!"

  Stephana deliberately provoked Gildas's sensitive nerves after losing his son, Because her solution lies in Gildas.

  "It's a pity. He kept begging for mercy before he died, hoping that I could spare his life." Stephana said with added jealousy.

  "Shadra, shut up!"

  After Gildas transformed into a werewolf, the proportion of rationality in his brain was much smaller than before.

  "Suffer death!"

  Now, he was stimulated by Stephana's deliberate words. Within a few words, Gildas's eyes were red and he was furious.

  The next second, before Stephana could say anything else, Gildas' whole body was like a black whirlwind, rushing towards Stephana.

  "Protect Your Highness Shadra!"

  Portia took a step forward, one step ahead of Stephana, holding a sword and shield in a defensive posture, shouting.

  At the same time, several spider knights who were guarding her immediately blocked Stephana in a tacit understanding.

  "Boom!" I saw a Demon Spider Knight who was defending at the front. He was hit by a ferocious shoulder from the side by Gildarts and was directly knocked away.

  "Whirlwind Claw Attack!"

  At the same time, Gildarts roared, and swung out several claws in succession like lightning, sending all the spider knights blocking him flying!
  Seeing that the other party was so powerful, Portia narrowed her eyes, held her breath and waited solemnly.


  Gildas's modified werewolf claws and Portia's elegant long sword, which was not extraordinary, collided fiercely. Sparks flew everywhere in an instant, and the sound made the eardrums of everyone around them hurt.

  "Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding   ! !

  "   The Spider Knight, who was knocked away from the side, stood up and quickly unleashed several debuff-type zero-level witchcraft on Gildas's werewolf clone, such as Slowness, Weakness, Shadow Curse, etc.   But since the night elves are also mainly good at shadow witchcraft, these shadow witchcraft hitting the body of the werewolf chief with extremely high shadow resistance is like scratching an itch.   Apart from knocking off a few wolf hairs from Gildas, it had almost no effect!   This made several spider knights look horrified!   However, Portia was able to fight Gildas so inextricably, which made Stephana's eyes light up.   However, Stephana immediately realized that it was not possible to continue like this. Portia had to be defeated or defeated quickly, so that she could take action naturally, and then pretend to be defeated, so as to find an opportunity to tell Andrea to let him go quickly!   So, Stephana continued to sarcastically say:   "Gildas, do you have this much strength?"   "It seems that your idea of ​​​​avenging your children is a little too naive, haha!"   Gildas was originally. I was angry that I couldn't quickly take down the spider knight in front of me. Now I was ridiculed by Stephana again, and I suddenly roared!


  In an instant, Gildarts unleashed a unique move, and the size of his werewolf clone surged again. His muscles were all tangled, and his attack speed and movement speed were increased by at least 30%.

  "Clumsy Technique!"

  A ball of instant gray mist suddenly seeped into Portia's body, causing him to stagnate and unable to raise his shield to resist Gildas' sharp claw slash.

  Instead, Gildarts' powerful and heavy claw hit the armor on the chest, and he immediately flew away more than ten meters!
  Portia's face turned gloomy for a while. Although his chest armor was extremely strong, it was obvious that he was severely injured by this heavy blow in the middle of his chest!

  However, this played right into Stephana’s hands!

  The next second, Stephana waved her hands lightly, transforming into a pair of extremely sharp blade arms, and fought fiercely with Gildas.

  It has to be said that Gildas in a frantic state is indeed superior to her in terms of strength.

  Stephana didn't even have to pretend to be invincible before she was knocked away by Gildarts' ferocious claw combos.

  However, under Stephana's deliberate control, she flew directly towards Andrea who was fighting in the rear.

  Andrea was startled when she saw a cloud of fragrant wind coming towards her, and the next second, she was knocked away.

  Portia was shocked when she saw Her Highness Shadra being knocked away by Gildas, and immediately intercepted Gildas who wanted to hit him.

  Although he did not think that His Highness Shadra, as a high-ranking Spider Woman, would really be defeated so quickly, but as for him, the first priority was to protect the safety of His Highnesses.

  When Stephana and Andrea rolled into a ball, taking advantage of being knocked away, Stephana quickly said in Andrea 's ear: "Quickly move! Danger! I am Stephana!" Andrea, who thought that she would definitely die if the spider woman got close to her, heard the words spoken by the strange spider woman in front of her, her pupils tightened, and she had an expression of disbelief on her face.

  As a high-level spider woman, the opponent's strength far exceeds hers, so she has no reason to play tricks on her. Moreover, the name Stephana, who has disappeared for nearly half a year, undoubtedly greatly strengthens her credibility.

  Suddenly, Andrea's eyes became clear as she wanted to understand.

  When Stephana stood up, she deliberately hit Andrea with another elbow, knocking her back seven or eight meters, causing a large dent in the fine knight's plate armor on her chest.

  Although the Spider Knight who rushed to help felt a little strange why Her Highness the Spider Girl didn't use her sword arm and struck with her elbow instead, but seeing such a powerful elbow strike, she thought it was due to her fighting habits and immediately did not doubt him.

  At this time, Andrea had been knocked flying to the vicinity of the dense forest. As long as he jumped, he could enter the dense forest and hide.

  After being reminded by Stephana, he naturally would not foolishly return to the battlefield again.

  A few seconds later, when Stephana looked around again, she found that there was no trace of Andrea at all. Immediately, she felt relieved, and she was finally out of danger.

  However, when she looked down, she saw the first scars on her beautiful body after her resurrection.

  Although the scar was very shallow, it was still unacceptable for Stephana, who loves beauty.

  Therefore, Stephana waved her sword arm hatefully, quickly came to Portia, who was almost unable to resist, and helped him block many attacks.

  After a while, the situation was maintained at a delicate balance.

  Facing the joint efforts of Portia and Stephana, even Gildas, who activated the madness technique, was unable to do anything to the two of them.

  But the frenzy technique has a time limit. If he still can't defeat the two of them in three minutes, Gildas will have no choice but to retreat.

  However, Gildarts has one last trick up his sleeve.

  He was hesitating whether to use it or not.

  Because when Stephana and Portia appeared, a sorcerer's apprentice sent him a message, saying that the spider woman in front of him was not the spider woman they had encountered before when they fought back.

  This immediately shocked Gildas!
  It was not that he had not suspected that the wizard apprentices were dazzled and mistaken for the wrong person.

  But when I think about it carefully, I feel that this possibility is very low.

  Although the spider women all look equally beautiful, their hair color, clothing, face shape, and temperament are all slightly different. The wizard apprentices can still tell them apart.

  This also means that in addition to the spider woman Shadra, there is another spider woman here in the Norman secret realm.

  The Mistress of the Night is really courageous!

  Although I don’t know what method was used to suppress the strength, they actually sent two spider girls in.

  So, Gildarts is waiting!

  After everyone on the other side is gathered, use that move directly to plow the hole and sweep them away completely!

  It can not only avenge the murder of the son, but also open a way back.

  As for why he has not used it for a long time, it is because once that move is used, not only will it have relatively large sequelae, but regardless of victory or defeat, he will be teleported out of the Norman Secret Realm.

  Therefore, Gildarts only has one chance to take action, and he wants to win in one fight! ——At
  this time, Richard had obviously noticed the sound of fighting near the camp gate.

  After observing from a distance, he frowned when he realized that he did not see the spider girl Dolores.

  Could it be that Dolores is still sitting in the camp?
  Richard shook his head, feeling that this possibility was not high. There was a high probability that the other party had gone out.

  Otherwise, even if she was not interested in taking action herself, Dolores should at least come out to see the situation.

  And when Richard saw a knight's armor and a familiar face, he couldn't help but be stunned, Andrea?

  The next second, he had a headache. Andrea was one of his few friends, so he couldn't just ignore her.

  However, after a while, Richard saw the scene of Stephana and Andrea bumping into each other, and immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  He had forgotten, speaking of which, Stephana knew Andrea before him.

  She recognized Andrea from a distance, and Stephana had obviously already thought of a way.

  Sure enough, Andrea, who was knocked into the air, rolled over without anyone paying attention and entered the dense forest on the side.

  This actually gave Richard a false alarm!
  Immediately, he put on his protective cloak, quietly climbed over the fence, walked calmly into the camp from the other direction, and soon came to the room where Stephana placed the crystal ball.

  Along the way, since the spider knights in the camp were almost all depleted, Richard was able to do this easily after avoiding a few guards.

  After looking around, he confirmed his guess. Sure enough, Dolores must have gone out and was not in the camp.

  Based on his sense of the crystal ball, Richard soon found the crystal ball he asked Stephana to bring in in advance in a hidden drawer under the desk.

  Looking at the crystal ball that had successfully released the rubbing witch formation, Richard couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

  Stephana is still very efficient.

  Now, Richard just needs to stand aside and watch what happens.

  Normally speaking, facing the siege from Stephana and the deputy captain of the Spider Knights, it would be great for Gildas to remain undefeated.

  There are only three possibilities. The first is that Gildas was killed before the senior spider lady Dolores returned to the camp.

  The second is that Gildas persists until Dolores returns to the camp.

  In that case, even if Dolores has doubts about Shadra played by Stephana, she will wait until Gildas is defeated or killed before discussing.

  Richard didn't believe it yet. Facing the combination of so many spider knights and two spider women, even if Gildas was the official wizard himself, he would probably be furious if he resisted.

  Not to mention that what he entered into the Norman secret realm this time was just his clone.

  And the last situation is when Gildarts shows off his might and beats Stephana and all the spider knights to a complete defeat.

  In that case, he would need to secretly send out the newly transformed resentful spirit Abomination to take action.

  While Richard was concentrating on his thoughts, Dolores and his team of more than 20 people were rushing toward the camp like a fast-moving black snake!

  (End of chapter)

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