176. Chapter 176 The battle begins

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  Chapter 176 The battle begins.
  Looking at the bloody and strange scene in front of her, Dolores couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, revealing an extremely happy smile.

  As Dolos stretched out her white palm, she saw this drop of dark red origin blood crystal exuding strong energy fluctuations, slowly floating in front of Dolos.

  Finally, the source blood crystal fell on her open palm.

  Dolores immediately took out a small black wooden box, carefully stored the source blood crystal, and stuffed it into her chest.

  The black wooden box was made of an unknown material and was extremely insulating. As soon as the Black Dragon Origin Blood Crystal was put in and closed, the strong energy fluctuations disappeared without a trace.

  This black wooden box and the mirror that had just played a huge role were gifts from the mistress.

  It seems that before Dorothy entered the Norman secret realm, the mistress behind her had already arranged a series of preparations.

  "Let's go! Return to the camp."

  After completing the task, Dolores was obviously in a much better mood, which made the captain of the Demon Spider Knight beside him let out a long sigh of relief.

  The live bait hadn't arrived just now, but when Her Highness Dolores asked to take it himself, the Captain of the Demon Spider Knight was really frightened.

  Looking at the miserable condition of these three human wizard apprentices, the captain of the Demon Spider Knight shuddered in his heart!

  He immediately shook his head, even though he was an enemy, but both were intelligent creatures, Her Highness Dolores was too cruel to her enemies.

  However, Her Highness Dolores is extremely cruel to her own people, let alone the humans on the surface.

  These three human wizard apprentices can only blame themselves for their bad luck.

  At this moment, Dolores was thinking about the reason why Shadra, whom she hadn't seen for half a year, suddenly appeared in the Norman secret realm.
  Could it be that he was really following the orders of his mistress?

  This made her unable to guess the reason for a moment.

  However, I believe that soon, when I return to the camp, the answer will naturally be revealed.

  So, Dorothy shouted: "Speed ​​up and march!"

  Suddenly, a group of more than 20 people rushed towards the camp.
  Gildas led the group of wizard apprentices and advanced all the way, and soon arrived near the original material trading point.

  All kinds of powerful monsters that appeared on the way were unable to withstand the joint efforts of the three extremely powerful apprentices to kill them. This made the wizard apprentices who had been trapped for a long time feel excited and their morale was further improved.

  They all felt that soon, under the leadership of the rescue team, they would be able to successfully break through the night elves' defense line and leave the Norman secret realm to return to the academy.

  However, along the way, Gildas had some doubts in his heart.

  Because whether it was the orb or the guidance of the tracking mark, the direction I was traveling in was too consistent with the direction of the original material trading point.

  It is now the headquarters of the Spider Knights.

  He had already confirmed this from the mouths of many wizard apprentices.

  Could it be that it was the Night Elves' Spider Knights who killed Donato?

  After all, he once thought that the murderer was Richard who made him chase the bird thousands of miles away.

  Half an hour
  later was standing on a hillside near the original trading point.

  After stopping and observing for a long time, Gildas finally confirmed that the person with the orb and the tracking mark must be in the camp in front of him.

  Then the murderer is obviously very clear, it must be the night elf.

  That's not bad.

  He could avenge Donato and also complete the rescue mission arranged by the Grand Wizard Graf. It was the best of both worlds.

  after confirming again the defensive strength of the Spider Knight inside the original trading point, Gildas couldn't help but frown.

  The opponent's defense is surprisingly tight!

  It seemed that he had already expected that an enemy would attack.

  Normally, the defense density would never be so high.

  This is quite tricky.

  If you choose to attack by force, the chance of winning will never exceed 30%, and this still takes into account the situation when your own combat power is fully activated.

  It seems that we need to plan carefully. If it doesn't work, we will have to sacrifice some people.

  So, after thinking for a moment, Gildas led three members of the apprentices' extreme level to the wizard apprentices and said: "
  Ahead is the last difficulty. As long as we can rush through it, everyone can leave safely. Secret Realm."

  "However, the night elves are very powerful in guarding the camp. We need someone to take the initiative and try to lure some spider knights over." This is a temporary

  method that Gildas just thought of, which is to weaken the opponent in the early stage. use part of the defensive force, and then press all the troops.

  However, as soon as Gildas finished speaking, all the wizard apprentices below looked at each other, and no one responded.

  No wonder!
  From the perspective of the wizard apprentices, they believed that if they met the rescue team, they could successfully leave the Norman secret realm with the help of the rescue team.

  Who could have imagined that he would have to serve as a bait and go through a bloody battle.
  When his own vital interests were involved, a wizard apprentice immediately spoke boldly and said: "
  This. Wizard Gildas, we only have so many people, why not How about gathering a few more people before attacking?"

  This was a third-level wizard apprentice from Gurus Academy who seemed to be giving the suggestion tactfully.

  After seeing someone asking for advice, another wizard apprentice immediately spoke up and said:
  "Yes, Wizard Gildas, there should be other members of the rescue team in the secret area. If you can find a way to bring them all together, the whole battle should be much more reliable, right?" "Yes,

  Gildas Wizard, our strength is really far behind compared to the Spider Knight. Even if we try our best, it won't have much effect."

  Gradually, a group of people started talking.

  This made Gildas frown, his face became increasingly ugly, and he felt depressed and irritable.

  His own genius heir, Donato, is dead, but these cowardly losers are still alive. It's really unfair.

  Stefan on the side took a look at Wizard Gildas's face and immediately yelled:

  "As the supreme commander of the three major colleges in the secret territory of Norman, Wizard Gildas has a very strict attitude towards personnel. "They have absolute rights to deploy."

  "Yes, it is almost impossible to summon all the members of the rescue team." The two extreme level powerhouse apprentices from Gurus Academy also helped.

  Under the persuasion of the three people, many wizard apprentices had to hold their noses and admit the fact that they were about to participate in a bloody battle.

  After all, if you don't participate, there is absolutely no chance of leaving the Norman secret realm.

  If you participate, there is at least a glimmer of hope to get out.

  However, since no one took the initiative to respond, the original decoy tactics were cancelled, and were now changed to sneak attacks.

  In order to improve morale and make up for the lack of combat effectiveness of many wizard apprentices, Gildas ordered the three team members to distribute the combat potions and alchemy bombs as much as possible.

  Since the quantities of potions and alchemy bombs that the three of them brought into the Norman secret realm were limited, each wizard apprentice could only receive one bottle of combat potion and one alchemy bomb.

  This is already the largest allocation so far.

  It was better than nothing, but it did boost morale. These combat potions and alchemy bombs all came from the stronghold's secret vault, and were considered good things.

  After everything is ready, the first wave of battle begins!
  Under the unexpected attack, the wizard apprentices used more to defeat fewer and combined with the astonishingly powerful alchemy bombs, they actually achieved a good result.

  On the spot, more than twenty of them successfully killed four or five spider knights. This made Gildas nod. It seemed that these wizard apprentices were not as bad as he expected.

  In fact, those who can still persist in the secret territory despite the night elves' continuous manhunt for several days are mostly not mediocre, and basically always have one or two killer moves at their disposal.

  However, under normal circumstances, apprentices are reluctant to use it. Of course, it may be that there are relatively serious side effects after using it.

  Secondly, in the face of Gildas's strength, the apprentices also considered that this was already the final step. As long as they won, they could return smoothly.

  Therefore, at this time, the apprentices also used all their strength!
  But soon, after the spider knights quickly reacted, a steady stream of spider knights gathered from the camp and surrounding areas, and the entire battle began to reverse.

  However, under the surprise attack of three extreme-level wizard apprentices such as Stefan, the battle situation changed again. The apprentices relied on alchemy bombs and combat potions to barely maintain their front, barely able to withstand the attacks of the Spider Knights. attack.

  I heard the screams of the Spider Knight coming from the camp gate, as well as the occasional violent explosions.

  A smile appeared on Stephana's face, as if her plot had succeeded.

  It seems that Gildas should have arrived, and finally, he can start to implement the second step of his master's plan.

  I saw Stephana taking out a crystal ball from her body. This was the same crystal ball that Richard had used to imprint the witchcraft array for collecting resentful spirits and release an unknown witchcraft.

  While the night elves' attention was attracted by the battle at the gate, Stephana quickly recited a short spell.

  As the spell sounded, suddenly, the crystal ball burst into a dazzling red light, and a witch formation was projected on the ground.

  It instantly changed from the size of a fist to the size of a room, and then submerged into the ground.

  The red light also quickly dimmed!
  At this time, if anyone observes carefully, they will find that the entire camp has been enveloped in a very faint blood light.

  Looking at the scene in front of her being completed smoothly, a satisfied smile appeared on Stephana's face.

  The second step of the plan is to find an opportunity to set up a witch formation in the camp. This task is completed!
  Next, was the third step of the plan.
  At this time, there was a very rhythmic knock on Stephana's door.

  "Dong dong, dong dong!"

  "Your Highness Shadra, as expected, the enemy is coming!"

  Listening to this familiar voice, the person outside the door was none other than Portia.


  Stephana opened the door, looked at Portia with an admiring look on her face, and couldn't help but smile to herself.

  Stephana still concealed it well on the surface, imitating the spider women's usual arrogant look, and said in a calm tone: "Let's go, Portia, let's go greet the guests together and see what they are."

  "Yes, Your Highness Shadra." Portia bowed slightly.

  Then, he followed Stephana quickly towards the camp gate.

  At this moment, the battle at the entrance of the camp has heated up. Except for Gildas who has not yet taken action, everyone else has basically gone all out.

  But currently, as the alchemy bombs are exhausted and the Spider Knights continue to join the battle, the balance of victory is tilting towards the dark night side.

  Gildas could also see that his apprentices had tried their best.

  If he doesn't take action, the entire battle will collapse in less than five minutes.

  Gildarts took a deep breath!

  Suddenly, the muscles all over his body suddenly swelled, his black hair grew rapidly, and his head changed even more dramatically. His upper and lower jaws protruded rapidly, and a pair of fangs grew longer and longer. The most striking thing was, a pair of sharp sharp teeth. Claws are growing out of the cracks in the fist bones.

  The claws, which were already extremely sharp, were emitting bursts of strange metallic luster at this moment.

  This is exactly the special effect achieved by the claws after Gildas reshaped it and implanted a rare metal called magic iron.

  For ordinary elemental defense shields, it can be said that this pair of claws has a terrifying special effect that can penetrate with one hit!

  A black wind blew by, and the dark werewolf transformed by Gildas appeared more than ten meters away.

  The next second, accompanied by the screams of a spider knight on the battlefield, a ferocious werewolf claw pierced out of his chest, holding a still beating heart in the middle of the claws.


  His heart was crushed!
  Blood and heart fragments are flying all over the sky!

  This cruel scene immediately produced two completely different effects.

  The spider knights all turned pale and fearful.

  The struggling wizard apprentices seem to have seen hope and their morale has been boosted!

  "It's Wizard Gildas!"

  "Well, we finally took action!"

  "Everyone, hold on, the situation of the battle will change soon."

  "That's right! Everyone, try harder!"

  "The opponent is about to die!"

  Gilda Si's performance has just begun at this time.

  Suddenly, his tall and strong werewolf body flashed and quickly appeared beside another spider knight.

  After the opponent barely blocked it twice, before the other spider knights could rescue him, Gildarts clawed his fragile neck open again.

  In an instant, the blood from the aorta in the neck shot out several meters away.

  The trachea and Adam's apple were torn together!

  I saw that the originally handsome face of the Demon Spider Rider was now ferocious and twisted, red from holding back, his eyes were bulging, and he was covering his neck with his hands, as if he wanted to stop the bleeding, or to block the air leakage, but everything was in vain.
  Next For a second, despair showed in his eyes, and he collapsed to the ground!

  This made several captains of the Spider Knights suddenly change their expressions and shouted hurriedly: "Quick! Triangular position!"

  Therefore, when Stephana and Portia came to the gate of the camp, what they saw That's the scene.

  A tall black werewolf with a height of more than two meters, like a black whirlwind, slaughtered wantonly in his own camp, treating the spider knights as if they were nothing.

  As for the Spider Knights, all of them had cowardly looks on their faces, as if they were facing a formidable enemy!

  This made Portia's face livid, and he was extremely angry.

  This bunch of rubbish!

  Let yourself look "long" in front of His Highness Shadra.

  When Stephana came out, Gildas was obviously taken aback by the unusually obvious tracking mark on her body.

  The next second, he stopped, turned his head and locked his eyes firmly on the graceful Stephana.

  "Shadra the Spider Woman?"

  (End of Chapter)

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