167.Chapter 167 Meditation method breaks the limit

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  Chapter 167 Meditation Method Breaking Limits

  Richard took a deep breath, calmed down the turbulent mood in his heart, and started thinking again.

  He had a vague hunch that his current choice was closely related to the innate witchcraft that would be triggered when he was promoted to an official wizard in the future.

  Therefore, he first eliminated those breakthrough paths that had a high probability of triggering only one innate witchcraft. Although, among these choices, a certain innate witchcraft might be very powerful, it was still not safe enough.

  Richard understood that even the one-punch man in the cartoons of his previous life could often kill and maim his opponents with just one strike.

  But the bald caped man also has a premise, that is, his defense is actually super high. All enemies he encounters cannot cause effective damage to him no matter what kind of attacks they perform.

  What does this mean?
  Explains the importance of defense!
  Therefore, Richard screened out all the breakthrough paths that could generate two innate witchcrafts one by one, and gave up all the breakthrough paths that were likely to trigger only one innate witchcraft.

  Immediately, Richard began to think carefully again!

  For example, some breakthrough paths are to specifically strengthen the attack power, but he feels that there is no essential difference between the two talent witchcrafts that are biased toward attack type, and the powerful attack type talent witchcraft just now. After thinking about it for a moment, , Richard still shook his head and gave up.

  And those two innate witchcrafts were all defensive types. Richard obviously didn't want to become a turtle shell wizard, so he immediately excluded all these breakthrough paths.

  In this case, there are actually not many choices left, only a dozen or so.

  The rest have both attack and defense, but with different emphasis on attack and defense.

  The first way to break through is to over-strengthen the attack. Although offense is the best defense, Richard believes that when he is besieged, a good defensive innate witchcraft is likely to make him survive, so he thought about it. , he quickly gave up this offensive-oriented breakthrough path.

  The next breakthrough path is one that is too defensive
  . Although it has both offense and defense, the offensive innate witchcraft is too obvious and is easier to be resisted by the opponent. Richard still shook his head!

  Article 4.
  Finally, after a long time, Richard, who was thinking hard, straightened his face, made up his mind, and chose a breakthrough path. It was the kind of breakthrough path that was both offensive and defensive and had no obvious weaknesses.

  After choosing the breakthrough idea for the next level of Rodrigo's meditation method, Richard adjusted his breathing, closed his eyes and concentrated in his mind. The massive inspiration collided with countless sparks of thinking!

  Suddenly, the extremely proficient first-level witchcraft model, which had already been functioning mentally, became brilliant.

  I saw that based on all seven witchcraft runes in the first layer of witchcraft model, brand new witchcraft runes are being generated at this moment.

  This feeling was very strange. Richard felt as if he was building a house. The first floor had been built before, and now he was starting to build the second floor on this basis.

  The first newly generated second-level witchcraft rune has an extremely complicated shape, similar to the shape of "Ж", with a vertical three-dimensional figure added in the middle. The outline is at least several times more difficult than the previous seventh witchcraft rune on the first layer. Magic runes.

  Fortunately, this was in a dream, and Richard instinctively sketched the exact shape of the first rune of the second layer between the two first-layer witchcraft runes.

  Then, with the blessing of massive inspiration, Richard, who was in a state of explosive thinking, quickly constructed the second complex witchcraft rune, the
  third one,
  and up to the sixth one!
  After the construction of the most complex sixth witchcraft rune was completed, all six runes shone brightly in an instant, as if six children holding hands closely formed a ring-shaped model that was slightly smaller than the first layer. .

  When this ring is perfectly inlaid on the first layer, a double-layered circular cake-like overall model is instantly constructed.

  At this point, the second level of Rodrigo’s meditation method has successfully broken through the limit!
  There was a sudden spin, and Richard's soul returned to his original body.

  At this time, the prompt on the inspiration panel also came simultaneously:
  [The Rodrigo Meditation Method (Apprentice Chapter) successfully broke the limit and consumed a total of 113982 energy points. Please name the newly generated meditation method?

  Looking at the scene in front of him, Richard was overjoyed. If he were not still in the secret realm of Norman, he would have wanted to yell and vent his emotions!

  After working hard, I finally broke through the monopoly of advanced meditation methods in the wizarding world by chance!
  Using Rodrigo's Meditation Method (Apprentice) as the iron pot and the first layer of the other three advanced meditation methods as firewood, I finally "cooked" an advanced meditation method that suited me.

  But how to name it?
  This question immediately stumped Richard.

  The main reason is that Richard has never considered this issue. He originally wanted to name it directly the Rodrigo Meditation Method (First Level Wizard).

  But think about this innovative version of my own, and the original Rodrigo meditation method, there must be a huge difference, and even a completely different style.

  Therefore, Richard thought, would it be appropriate to name it after Rodrigo?
  However, after some thought, Richard decided to name it after Rodrigo, but added two words in the middle and named the newly generated meditation method Rodrigo's Variation Meditation Method.

  After all, I evolved and innovated based on Rodrigo's meditation method.

  Don’t forget the well digger when drinking water!

  [The new meditation method was successfully named.

  The new meditation method after breaking the limit - Rodrigo's mutation meditation method, Richard's current progress is 1% of entry level.

  However, as soon as Richard practiced for a while, he had a hunch. First, if he chose to continue to improve, he would soon break through to the official wizard level with the new meditation method, and he would also be eliminated within a certain period of time. Expelled from the secret realm.

  Second, he already had a clear sign that after his breakthrough, two innate witchcrafts would be generated. This was something he already knew when he chose the breakthrough path.

  However, what he can clearly feel now is that the innate witchcraft regarding the attack direction is most likely a first-level witchcraft of the spiritual system - spiritual shock!
  The other defensive innate witchcraft is still not very clear. I only know that it is a first-level defensive witchcraft of the shadow system. Which specific first-level witchcraft it is will only be known after the breakthrough is successful.

  When you are promoted to a formal wizard, the triggering of the generation of two innate witchcraft requires two conditions to be met with a small probability. One is the first level of the advanced meditation method or the apprentice chapter. The control level needs to reach the master level and above.

  The other second condition is that the higher the control level of two or more witchcraft that are highly compatible with the meditation method, the better.

  The first condition alone stops 90% of third-level wizard apprentices, not to mention the second, more difficult condition.

  But for Richard, these difficulties do not exist at all!
  Because Richard has already practiced meditation and witchcraft to the highest level through the inspiration panel.

  However, after Richard stood stunned for a moment, he murmured to himself: "Why do I vaguely feel that I still have a third talent for witchcraft?"

  When he was promoted to an official wizard, the situation of generating three talents for witchcraft was triggered, and Richard never never heard of that!
  Moreover, the premonition about this third talent of witchcraft is very vague. He himself does not know what type of witchcraft this third talent will be and which type of witchcraft it is. Talented witchcraft means instantaneous first-level witchcraft and ultra-low consumption of mental power. From this perspective, it can be easily explained why a first-level wizard and a wizard apprentice have two very different combat powers.

  A wizard's apprentice needs at least two to three defenses to level zero witchcraft to resist the first-level witchcraft that a formal wizard casts instantly.

  Obviously, even if the wizard apprentice can survive the first blow, when the second and third blows from the official wizard follow one after another, what can the wizard apprentice do to resist?
  There is no other option but to escape.
  clone of Gildas is currently resting in a hidden dense forest.

  Several hours have passed, and according to the scheduled plan, there is only one team member named Stefan Moon who has rushed to meet him.

  However, through the orb in his hand, he could feel that other team members were quickly converging towards them.

  Because the two of them stayed still, but the light of the [Mistmanto Orb] in their respective hands became brighter and brighter.

  Obviously, this situation shows that there are other orb holders rushing towards them at the moment, but they don't know whether the other party is one person or two.

  As for the situation of three people?

  Gildarts never thought he would be able to gather all the players.

  For him, as long as two team members can join him, he can almost walk sideways in the Norman Secret Realm, except for a very few enemies.

  As the orb in his hand became brighter and brighter, suddenly, there was a faint sound of explosions and the sound of branches breaking from the dense forest in front of him.

  "Not good!" Gildarts reacted instantly. Although the players at the ultimate level of the third-level wizard apprentice were still weak in his eyes, they would never be so careless.

  There was such a commotion near the core area of ​​the Norman Secret Realm. It was most likely because they were being hunted, and they were so reckless about the consequences.

  Gildas immediately stood up, waved his right hand, and the two of them quickly sneaked towards the direction of the sound, one after the other.

  Through the mottled shade of the trees, a young man with short chestnut hair was seen running wildly. From time to time, he would throw alchemy bombs towards the rear, causing violent explosions to block the pursuers from behind.

  And he himself was rolling in an extremely embarrassed manner, dodging the sudden arrows coming from behind!
  "It's Harley Rubio!" Stefan had sharp eyes and recognized the opponent at a glance as his familiar teammate Harley. Just as he was about to rush forward to support, he was stopped by Gildas.

  "Don't worry, let's take a look at the situation of the enemies behind first!" Gildas said solemnly.

  Although, he had already judged from the few arrows just now that the opponent was most likely the Spider Knight of the Night Elves.

  Sure enough, a few seconds later, several night elves wrapped in fully armed knight armors sprang out from the dense forest behind, holding longbows in their hands, and kept approaching the apprentice named Harley.

  "One, two and five, there are five spider knights in total, plus the accompanying spider, is Harley poking a hornet's nest?" Stefan gasped in shock.

  The five spider knights, even if they go together with the clone of Gildas the wizard, they will probably have to go through a hard fight.

  Fortunately, he had just been stopped by the wizard Gildarts. Otherwise, if he had rashly stepped forward, he would probably have joined the fleeing army and fled in a hurry!

  Stefan felt scared at this moment!
  Gildarts frowned slightly when he saw it. There were a little more than five spider knights. It seemed that he would have to put in a little more effort!
  He turned to Stefan and said: "You attack from the side, mainly using scrolls and alchemy bombs, to attract the opponent's attention." "Within three seconds,

  I will launch an attack from the rear. At that time, you two will delay." Just prevent them from escaping."

  Since Gildas was not very familiar with these two people, the task assigned was relatively easy.

  hiss! Even before the fight started, he was sure that the opponent would be defeated by him! Is this the strength and confidence of a formal wizard?
  Hearing the wizard Gildas in front of him say something like treating him like a cow or a sheep to be slaughtered by him, Stefan was filled with admiration and he immediately agreed!

  The next second, Stefan followed the order and quickly executed it. When he looked back at Gildarts' position again, he found that the original hiding place was already empty at this moment, which shows how fast Gildarts is!

  Stefan tore open a powerful scroll, and in an instant, a black beam of light as thick as the mouth of a bowl shot out, instantly severely injuring a spider knight.

  Then, he threw several alchemy bombs one after another, making the chasing spider knights shocked and angry, and they were suddenly in a panic!
  Harley, the team member who was escaping from the front, instantly brightened up and looked overjoyed. He felt as if he had narrowly escaped death.

  When Harley first teleported to the Norman secret realm, he was lucky that there were no enemies around.

  But when he moved closer to his teammates according to the guidance of the orb, his good luck left him!
  About half an hour ago, he was discovered by the Spider Knights from the Night Elf side, and there were five of them. This made Harley have no desire to fight at all, and he ran away like crazy.

  If he hadn't exchanged enough combat potions and alchemy bombs in the stronghold's secret warehouse before coming, this time would have been a disaster!

  But there were dangers along the way, and the various potions and bombs exchanged for thousands of magic stones were almost exhausted.

  When the explosion dissipated, the Demon Spider Knights who came back to their senses saw that only one person had attacked them, and they immediately became furious.

  It seemed that he was quite embarrassed and angry at his actions as if he had just faced a formidable enemy, so he immediately formed a battle formation that was originally in a circle to prepare for defense, quickly spread out, and all four of them pressed on!
  Just as the spider knight at the far end was about to raise his bow and shoot, suddenly, a strong wind came from behind.

  He just felt something was wrong and was about to turn around to check, but he only heard a "Pfft!" and a severe cramp in his abdomen.

  When he lowered his head, he saw a thick and extremely sharp claw running through his body from his lower back to his abdomen!

  What made him unbelievable was that the fine patterned knight armor he wore didn't seem to have any defensive effect.

  In the hands of this extremely sharp claw, it was like a piece of tissue paper, torn apart in an instant!

  Accompanied by his scream.

  The next second, there was a "hiss" sound!
  His entire body was torn in half from top to bottom!

  (End of chapter)

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