166. Chapter 166 “Gift” from Robert

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  Chapter 166 The "gift" from Robert.

  The hatred rushed to the side of the blood-striped clay troll again. He slashed the giant iron ax and hammer ball in his hand like lightning. The blood-striped clay troll screamed again and again as it slashed. Upside.

  This made Robert dumbfounded: "The power of blood amber!! The secret technique of the North Ring!!"

  "Stop, the master of the North Ring opposite! I am good friends with Donato of the North Ring!" Robert shouted towards the woods where Richard was hiding.

  Obviously, Robert believed that the opponent he was fighting was a master from the Ring of North!

  Because whether it is the power of blood amber or the summoning of hatred, they are very representative witchcraft of the North Ring.

  And Donetto is very famous among the wizard apprentices in the Ring of North.

  "Me and the good fortune of North Ring."

  What interrupted his speech was a guiding arrow from Richard!

  Because when Robert was resisting Stephana's attack, all his defenses had been exhausted to the point of witchcraft.

  At this moment, because he had been distracted to resist Stephana's attack, he could no longer dodge Richard's arrow with an uncertain movement trajectory!
  A flash of blue light passed by as fast as lightning, and a thumb-thick hole instantly appeared at the Adam's apple on Robert's neck!

  The arrow was so fast that it directly penetrated Robert's neck, making him unable to speak the second half of his sentence!
  Robert fell to the ground with a look of resignation.

  When he died, his eyes were wide open, and he obviously refused to die in peace!

  A scroll slipped out of his hand. It obviously contained some powerful witchcraft, but he didn't have time to use it.

  With Robert's death, the blood-striped clay troll instantly lost its activity and turned into ordinary soil, which then gradually solidified and turned into a small earth bag.

  A mark symbol that exuded strong energy fluctuations was instantly stained on both Richard and Stepina.

  This made Richard frown. The energy intensity of this symbol seemed to be stronger than the tracking marks of the apprentices he had killed before!
  This shows that the wizard who casts the tracking mark on the person in front of him is quite powerful!

  Obviously, this is not a good thing!
  However, he is now in the Norman Secret Realm, and the power of the Secret Realm also blocks the spread of the tracking mark. Therefore, he and Stepina are currently in the Secret Realm, safe and sound!
  However, after leaving the secret realm, it will be more troublesome!

  After all, there is only one stand-in doll left on him now, and he and Stepina have received two marks in total!
  Putting away the mask transformed by the mimetic wristband, Richard walked out of the dense forest.

  Stephanie saw her master Richard walking out of the jungle with a worried look on his face, and then looked at the marks on his body. She knew that he must have caused big trouble. She immediately put away her sword arm, stepped forward and apologized: "I'm sorry, master, it's me. Accidentally."

  Richard waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, the other party obviously has bad intentions towards you, which also means that as long as you resist, your strength will be exposed sooner or later." "Also, next time you encounter this kind of

  harassment Yes, don't hesitate, just strike first!" After a pause, Richard added with a serious face.

  Seeing that Richard's words were quite humorous, Stephana couldn't help but smile, feeling sweet in her heart.

  Richard's words made her feel that although the two of them were currently master and slave, as the master, Richard did not treat her as a simple tool, but would consider her feelings.

  As an extremely pure soul energy came, Richard's whole body couldn't help but tremble with pleasure!
  After Richard calmed down for a while, the excitement was dozens of times better than the refreshing feeling of betel nuts and cigarettes. Richard began to carefully look at the memory pictures in his mind about the enemy that had just been transmitted from the crystal.

  Robert Soto, nicknamed Blood Devil!
  hiss! Of course Richard had heard of this guy.

  This guy is also one of the famous wizard apprentices in the Ignis School. Although Richard doesn't stay in the school very much, he has heard people talk about him several times.

  The third-level wizard apprentice of which school is closest in strength to a formal wizard, the quasi-wizard seed of the school!
  Huh! He is actually the most valued heir of the Soto family, a wizarding family!
  When he saw this, Richard couldn't help but frown, which made his originally planned guarantee plan likely to fail!

  Originally, if things didn't work out, he could sign a contract with the school and be promoted to an official wizard.

  But looking at it now, this line has suddenly become extremely bumpy, even impossible!

  Because the Soto family is deeply entangled in the Ignis school, unless the second-level great wizard speaks in person, or with only Master Seles alone, the other family will definitely prevent Richard from signing a contract with the school, and will also do it afterwards. revenge!

  However, when Richard saw the next picture, his face was filled with shock and joy, and his original sad expression was gone!

  This guy actually knows the apprentice chapter of the top-secret Death Bone Meditation method of the Ignis School!
  This is undoubtedly great news for Richard!
  The purpose of Richard signing the contract with the school is simply to obtain another copy of the first level of the advanced meditation method or the apprentice chapter, so as to meet the limit breaking (3/3) requirements.

  Richard once again recalled the content of the Dead Bone Meditation Apprentice Chapter in his mind, and after making sure that he had memorized it firmly, he couldn't help but feel elated!

  This means that he can use Breaking Limits on the incomplete Rodrigo Meditation Technique at any time to obtain an advanced meditation technique at the level of a first-level wizard.

  However, now is obviously not the right time and place.

  Richard continued to look at the next picture.
  Groove! Gildas's clone actually entered the secret realm!
  When Richard saw that slightly familiar face appear again in Robert's memory, he shouted that something was wrong!
  Sure enough, the mentor of Jenna and Joakim, the wizard Gildas, actually sent his clone into the secret realm of Norman this time.

  Although the euphemistic name is to rescue the trapped wizard apprentices from the three major colleges, a considerable part of the purpose is definitely to find Richard.

  This made Richard frown again!

  Keep looking through the memory screens
  ! There is such a treasure. Based on the scene in Robert's memory, Richard found the "Mistmanto Orb" from his corpse.

  not good! Richard, who was holding the orb, immediately realized that this orb was actually a tracking mark in disguise.

  As long as you hold this item, other orb holders can more clearly determine your location.

  Stephana looked at Richard's expression of joy and frown, and couldn't help but worry: "Master, is this person we killed very troublesome?" "Yes!

  But he killed well!!" Richard He was stunned, and immediately said to Stephana with a smile.

  If it weren't for Stephana, the other party probably wouldn't have fought with her. Obviously, if a battle did not break out, he would not be able to unexpectedly obtain the Death Bone Meditation Technique, thereby completing the last piece of the puzzle for Rodrigo's Meditation Technique to break the limit.

  At first, Stephana was a little worried when she heard Richard say it was very troublesome, but after hearing the second half of the sentence, she smiled like a flower.

  It feels really good to have your master fully support you!
  Just when Richard was about to put the orb into the mouth of a certain bird like last time, he thought about it and had a better idea.

  Maybe it can also weaken the opponent's strength!
  Since he is now in the core area of ​​the secret realm, Richard has encountered many powerful monsters many times.

  The auras of some of the monsters made him feel frightened. They must be powerful monsters that were bred in the secret realm and reached the level of a first-level wizard!

  The strength of individuals born naturally in the secret realm is not limited by the rules of the secret realm.

  Therefore, from this perspective, the most powerful people in the Norman secrets are neither the leader of the night elves, the high-level spider woman Dolores, nor the clone of Gildarts, but a small number of first-level wizards. Super powerful monster!

  Richard just thought of a way.

  I saw him stuffing the [Mistmanto Orb] into the mouth of a jungle python.

  Then, he threw the seven-eight-meter-long giant python at the door of the lair of a golden-scaled lizard that had reached the level of a formal wizard.

  Sure enough, just as the trembling giant python was about to escape, it was bitten into two pieces by a bloody mouth that came out of the hole, and then it was swallowed like a spicy stick.

  Stephana, who was still watching Richard's actions with curiosity, suddenly realized it now and couldn't help but applaud her master's "insidiousness".

  Obviously, when the other members of Robert's team track the [Mistmanto Orb] all the way here, only two situations will happen. One is that Robert is accidentally swallowed by the golden-scaled lizard, and they are arrogant and want to do it for him. Teammates seek revenge, and a war breaks out.

  The other is to run away directly after seeing this golden-scaled lizard!

  If it's the former, then it's enough for the other members of Robert's team to drink a bottle!

  Because the golden-scaled lizard is very powerful in combat, it is extremely tricky. For example, its innate witchcraft crystal shines, and it uses the light golden rhombus-shaped armor on its body to deliver a dazzling blow that temporarily blinds all surrounding enemies.

  Coupled with its ultra-high elemental resistance and ultra-fast attack speed, ordinary wizards will feel extremely headaches when encountering it!
  dealing with the [Mistmanto Orb], Richard continued to let Stephana lead the way. As before, the two kept a distance of tens of meters and continued to move in the direction where Mei Luo was originally detected.

  Soon, Richard found a safe cave and immediately decided to break the limits of Rodrigo's meditation method first.

  With Abomination and Stephana placing double guards at the secret cave entrance, Richard called up the inspiration panel in the cave and couldn't wait to focus his consciousness on the incomplete Rodrigo meditation method.

  【Ding! The host's understanding of Rodrigo's Meditation Method (Apprentice Chapter) has reached its limit. Now, the host can perform the following operations. Only one option can be selected:
  1. Break the limit.

  2. Innovation.

  3. Optimization.

  Note: Innovation will add a new wizardry.

  Richard once again focused his awareness on choosing one to break the limit.

  [Limit breaking conditions are being detected:
  1. The current Meditation Method Apprentice Chapter or the first level of control has reached the limit, this condition is met;
  2. For reference, the Meditation Method Apprentice Chapter or the first level of control meets 3/3, this condition is met Satisfied;
  2. The energy points are met, it is expected to need between 98347 and 115671 points, this condition is met. ]

  [All conditions for breaking the limit are met. Do you want to start breaking the limit? ]

  Richard felt excited in his heart. With opportunity and hard work, he was able to meet the limit-breaking conditions of Rodrigo's meditation method so quickly. It was a bit unexpected for him. He silently said in his heart: "Yes!" In an instant, Richard

  's The soul was pulled into the dream space. This time he came to a simple and spacious study room. He was possessed by a vague figure wearing a hood and sitting at the desk.

  On the large dark red desk, there were several thumb-sized candles lit, and three books shining with dark gray light, which immediately attracted all of Richard's attention.

  The three books are the advanced meditation method of Ignis "The Meditation of the Dead Bones" from Robert, the advanced meditation method of the Ring of North "The Meditation of Hatred" from Joachim, and the last one, the Gurus from Muken The academy's advanced meditation method "Spirit Body Meditation Method".

  At this time, there was a distant voice calling softly deep in Richard's heart, seeming to want him to open the first "Dead Bone Meditation Method" to study first.

  Since everyone can only practice one meditation method at a time, once the official wizard breaks through, it can no longer be changed.

  Therefore, although Richard got the last two meditation methods early, he did not study them before that.

  In the dream space, there is no such restriction at all.

  Driven by his heart, Richard naturally turned to the front page of the Dead Bone Meditation Method. The title page briefly introduced the founder of this meditation method and the progress of each improvement and revision.

  Richard nodded. Every advanced meditation book contains the hard work of great wizards and even higher-level wizards, as well as the joint improvement of many latecomers!

  Turning to the second page, I saw that the first witchcraft rune was a figure that looked like "φ" from the front with a vertical line in the middle. This figure is a three-dimensional figure, and you need to outline this figure in your mind. The outline, if inaccurate, will quickly dissipate.

  Because Richard has the experience of Rodrigo's meditation method and is driven by massive inspiration, his learning efficiency is like a rocket taking off!

  I don't know how long it took, but Richard completed the practice of the Death Bone Meditation Method.
  Next, came the Hatred Meditation Method!

  Opening the first page.
  It seemed that several years later, Richard completed the second book, the practice of hate meditation.
  With excitement, Richard opened the third and final book. ——Spirit Meditation Method
  After a long time, Richard finally completed the practice of three meditation methods!

  For a moment, Richard obeyed his inner voice and closed his eyes. Suddenly, Richard felt that his thoughts were like a boat in a storm, sailing in the ocean of inspiration!
  Countless thoughts and ideas explode in my mind. This feeling is like the feeling of the sharp taste buds exploding on the tip of your tongue after eating a ton of popping candy!
  It seems that the next level of Rodrigo's meditation method can be deduced this way, and that can also be deduced. There are too many directions in his mind that can be broken through.

  This made Richard suddenly confused as to which direction and angle to choose for a breakthrough in meditation!
  (End of chapter)

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