149. Chapter 149 The man behind the scenes

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  Chapter 149:
  After the man behind the scenes entered a huge crack on the forest floor, it can be said that he has arrived at the territory of monsters. Every time the large army takes a few steps, they will encounter a large number of monsters. This makes everyone's spirits tense all the time. How long does it take to be in a relatively tired state?

  After advancing for a while, the ground in the passage inside the fissure became increasingly moist. The ground and rock walls were covered with various moss plants, among which some small monsters lurked, making their hidden attacks even more difficult to resist.

  Moreover, the passages in the rift were complicated, monsters would attack from time to time, and the screams one after another in the team suddenly slowed down the entire team's progress.

  After a long time, the large army came to a three-way intersection. Everyone hesitated for a while, not knowing which passage to choose to explore first.

  It is not advisable to divide the troops. As the highest commander of the entire team, Daenerys obviously will not make such a stupid mistake.

  And, wizards have wizard solutions!
  She used her white fingers to take out a compass-shaped object from her arms. After a quick spell, it seemed that the compass guided Daenerys in the direction.

  Immediately, Daenerys pointed with her hand to the first fork on the right in front, and ordered the team to keep going deeper in this direction.

  Watching this scene from a distance, Richard thought thoughtfully. The compass seemed to be a witchcraft prop or even a witchcraft weapon that could detect the strength of the monster's aura.

  When the team got here, Daenerys, as the leader, came to the rescue far more times than when she was on the surface.

  Although the great knight Vincent is leading the way, many hidden small monsters such as red krait, moss snake, etc. are attacking the middle of the team, or even the end, not to mention that the density of monsters here is higher than that on the surface
  . Therefore, the frequency of attacks on the team has also been greatly increased.

  At present, many first-level wizard apprentices have been injured.

  After traveling for another period of time, the previously relaxed expressions on many people's faces have begun to become serious.

  It seems that they have also thought at this time that they have not yet seen the real master, and only miscellaneous fish have such strength, so how strong should the mastermind behind the scenes be?

  Richard had already anticipated this situation. He originally came with the purpose of investigation. It would be best if he could solve the problem once and for all. If not, his own safety was of course the most important thing.

  If it doesn't work, persuading his father to lead the family to leave Silverpine Town is also one of the last options.

  In short, as long as people are still around, there is a chance for a comeback!

  This time, it was an unexpected surprise to meet the kingdom investigation team led by a strange and beautiful wizard.

  At this moment, following him all the way, he was overjoyed to see the energy points jumping up on the inspiration panel.

  To be honest, he still very much hopes that the team in front of him can advance smoothly until the mastermind behind the scenes is killed.

  In this way, not only can he obtain a large number of energy points, but he can also solve the security issues that plague his family.

  Kill two birds with one stone!
  However, although Richard had the blessing of zero-level witchcraft shadow dance, he could move extremely fast in the deep tunnel.

  However, because the ground in the underground passage was slippery and the stone walls of the passage were bulging from time to time, the speed was limited by the terrain and could not reach an extreme level, so it still encountered many attacks from small monsters.

  Just as Richard was quietly killing a Dark Fang Spider, the Soul-Eating Demon Spider Crystal in his arms said something in his mind.

  "Dad, can I come out? I smell the smell of delicious food."

  This shocked Richard. It seemed that this was the first time Crystal asked to come out. After thinking about it, he immediately said: "Okay, come out. But be careful not to make too much noise."

  "Yes!" Crystal replied happily.

  At this time, the crystal-colored soul-eating spider the size of a fist crawled out of Richard's arms, moved around on the ground, and suddenly pounced at Richard's side and behind at high speed.

  Richard was immediately surprised when he saw a lurking dark-tooth spider discovered by Crystal and subdued it with a strong bite.

  Because there was a huge difference in size between the two, they were as big as a basin and as big as a fist, but when Richard took a closer look, he saw that the Dark Fang Spider was trembling and seemed to not dare to resist.

  This made Richard a little puzzled, and he muttered to the crystal in his mind: "Why is this Dark Fang Spider so afraid of you?" "

  I don't know, dad, isn't this food? I feel like they are naturally mine. Food." Crystal said innocently.   Richard was stunned when he heard about

  food .   After a while, Richard seemed to realize something. It was like a sheep seeing a wolf. The sheep would naturally tremble. This was a kind of suppression from the bloodline. This seemed to be the only explanation.   However, this time, after Richard's spiritual sea absorbed the spiritual power fed back by the Soul-eating Demon Spider, he felt like he couldn't eat enough after eating enough.   This made Richard wonder if his body could only hold so much mental power before he could break through the "shackles".   However, Richard could feel that the trace of pure soul energy mixed in the feedback was still improving his qualifications.   After letting Crystal hunt for some "food" to satisfy his appetite, Richard put away the Soul-Eating Spider again and followed the large army. ——When   the team turned the corner of a passage, what appeared in front of everyone was an empty hall with high ceilings. The hall was filled with dozens of black spiders the size of millstones, and there were four extra huge black stripes in the center. The back of the spider outlines the beautiful face of a human woman, exuding a strange charm.   In the center, next to the bone altar, there is another black spider as big as a bull. The original head and limbs at the front of the body have turned into an extremely terrifying human female face.

  But when everyone took a closer look, there was a woman with an unusually graceful and attractive appearance on the bone altar. She was performing some kind of mysterious ritual. The surrounding area was surrounded by witch formations smeared with various red bloods. It seemed that the amount of human blood was needed. Extremely huge.

  This witch formation looks extremely complicated. No wonder the opponent has not come to intercept them just now. It turns out that the mastermind behind the scenes has been busy setting up the witch formation!

  But Daenerys was shocked when she saw the altar for the first time, and immediately exclaimed: "No! Interrupt her quickly!" The

  great knight Vincent pulled out the knight's sword with a "swish" and prepared to He launched a charge, but stopped the next second.

  As if aware of the arrival of everyone, the graceful woman turned her head.

  At this time, everyone discovered that the woman looked extremely beautiful, and there were several black lines faintly visible in the center of her forehead, adding a sense of mystery and an exotic feel!
  Just listen to the beautiful woman giggling: "It seems that we have some guests. Hey, did you expect that there is also a distinguished guest." The beautiful woman

  's smile seems to have a natural ability to charm all living beings. Many men present couldn't help but want to protect her. At the same time, all the male creatures present felt an instinctive temptation. They all seemed to want to do something indescribable with this spider woman.

  In particular, many demon hunters and several first-level wizard apprentices have begun to stick their butts out. Richard is okay, after all, he is already at the ultimate level of a third-level wizard apprentice, and his ability to resist temptation is not weak mentally.

  But Richard was extremely afraid of this beautiful woman!

  You know, the other person’s eyes and attention are all focused on Daenerys!
  If it were concentrated on a certain male, this charming ability would definitely increase exponentially, and I don't know how terrifying it would be.

  Daenerys, who is also a woman, was obviously not attracted by the other party's charm. She looked at the other party seriously and said in a slightly surprised tone: "The Spider Woman of the Underdark?"

  Richard instantly heard the word "Spider Woman" and chewed it in his mind. He immediately recalled a series of information about Spider Woman, and his expression suddenly changed!
  Richard immediately understood why so many monsters were driven by black hands. It turned out that the black hand behind the monsters was Spider Woman. One of Spider Woman's talents is that in addition to controlling spider monsters, she can also control some monsters that are weaker than her!

  This knowledge was told to him by his chief servant Fingart when he was in the blind fishman tribe.

  "Oh, you are such a knowledgeable witch, you guessed my origin so quickly." Spider Woman didn't seem to mind that Daenerys guessed her origin, and she still said with a smile.

  But after receiving the other party's affirmative answer, the expressions of the two third-level wizard apprentices in the team changed drastically after hearing this, while many first- and second-level wizard apprentices looked at each other, obviously not sure what this spider woman represented. .

  You must know that the strength of ordinary spider women among underground races is equivalent to that of first-level wizards among humans on the surface, and they are senior and powerful among first-level wizards.

  No wonder Daenerys looked at the other party with a solemn expression. After all, Daenerys had only been promoted to the first-level wizard for two years. In terms of accumulation of strength, she was definitely at a disadvantage.

  However, as the altar faintly emitted bloody light, the spider woman's expression changed, as if she needed to make a quick decision, and suddenly she let out a harsh scream: "Since you are here, then stay!" Suddenly, among the four huge monsters

  , Under the leadership of the Demon Spider, hundreds of spider monsters of all kinds rushed over. What Richard could distinguish were crystal spiders, dark tooth spiders and a series of spider monsters.

  In an instant, everyone’s expressions changed drastically!

  Daenerys took one look and knew that her team had been overwhelmed by the opponent's momentum. If she wanted to win, she needed to turn the tide.

  When she inserted the icicle staff into the ground, Daenerys began to chant the spell clearly. Obviously, the power of the witchcraft that even a formal wizard needs to chant must be amazing.

  Sure enough, an extremely powerful ice energy began to gather around the icicle staff in front of her. This energy was so strong that it immediately made Richard, who was watching the battle from far behind, look sideways.

  The intensity of this ice energy is at least ten times that of his ice guardian!
  At this moment, the high knight Vincent immediately held a sword and shield to guard directly in front of Daenerys to prevent sneak attacks by the Spider Woman and monsters.

  Suddenly, Daenerys finished reciting the spell and waved her white arm forward. Suddenly, a powerful blizzard appeared out of thin air above the entire cave hall. The biting cold wind of the blizzard was mixed with hailstones the size of eggs. This was A range of ice magic.

  As bigger and bigger hail fell rapidly, except for a few powerful spider monsters because their carapace was hard enough, some small spider monsters that rushed over were immediately knocked to the ground and screamed. This made the entire human race The morale of the team was greatly shaken.

  But this obviously also angered Spider Woman: "Wizard, very good, you angered me!"

  After saying that, Spider Woman's arms suddenly mutated from the shape of human female arms to a pair of extremely sharp steel blades. The blade flashed with a cold light and connected seamlessly with the Spider Girl's armpit, making it look like it was made from nature.

  This transformation immediately left Richard dumbfounded.
  Spider Woman's ultimate move was far more than that. She shouted in the ancient wizard's Hutt language: "Dark Mist!"

  Suddenly, a large amount of black mist was produced out of thin air at the scene, and the visibility suddenly decreased.

  The spider girl with both arms disappeared in an instant. With Richard's sharp eyesight, he could barely detect the opponent. He was moving at super fast speed, killing the human team, almost one by one. Whether it was a demon hunter or a wizard apprentice, there was no one. One round enemy!

  Suddenly, the human team was filled with howls and screams.

  There is quite a feeling that if you kill my younger brother, I will also kill your younger brother.

  Spider Woman immediately returned the favor!
  At this time, it was also the first time for Richard to see the full strength of the official wizard level. Whether it was an ice wizard or a two-armed spider girl, it opened his eyes and made him feel that his trip was well worth it.

  Although he has reached the limit of a third-level wizard, the attack power of both this super powerful ice wizard and the two-armed spider woman far exceeds his.

  Fortunately, he is now hiding in the passage, quietly watching the battle through the cracks in the rocks. If he and the two-armed spider woman were to fight head-on, he would be beaten and the rat would run away!

  It would be great if this ice wizard sent by the Heron Kingdom could defeat the two-armed spider woman.

  However, if even the official wizards are invincible, Richard will definitely not jump out and fight to the death against an enemy who is far more powerful than himself. That would be asking for death.

  He would immediately choose to return and persuade his father to lead the entire family to evacuate Silverpine Town and even Rossby County immediately.

  "Everyone except Vincent and the third-level wizard apprentice, get out!" Daenerys shouted loudly at this time.

  At this moment, these first- and second-level wizard apprentices and ordinary demon hunters are only left as wooden stakes under the spider woman's arm sword.

  And for the Heron Kingdom, if so many apprentices from different wizarding academies were lost in their own territory at one time, even the Heron royal family would have a hard time explaining it.

  Vincent's face was expressionless, and the speed of his great knight could barely keep up with Spider-Woman's movement speed.

  At this moment, the two third-level wizard apprentices have already begun to curse Daenerys in their hearts. The other wizard apprentices have withdrawn, and they will become a living target of Spider Woman. It seems that they can't do it without fighting hard!
  As soon as they heard Daenerys' words, the wizard apprentices who had long wanted to escape suddenly dispersed.

  There were several demon hunters, but they refused to leave, wanting to help Daenerys fight together.

  But they didn't last long, and they fell to Spider Woman's extremely sharp arm knife one by one!

  At this time, there were only two third-level wizard apprentices surviving on the field, Grand Knight Vincent and Daenerys.

  Of course, not counting Richard, he was still watching the battle quietly in the distant passage, holding his breath.

  He used his special breath-holding effect to the extreme without being discovered by both parties.

  (End of chapter)

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