148. Chapter 148 Following all the way

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  Chapter 148 Follow

  the shackles that prevent him from improving again!
  Richard secretly sighed in his heart. He had finally reached the limit of his body, and he had finally reached the threshold of becoming a formal wizard.

  The next step is how to cross this natural chasm.

  He called up the inspiration panel and saw that, sure enough, the information displayed on the panel once again showed that his mental power had reached its limit.

  [Name]: Richard Clavel
  [Attributes]: Strength 7.9, Agility 8.2, Constitution 8.1, Spirit 29.9
  After taking a bath and teasing the maid Serena on a daily basis, Richard said goodbye to his family and left Clavel. Castle, began to trace the traces of the monster's retreat yesterday.

  There are many signs that the traces of monsters originate from the depths of the Silver Pine Forest.

  However, before going deep into Silver Pine Forest to investigate, Richard went around in a circle and cleaned up all the remaining monsters within a ten-mile radius of Silver Pine Town. Firstly, to ensure safety, and at the same time, he could harvest something. A small pen of energy points.

  Afterwards, Richard followed the monster's footprints and began to gradually go deep into the Silver Pine Forest. In Richard's impression, the Silver Pine Forest, with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, was inexplicably silent at the moment, and there was a weird and evil atmosphere everywhere. As Richard moved, As he went deeper, the number and types of monsters he encountered began to increase.

  In the past, monsters that would never appear in the Silver Pine Forest, such as dark fang spiders, crystal web spiders, etc., were now found by Richard from time to time.

  Richard frowned. It seemed that the manipulator behind the scenes was quite powerful, but he was not afraid of these monsters. It could even be said that he was a little happy.

  Because as long as he investigates the source of the monsters, these monsters left behind will represent a large number of energy points to him, which makes the corners of Richard's mouth curl up and can't help but remind him of the beautiful gray fern wilderness time.
  The night before, in the hall of Count Harris's castle in Rosby City, the ice wizard Daenerys, accompanied by the Count and the Grand Knight Vincent, was having a discussion with the wizard apprentices and demon hunters who had just returned.

  Although each rescue team was confused when they received the urgent order from the earl to return to the county immediately, they still followed the order of the chief executive of Rossby County and returned.

  After returning with a lot of doubts, many apprentices were about to ask Earl Harris about the situation, but they saw Daenerys sitting in the front seat with a strong aura.

  Many apprentices were shocked on the spot!
  Obviously, they understand that this aura is a symbol that only formal wizards possess.

  Therefore, no matter how much dissatisfaction and doubts there are in the hearts of the wizard apprentices and demon hunters present, they can only swallow them back at this moment.

  After all, whether you are a demon hunter or a wizard apprentice, you all know what a formal wizard represents.

  Earl Harris coughed and introduced: "Dear wizard apprentices and demon hunters, let me solemnly introduce that the person next to you is Her Highness Daenerys from the royal family, and she is also the official of the Hydraxia Wizarding Academy of the Business Alliance. Wizard, and this person next to him is Lord Vincent, the gryphon knight of the Kingdom of Heron."

  At this time, Daenerys' slightly cold voice sounded, and her first words were earth-shattering, ringing in everyone's ears like thunder: " I have already investigated yesterday, and the source of the monster is an underground fissure deep in the Silver Pine Forest, and the mastermind behind the scenes is in this fissure." Everyone below was extremely surprised, and they all started discussing in whispers

  . The general idea is that it turns out that this tide of monsters is not natural, but there is a mastermind behind it.

  Suddenly, the empty hall was as noisy as a vegetable market.

  Earl Harris's face straightened, he knocked on the table heavily and said: "Quiet!"

  After the scene returned to calm again, Daenerys's cold voice sounded again.

  "This time, I am calling everyone here because I need your help. The people behind the scenes are very powerful."

  "For wizard apprentices from different wizard academies. I will contact your academy directly, and the academy will reward participating wizard apprentices in the form of task rewards." "For the demon hunters, I would like to use the royal family of the Kingdom of Heron

  to In my name, I entrust you with this mission, and the reward will be very generous." "

  Finally, with your help, I will personally lead the team into the rift and kill the mastermind." "Your

  Highness Daenerys, you ." Earl Harris' expression suddenly changed. You must know that the content of the last sentence was not consistent with Daenerys' initial communication with him.

  As promised before, the team will be led by the great knight Vincent!

  With just a few words from Daenerys, the discussion among the people below suddenly became louder again.

  After all, official wizards have said that their opponents are very strong. Obviously, this so-called mastermind cannot be just a wizard apprentice.

  But if the opponent is a formal wizard, the wizard apprentices like them may have gone away but will not be able to come back.

  Maybe this level of danger is not great for formal wizards, but for wizard apprentices like them, it is dangerous enough.

  For the sophisticated egoistic wizard apprentices, the request of the strange wizard in front of them is a bit unacceptable to them.

  One of the wizard apprentices tried to ask: "Dear wizard Daenerys, there are some things at the academy that need to be dealt with urgently. Can I go back first and then come back?" Daenerys glanced at

  the wizard. After the apprentice glanced at it, he said coldly: "Excuse me, what important thing do you have? Can you tell me, and I will tell it to your college immediately!" This immediately made

  the wizard apprentice feel like a balloon being poked by a needle, and he suddenly became depressed. He slumped on the chair in despair.

  When the other wizard apprentices saw this, they immediately closed their mouths and stopped saying anything.

  The demon hunters seemed to be on the opposite side. They elected a burly representative with two swords on his back to speak on their behalf.

  The demon hunter with two swords stood up and said cheerfully: "Your Highness Daenerys, we demon hunters have no objections. As long as you pay the corresponding reward, we are willing to go, no matter how high the risk is, let alone attack." Killing monsters is our bounden duty."

  As soon as he said this, the wizard apprentices on the side could not help but feel ashamed. Many people said angrily:

  "What a bunch of reckless people who are not afraid of death!"

  "If you want to go, you guys You can just go by yourself."


  "By the way, Your Highness Daenerys, when will we set off?" The two-sword witcher asked loudly, ignoring the whispers of the wizard apprentices.

  "We will set off early tomorrow morning. Please get ready. The meeting is over!" Daenerys stood up first and left the hall, followed closely by the high knight Vincent and Earl Harris.

  As soon as they left, the remaining wizard apprentices and demon hunters also left, but many wizard apprentices remained.

  "Ah? Set off early tomorrow morning? But we have just come back, shouldn't we rest for at least a day to adjust our condition?" A wizard apprentice muttered.

  "Yes, there is no need to be in such a hurry!" Another wizard apprentice echoed with resentment.

  "Forget it, just say a few words, and hurry up and prepare potions and alchemy bombs." ".

  So, just as Richard set off from the family castle and began to track the traces of monsters, with Daenerys and With Grand Knight Vincent as the core and many wizard apprentices and demon hunters as the main force, the team set out from Rosby County in a mighty manner.

  In fact, Earl Harris himself also wanted to participate. He thought so. If something happened to Her Majesty Daenerys in his jurisdiction, he would be responsible for it. If he went together, if he encountered Even if it is dangerous, he can also dissuade Her Highness Daenerys from returning. However, Daenerys asked Earl Harris to stay in Rosby City and be responsible for government affairs and logistics.

  After all, so many small towns in Rosby County were destroyed by the monster army, and the aftermath was actually very troublesome.

  When Earl Harris saw that Her Highness Daenerys did not agree to accompany her, he was still very worried. He immediately sent ten more elite knights to accompany her, although this was a meaningless move in the eyes of others.

  Tigers don’t need cats to guard them!
  But in the eyes of Earl Harris, this move was of great significance, at least it showed his attitude to the royal family.

  As for the wizard apprentices who came from different wizard academies, they felt a lot less unhappy and worried when they saw that the team was so large and that there were official wizards leading the team.

  After all, if you really lose, you just need to run faster than the people next to you.

  And wizard Daenerys also promised that if everything goes well, they will be awarded letters of commendation from the Kingdom of Heron and will be given a certain amount of compensation.

  This reward was obviously not gold dinars, but at least magic stones or other rare potions or even witchcraft props, etc., so when they thought of these rewards, they reluctantly shut up their noisy mouths.

  The group entered the Silver Pine Forest in a mighty manner.

  It was impossible for such a large team to enter the forest without attracting the attention of the mastermind behind it.

  No, even before they reached the rift, they had already had several conflicts with the monsters.

  It also exposed many problems!

  Although the strength of these monsters is generally not strong, and the strongest ones are only monsters at the level of the mutant crab demon, but the large army is a mixed bag, and the strength is even weaker.

  The combat prowess of some first- and second-level wizard apprentices was really unsightly, but the combat prowess of the demon hunters made Daenerys feel like her eyes were shining brightly.

  Originally, Daenerys came with the idea that the fish would be dealt with by the fish, and the leader would be the leader.

  But when the third wave of monsters attacked, Daenerys couldn't hold back, because if she didn't take action, there would be casualties, so she directly used ice cone to kill a troll mantis instantly.

  But surprisingly, the morale of the people in the team was boosted after seeing the powerful strength of the official wizard. They performed better in dealing with the next few groups of monsters, but Daenerys was not allowed to take action again. It made her very happy.

  At this moment, many wizard apprentices in the team are already clearing their names, saying that the people and mice they complained about before are short-sighted. Following the wizard Daenerys, they are not only safe but can also collect a lot of materials for rare monsters.

  But two third-level wizard apprentices remained silent because they had noticed that each batch of monsters that came was stronger than the last batch.

  It is conceivable that among the recent batch of monsters, some monsters are already at their level, so the strength of the mastermind must be even more terrifying.

  This bunch of first- and second-level wizard apprentices have never seen how terrifying a battle between official wizards can be.

  It can be said that as long as one is rubbed or touched by first-level witchcraft, one's life will be lost. These people are still focusing on the raw materials of these monsters. They are really stupid!

  Although the teams of Richard and Daenerys were heading straight towards the rift.

  But because Richard was the only one, there was very little movement, and in order to avoid unnecessary consumption of mental energy, he deliberately avoided fighting with some monsters.

  Because the main purpose of Richard's trip was investigation.

  Just when he was still wondering why he encountered fewer and fewer monsters after reaching the core area of ​​​​the Silver Pine Forest, he immediately heard the faint sounds of fighting in the distance.

  Therefore, although Richard was not as powerful as Daenerys, he discovered this large force from Rosby County before Daenerys discovered him.

  Richard was sneaking at high speed in the dense forest. When he saw the large army in front of him through the mottled branches, he was quite shocked.

  This mighty team of forty or fifty people must be the official investigation team from the Kingdom of Heron! Especially the ice-cold young woman in the lead, holding a strange-shaped icicle staff, immediately attracted Richard's attention.

  Because this is obviously a wizard, and it seems to be an extremely rare ice wizard.

  Although there was another knight next to her who was nearly two meters tall and wearing exquisite knight armor, Richard's first impression was that this knight was just the woman's guard.

  This can be verified from the respectful attitude of knights towards women.

  The sorcerer's strength was unfathomable. Richard just stared at it from a distance for a while, and it seemed that he had an instinctive reaction from the other party, and he looked towards him with a pair of beautiful eyes.

  This surprised Richard, and he immediately retracted his head and looked away.

  Richard immediately concluded that this woman must have the power of a formal wizard. Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to have such keen insight and detect such a subtle gaze from her in an environment surrounded by many monsters.

  You know, you have reached the limit of the third-level wizard apprentice level.

  However, when Richard thought about it, he was immediately overjoyed. With such a large force leading the way, it seemed that now he could just sit back and enjoy his achievements.

  You can continuously harvest energy points without having to kill monsters yourself. This is simply a piece of cake in the sky.

  Sure enough, I called up my inspiration panel and looked at my panel, and one after another popped up:

  [Gain 71 points of energy.

  【Get 72 points of energy.

  【Get 228 points of energy.

  【Get 4489 points of energy.

  Hoo! Richard's eyes lit up. It was more than four thousand points. It seemed that the large army in front had killed a large monster!

  Tsk, tsk, Richard's current mood can be described in three words: blissful!

  This is like taking a free tour to Silver Pine Forest. Not only is it free, but you will also be entertained with delicious food and drinks along the way, and in the end, you will be given some money!

  Therefore, Richard maximized the breath-condensing special effects from Rodrigo's meditation method. At the same time, he also maintained the state of shadow dance from time to time, avoiding monsters and avoiding battles by moving at high speed, thus successfully hanging far behind the large army. .

   Two updates today of 8,000 words, and we still owe 14,000 words. We plan to update 8,000 words per day in the next few days. I hope you will support me!

  (End of chapter)

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