95. Chapter 95 General Skeleton’s Instructions

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  Chapter 95: General Skeleton’s Instructions


  Next to a few big trees, a huge bear-like monster was lying on the ground digging for dirt.

  It has thick limbs and is covered with long silver-white hair. Its body is like a small house, full of oppression.

  In the distance, Roya and the white ghost hid in the mist and watched.

  Chris brought Roya to this location, which saved him a lot of time and reduced the risk of blindly exploring and running into powerful enemies.

  But of course Roja will not follow blindly, but will observe the breath of the target area in advance to prevent Chris from lying or other accidents.

  "The Earth Blue Bear was a high-level monster when he was alive, but his strength was average. After becoming an undead, he was also very weak. He could not rank among the twelve heroic spirits. The key is that this place is far away from the territories of the top three heroic spirits. It would not be easy for us to hit him if we do it. Get on them..."

  Chris introduced the basic information of this monster to Roja.

  Roja asked: 'Does this monster have any special abilities? '

  He is confident that the target will be killed before the ability is activated. The main reason for asking this question is to estimate the effect of the magic stone fusion equipment.

  If he didn't have special abilities, he would have directly recycled them for copper coins when funds were tight.

  "The Earth Gray Bear is born with the ability to use earth element magic, which can create large-scale ground surges and stone thorns. It is extremely powerful and can also emit roaring shock waves. Its fur is extremely tough, and it is difficult for ordinary enchanted swords to break through it. "

  As she spoke, a red electric arc began to flash on Chris's hand, "Do you need me to take action? Although it is difficult for ordinary mercenaries to deal with it, I only need a moment..." It

  is also a high-level monster, an ordinary undead and a third-level monster. The gap between the four heroic spirits is huge, and using high-level magic is enough to kill them with one blow.

  Roja is counting on killing monsters to level up, and of course he won't let them "grab experience."

  'You go to heaven and stay alert, there is no need to take action. '

  Carving these words in the void, Roja suddenly threw the cursed spear!


  The spear turned into a bright red light and flew away, stabbing straight at the giant white bear in the distance!

  As soon as the Earth Cang Bear heard the sound and raised his head, he was shot in the head by the cursed gun!
  The extremely sharp tip of the spear shattered the teeth, penetrated through its mouth, and came out from the back of its head!

  The fatal vital point was penetrated, and its movements suddenly froze, and its body hit the ground heavily and became motionless.

  [Successfully hunted a high-level monster under General Skeleton, experience +200, freedom point +1]

  After allocating points, the basic values ​​are as follows:
  [Strength: 23.3]

  [Physique: 23.2]

  [Agility: 23.2]

  [Experience value: 2080/2420 】

  The first one.

  Roja quickly stepped forward and collected the body of the monster.

  [The corpse and magic stone of the Earth Bear, estimated at 460,000 copper coins, can be recycled]

  As long as you kill a few more high-level monsters, you can fuse the third magic stone with the spear or armor.

  "After killing it, your aura strengthened a little bit..."

  Chris landed from the sky and looked at Roja warily: "Killing other undead to absorb power, is this the reason why your strength has grown rapidly? ?"

  There is nothing to explain to her.

  Roja shook his head.

  'Next. '


  On the other side, the central area of ​​the Undead Mountains.

  The rich power of the undead gathered into dark clouds, erupting into rumbling thunder and silver lightning.

  Under the dark clouds, the black hall was carved from the entire mountain, like a huge temple, with long stairs spiraling upward from the foot of the mountain.

  This is the residence of General Skeleton, known as the "Hall of Valor".

  In the huge palace, "Another high-level monster has disappeared..."

  The Lord of the Undead Mountain, covered in gray armor, sat on the throne and whispered without emotion.

  "Dong, dong, dong..."

  He thought, tapped the armrest a few times with his fingers, and began to summon his servant.


  The portal opened, the black vortex surged, and the ancient lich floated out.

  It knelt on the ground and said respectfully: "General, please give me your orders."

  General Skeleton did not speak, but continued to wait for others to come.

  Ten minutes later, a slender black shadow shot out from the dense forest, quickly climbing from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain like jumping black lightning.


  With a light landing, Cat Kate stepped into the hall.

  It wore a black tights, revealing its slender body and limbs. It
  wore a spherical black crystal helmet with cat ears on its head, completely covering its face, and a gray cat tail with a white tip swinging behind it.

  The bright red magic blade, which was missing its tip and was severely damaged, was held tightly in its hand, as if it were an extension of its arm.

  "What's the matter?"

  Kate's eyes glowed with a bright golden light, shining through the crystal helmet, and her eyes moved like two daggers.

  It did not kneel on the ground like a lich, but stood upright in the center of the hall, asking questions directly to General Skeleton, showing its extraordinary status.

  General Skeleton was no longer silent and issued an order:
  "To the northeast, all of you, go together and find the enemy. Kill them without mercy."

  "Yes, as ordered."

  The ancient lich said respectfully and stood up from the ground.


  With a huge roar, a gray zombie dragon suddenly climbed out of the teleportation array on the ground.

  This palace is so big that it can even accommodate its hundred-meter-long body and huge wings.

  "Go, the corpse dragon is connected with my mind, and it will lead you to find the enemy."

  General Skeleton pointed forward, and
  the dragon roared and ran out of the palace, spread its wings and glided in the air,
  swooped down, and flew away instantly. up, showing amazing strength and speed.

  Lich and Kate walked out of the palace, and then several other heroic spirits rushed over.

  "Boom! Boom! Boom..."

  Following the heavy footsteps, a man nearly three meters tall ran over.

  It has thick curly black hair and only wears a skirt and armor all over its body, revealing a large area of ​​brown-black skin and angular and strong muscles.

  Wherever it runs, even hard rocks will be cracked, leaving deep footprints, demonstrating its amazing physique and strength.

  The third heroic spirit whose strength is close to the awakening state, an extremely rare Amazon man, and a forbidden warrior.


  When it started to slow down, its feet plowed long ravines on the ground, and countless gravels flew.

  Afterwards, the fifth heroic spirit "Sixth Sword Demon" and the sixth-ranked "Spider Queen" arrived, respectively a skeleton holding two swords and a huge spider banshee.

  Now, people have gathered.


  The giant dragon flying in the sky roared,

  and except for the only flying lich, all the other monsters jumped on its back.

  Then the giant dragon flapped its wings and flew quickly in the direction guided by General Skeleton.

   Thanks to "Augustus William II" for the reward
  (end of this chapter)

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