94. Chapter 94 Of course, we have to kill them one by one.

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  Chapter 94 Of course, they have to kill each other one by one

  . When Chris's figure regrouped, her consciousness seemed to be a little hazy, floating motionless in the air.

  Roja took out the cursed gun and stabbed her lightly with the end of the gun barrel.


  Chris suddenly woke up. When she saw Roja in front of her, she opened her mouth to scream.

  ——That is of course not the scream of fear from a woman, but the super-speed spell that the Archmage is about to chant!

  Thick red thunderbolts flashed in the void and crackled on Roja's armor, but they disappeared instantly without causing any damage.

  Be honest!
  Roya stepped forward and punched it, and it hit the thick ice with a "bang".

  And he pressed the tip of the cursed spear against her body. The meaning was obvious - if you move, I'll kill you!

  The entire ice cave was wrapped in ice transformed by the power of the undead. The space for movement was only the size of a living room, and Chris could not escape at all.


  Being pointed at the cursed gun with powerful demon-breaking ability, Chris did not dare to move, but she did not take the initiative to speak.

  Roja nodded with satisfaction, stretched out a finger and started writing quickly in the void in front of him.

  This was a new trick he had figured out. As his fingertips moved, a layer of light blue frost condensed words and long sentences in the air.

  The content is: 'Your body is in my hands. If you want to go back, just cooperate with me. '

  After finishing writing, in order to ensure credibility, Roja directly took out the pure white coffin containing Chris's body and placed it on the ground with a "dong" sound.

  Chrissy took a breath and stared straight at her coffin, seeming very surprised.

  After a while, it slowly said: "You are more powerful than before... You defeated the clown?"

  Roja nodded and continued writing: 'We are far away from the Mountains of the Dead. Can General Skeleton still sense your presence now? '

  'If you play tricks, I can destroy your body immediately at any time!

  Then he put the coffin away again.

  Chris said: "It has nothing to do with the distance. I don't know why, but the connection between me and it is temporarily broken, but the magic mark of command is still there. "In this case,

  as long as it sees me, or uses the command horn against other undead next time, , I will still be affected, and I can only return to the Mountains of the Dead and obey orders.

  "I don't know what you want to cooperate with? Let's solve this problem first."

  It has nothing to do with distance...

  Roja nodded, thoughtfully.

  That would be easy. Every time Chris wants to be controlled, just seal it and put it in the storage space.

  Roja continued to write: 'I can help you temporarily get rid of General Skeleton's control, you don't have to worry about this. '

  'As a condition for getting the body back, I need you to help me deal with mercenaries, lichs and other heroic spirits. '

  'When I defeat General Skeleton, I will give you your freedom completely. '

  Roya didn't have any spells or other means to make Chris obey.

  He didn't expect to make this ancient ghost a loyal subordinate with the threat of a corpse, so he simply promised him freedom now.

  Only when the interests of both parties are completely consistent can we cooperate with confidence. When his strength catches up with General Skeleton, Chrissy's help will be useless.

  Chris pondered for a while, "Okay, I can cooperate with you, but in order to prevent you from regretting it later, we must sign a magic contract."

  Roja: 'No, I don't know magic. Why did you trick me with your magic? manage? '

  The two sides argued for a while, and the matter of the magic contract was settled.

  Chris finally sighed and said: "Okay, I will obey your orders unconditionally for the time being. What do you want me to do?"

  Roja: 'Tell me, what are the weaknesses of General Skeleton and other heroic spirits? '

  "Weakness? Is it a weakness that General Skeleton cannot fly? But it has a giant dragon mount and its flying speed is much faster than that of ordinary mages."

  Chris sneered and continued:

  "And its unique skills The 'Crystal Gun' can kill a group of high-level monsters five hundred meters away, and its power will increase exponentially as the distance is shortened.

  "If you challenge it with your current strength, you will probably be stabbed by countless crystal guns within a hundred meters." Wear it and turn into bone fragments. "

  Roya knocked on his armor subconsciously and asked: 'Is its crystal gun harder than the dragon's teeth?'

  "I don't know. "

  Kris glanced at him, "But in hundreds of years, I have never seen armor or shields that can block that move, and you probably can't either. "

  Roya: 'Where are the other heroic spirits?'

  Chris said: "The only ones who can threaten you are the first, second and third heroic spirits. I will talk about their situations in turn.

  "The first heroic spirit, Kate, has unfathomable strength. It may not be much weaker than the Skeleton General. It has amazing power, speed and sword skills. Its weakness is that it cannot fly and does not wear defensive armor, but no one has ever been able to touch it with a weapon. His body.

  "Second, the ancient lich is proficient in various curses, summonings, and even gravity manipulation. It can use super magic, and has an unknown number of bodies. As long as the phylactery is still there, it will not really die. It has few obvious weaknesses.

  "Third, Basaka, his identity is an Amazon. He is the only man in a race that can only give birth to women, so he is called the 'Forbidden Warrior'. He has amazing strength and can fight giant dragons with his bare hands. His weakness is that he cannot Fei is not in the habit of wearing armor, and he is not fast, so it is easier for you to deal with."

  Roja nodded and continued to ask: "Will General Skeleton sense that I kill a monster? '

  Chris shook her head and said:

  "It can sense it, but generally ignore it. Only when high-level monsters die, or low-level monsters die in large numbers, it will order its subordinates to investigate, and rarely goes out in person. "And, it ca

  n't Knowing our precise location, we can only sense a general direction and distance, so it will be very slow to take countermeasures.

  "If you want to use a metaphor, it is like holding countless ropes in its hands, each rope is holding a monster in the fog, but unless it uses the command horn, it cannot see that the monster it is holding is deep in the fog. What happened here."

  Very good.

  Roja nodded. Chris's statement was consistent with his own speculation.

  Then it’s clear what to do next.

  Roja asked:

  'You must know the locations of General Skeleton and other high-level monsters and heroic spirits, right? Including the ancient lich's hideout. Chris

  said: "Of course I know, what do you want to do?"

  'Of course, I choose the targets and order, and kill them one by one. '

  (End of this chapter)

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