Chapter 278 Arid World 80

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  Chapter 278 Arid World 80
  They were enjoying the flower spring here, and it was already crazy outside.

  Where there are many people, there is a lot of right and wrong. Although there is no clear official information about Huaquan, many people still know about it.

  Groups of people form teams to look for Huaquan everywhere. It can be said that many people are searching blindly. They have not seen what Huaquan looks like, so don't they have no goals?
  However, there are still careful people who can find flower springs. After all, it is easy to distinguish large and small flower springs scattered on the land. As long as you are careful, you may find it.

  Just because one person understands it doesn’t mean that everyone will gain something. Doesn’t that lead to conflicts?

  There were people in one team who were fighting over each other, and there were people who were fighting between teams. They all got angry, and in the end they all must have been taken away by the police.

  This is the time when public security is being tightened. How can I easily let you go if I get into a fight?
  The government has clearly issued the news about Huaquan, and the content is very detailed. News channels and major websites have reported on it, and the whole country has been shocked.

  Who is not short of water? With this fresh water source, no one is not excited.

  The moment the news was broadcast, the whole world fell into a carnival. There was hope for mankind, and they were no longer afraid of dying of thirst.

  If he can't do other things, why can't he go out and find a flower spring?
  I have to dig three feet into the ground to find one for their house!
  Everyone was gearing up to take action. It could be said that anyone who could move would come out to look for Huaquan. The scene was like everyone was out in force!

  Children as young as two or three years old followed. There is no distinction between high and low when looking for this thing. It all depends on luck. It is not impossible for a child of two or three years old to find a flower spring!

  Of course, the more people looking for Huaquan, the more conflicts there will be.

  Because there have been many murders due to the robbery of Huaquan, scientists have developed a method to genetically bind Huaquan. As long as the Huaquan is bound, it will become virtual and no one can take it away.

  "How to bind, have you asked?" Wang Bo asked eagerly.

  Zhou Kai pushed up his glasses, and without giving up, he explained directly to everyone: "There is a gene binding device that is only as big as a palm. One million." "Is it so

  expensive?" Ling Xue was a little surprised.

  How can ordinary people afford it? Now that factories are out of production and materials are scarce, prices have naturally become high. People can no longer afford food and clothing. How can they still have the money to buy these things?

  "Yes, it's too expensive!" Both Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang meant this.

  Zhou Kai continued to explain unhurriedly: "Ordinary people can go to a place dedicated to binding Huaquan for free!" "Is that

  so? It's not bad!" Xie Yunyun thought it was okay and wanted to buy it himself. You can buy it yourself. If you don't want to buy it, go to the designated place to bind it.

  "Do we want to buy it?" Aunt Zhang asked, looking at the people around her.

  "I must buy it!" Ling Xue thought about going out to look for Huaquan. If she finds one, she can bind one. If she brings a binding device, she can prevent Huaquan from being snatched away.

  This is what everyone means, it depends on what you mean.

  Zhou Kai pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and continued: "Liu Feng has just ten left in his hand. If we don't want them, he will leave them to others." "If you want it, you must want it,

  what a good thing! "Wang Bo is not short of money, he definitely wants one.

  The result of the discussion was that each of the residents in their Xiaogouzi wanted one. Zhou Kai immediately made a decision and agreed to pick it up after dark.

  (End of chapter)

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