Chapter 277 Arid World 79

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  Chapter 277 Arid World 79
  When it got dark, Zhang Enhui and Zhou Kai returned to Xiaogouzi together.

  Their return was universally welcomed by everyone. Why? Just for the heaps of delicious food.

  Although they have plenty of food and water and live a much better life than most people, after all, they haven’t been exposed to the skills of chefs in restaurants for a long time. How can they not miss it?

  "Quick, quick, bring out the big table, let's sit down and eat together!" Wang Bo was the most proactive in this matter. He quickly moved out a big folding table and set it up.

  Xiaobao also wanted to help, but was ruthlessly rejected by Wang Bo.

  Zhou Kai tore off a big chicken leg from the roast duck in the bag before sending Xiao Bao away. Without Xiao Bao's help, everyone moved faster.

  A group of people were eating and chatting enthusiastically, mainly because the step Zhang Enhui and the others took today was more than half of their success, and the rest was to see the results of Liu Zhao's experiment.

  "It goes without saying that the result is definitely no problem, but we still have to be more cautious until the last step!" Zhou Kai was still relatively conservative.

  This attitude is exactly what Uncle Zhang thinks. No matter what it is, it is better to be cautious. "Yes, your idea is right, let's not rush, take your time!"

  Wang Bo sneered at the two people's ideas. He was already sure that there was no problem, but he still couldn't let go. He felt a little aggrieved. .

  Zhang Enhui was noncommittal. Seeing her like that, she felt that she couldn't take too big a step. Although she didn't say anything, she was the only one who had the greatest confidence in Liu Zhao among everyone. If his experiment fails, then others will be in trouble.

  "The opportunity came when it came. Originally, you were just planning to test it, but the result was sent directly for testing." Aunt Zhang sighed.

  Zhang Enhui and Zhou Kai looked at each other. They had a lot of things they didn't say, mainly because it was too troublesome to explain, so they simply didn't say anything to avoid everyone worrying.

  Xie Yunyun sat eating and drinking like Xiaobao, not paying attention to what they said. She didn't have any big ambitions anyway, she just wanted to live an ordinary life.

  Ling Xue sighed when she saw everyone's different performances. Character determines everything! She thought a lot, but she didn't delay eating the delicious food at all. She and Xiaobao were the most careless people at this table.

  After eating, everyone was a little too tired to walk. Even with this big meal, she still didn't finish the packed food, so Aunt Zhang packed up the remaining food and put it in the refrigerator so that she could have another meal when she came back.

  After eating, it was time to get down to business. Everyone just thought it was time to eat and dispersed on foot to find the flower spring.

  There is no such thing as too many flower springs. There is a big difference in people's lives if they have them or not. Of course, the number of flower springs makes people's living standards even more different.

  Therefore, none of them are slacking off, and they all want to find more flower springs.

  The field they were in was sparsely populated, and no one from the city came here. Of course, it would be difficult to say if the news about Huaquan spreads in a few days. They are not willing to miss this time difference.

  Eight people spread out in eight directions, it all depends on everyone's luck, and of course it also depends on how careful they are in looking for it.

  Ling Xue's eyes were still very sharp, and she could see a brown flower spring the size of a glass marble at a glance.

  Oh my gosh, this is a medicinal spring!
  Although it is small, it is still a genuine medicinal spring. Small size does not mean that the medicine is less effective. Today's harvest is quite big.

  (End of chapter)

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