Chapter 62 62 Missing

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  Chapter 62 62. Missing
  Xu Zhi took out the black fruit and handed it to the small dead tree in front of him.

  Dead wood also welcomes all comers, and the fruit is smothered in one bite.

  After finishing it, it tried to crawl forward to Xu Zhi's lap and stick to her, but it really didn't expect the fruit's stamina to be so great. After taking only two steps, it fell to the ground with a thud and stopped moving. .


  Why do I always have a sense of déjà vu that is both good and fun-loving.

  He picked up the unconscious little guy who fell to the ground and put it on the table. After looking at the time, Xu Zhi didn't let the family members go out anymore. Instead, he picked up a pen and paper and wrote a letter.

  The letter was given to Zhong Lingfan. The content was probably to urge her to recruit more people to the old residential area quickly and form a search and rescue team. The second step was to write a few simple and easy-to-understand reports, such as the danger at midnight, After writing down the attribute classification of extraordinary beings, as well as some common sense and rules in residential areas needed to survive in Cloud City, give it to her to read. If there is no problem, bind it into a book and distribute it to everyone who enters the residential area.

  In the letter, Xu Zhi also included three [Lamp] attribute basic cores.

  Since we need people to work, we naturally can’t get away with everything.

  "Send the letter to Zhong Lingfan, whom you have seen." After patting Xiao Zhen's head, Xu Zhi handed the envelope to him, and Xiao Zhen obediently grabbed the envelope and flew out of the window.

  It shouldn't be too much for her to use a manual that anyone in the city can see in exchange for a large amount of benefits outside the city, right?
  In fact, this idea came up long before the transaction with the Federation, to make a manual for people in residential areas similar to that of the outside world, but Xu Zhi's thoughts always came from time to time, and she forgot about it after that point. If she wanted to do this again, the federation happened to make a request, and she also needed Zhong Lingfan to write a simple report, so she might as well go with the flow and get this done.

  Zhong Lingfan's reply arrived quickly. The blank paper briefly mentioned the recent changes in the residential area. Someone did see traces of living people while hunting outside. People are currently being sent to contact them, and she will send the manual within a week. The basic content writing is completed.

  "So reliable!"

  After sighing, Xu Zhi picked up the knife given to her by Shen Jinwen and started exercising every day.

  About forty minutes later, Xu Zhi stopped wielding the knife and turned to look at the alien on the table, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

  The alien species, which was originally brown and looked like dead wood, now turned black in appearance.

  Like the fruit it swallowed.

  "How can it still be dyed?"

  This was the first time. Xu Zhi put down his knife and walked over to the alien species for a closer look.

  Nothing else changed, only the color of the skin changed to black.

  "What's going on?"

  Xu Zhi frowned in confusion. As if he heard her whisper, the alien's body slowly twisted and then woke up.

  The first thing it did after waking up was still crawling towards Xu Zhi, trying to get close to Xu Zhi.

  The girl ignored the little thing lying on her knees, picked up the game console and clicked on the attribute table of the alien species.

  Then a scene that surprised her appeared again.

  There are no changes to the attribute table.

  Not even a single evolution point was added.

  ".So, you really just dyed a color?!"

  Xu Zhi's voice was filled with disbelief.

  Fortunately, the narrator appeared in time.

  [Under your influence, your family members changed in some way after eating the fruit.

  "My influence?"

  Xu Zhi was confused for a moment, and then thought that he had fed this alien species a lot of blood. Maybe it was also contaminated with the aura of learning [Moth]?

  [This is some kind of strange and irreversible change that deviates from the original evolutionary path.

  【It is more closely related to midnight. ]

  [Perhaps, you can feed it more fruits.

  "That's easy to say. Where can I get more fruits?"

  Xu Zhi was a little speechless. This thing is so hard to find. If you eat it, you won't upgrade it or add evolution points. It will only increase the progress of this inexplicable change. Who knows what it will become. ? This is a completely unknown overdraft, and would be called a fraud in a civilized society!
  But here it comes,
  "You'd better not have too much of an appetite." Xu Zhi picked up the alien that climbed onto her shoulder and warned it.

  The alien didn't understand it at all, and just sent out a message of joy in ignorance, because it liked being picked up by Xu Zhi like this, which was also a kind of sticking!
  After the core was almost used and all the family members were upgraded, Xu Zhi planned to let them go out to continue hunting.

  She just waited for a few days, and when Zhong Lingfan finished the manual, she saw that there were no problems, but there were still no new members joining the residential area.

  Just when Xu Zhi was wondering if everyone in Yuncheng was almost dead, Zhong Lingfan suddenly came to visit.

  Xu Zhi said that if something happened, Zhong Lingfan could just solve it by himself. If she came to visit, something must have happened that she thought she couldn't solve.

  "What happened?" Xu Zhi looked at her curiously.

  Zhong Lingfan said, "It's the living person I told you in my letter a few days ago." "

  I sent a team to that place, but they haven't come back yet, nor have they sent back any information. "

  Even if you can't move at night and can only travel during the day, it's time to come back, but now there is still no news." "

  They are missing."

  This is not possible.

  Xu Zhi thought to himself that every one of them was her precious leek. If she didn't find new leeks, forget about it. The old ones had to be uprooted.

  Who can bear this?
  "Where did they disappear?"

  Zhong Lingfan took out the prepared map and pointed out the location to Xu Zhi.

  It is a place a little far away from the old residential area.

  "Why did they run so far?"

  Zhong Lingfan replied: "There seems to be no one around here, so I searched a little further away." Of

  course there was no one around here, and some people were almost killed by the wave of fanatic believers.

  "Okay, I'll go take a look."

  Xu Zhi nodded and accepted the request for help.

  If she wants the leeks to stay in her garden with peace of mind, she must give them enough "security".

  Normally Xu Zhi would just be a hands-off shopkeeper, but when something like this happened, she knew she had to step forward.

  "Xiao Zhen, it's time to come back."

  After sending Zhong Lingfan off, Xu Zhi clicked on the game console. Hai Dongqing on the screen seemed to have heard her call, fluttering his wings and flying into the fog.

  You have to take the alien species with you, and Xiaozhen is the easiest to find among the family members, and his combat effectiveness is not bad.

  Furthermore, now that she is no longer a burden, she is even more powerful than other extraordinary beings, so she does not have to drag her whole family into battle like before.

  When Xiao Zhen came back, Xu Zhi patted it on the head out of habit: "Let's go, the mission this time is to find the missing leeks." "

  Follow me to this place, and then see if there is anyone nearby."

  Pointing to the location To Xiao Zhen, Xiao Zhen carefully noted the location of the map with his blue eyes and then obediently flew to Xu Zhi's shoulder.

  The fact that someone was missing in the residential area couldn't be hidden at all. When Xu Zhi went out, he found that some residents didn't look good.

  Before she left, she found Zhong Lingfan: "Stabilize the people's hearts. When I bring people back, I will ask Xiaozhen to send you a message. Everyone must see it on the day I come back." She wanted to strengthen her influence in the minds of these people

  . Influence.

   Want votes! (Super loud

    I’m so hardworking, why don’t you vote for me!

    Vote for me, vote for me, vote for me qaq
  (End of chapter)

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