Chapter 61 Chapter 61 A little bit

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  Chapter 61 61. A little bit
  "What's going on with my eyes?"

  [The appearance of extraordinary abilities is a normal phenomenon for powerful extraordinary beings.

  The narrator explained calmly.

  "So I am considered a powerful transcendent?" Xu Zhi was a little surprised.


  【You should go out for a walk more often.

  "Just kidding." The girl smiled: "I know I am strong, and I still have some self-awareness."

  She is not a brainless alien, how could she not even know whether her own strength is strong or weak? grasp.

  Now that the change has occurred only two months ago, she is already ahead of all the extraordinary beings.

  After taking a bath with the cold water he had stored up and changing his clothes, Xu Zhi felt a little nostalgic for the civilized society of the past. At least it would not be like now when the bath water is not even hot.

  But if she really had to choose, she would definitely prefer now.

  Coming out of the bathroom, Xu Zhi once again piled up the uneaten cores in front of the family members: "There are still some left. Eat according to your ability. Eat as much as you can, and then go out hunting after eating." So for more than a week

  , Xu Zhi almost always feeds the cores to his family members at home. After they finish upgrading, he continues to feed them. With the cramming of resources, the family members grow at an astonishing speed.

  Xiao Yi has reached level 27, and the level of [Evolution] is still level 3, but all its attributes have almost doubled. After reaching level 20, the growth at each level is obvious, and the higher the level, the better it is than before. the greater the gap.

  As for Gouzi, due to insufficient points in the [Blade] attribute core, the level is currently only level 22. Fortunately, the [evolution] level has reached level 2, resulting in a big gap between its attributes and when it first reached level 20.

  Xiao Zhen, on the other hand, has enough [Winter] attribute cores, so he directly reached level 24, and will soon reach level 25. Even his [evolution] level is equal to that of Xiao Yi, who has just evolved to level 3.

  Unlike Xiao Yi and Gouzi who are extremely clingy towards Xu Zhi every time they wake up, Xiao Zhen is always very reserved. After waking up, it will open its blue eyes and find Xu Zhi immediately to confirm her. After standing next to it, he lowered his head and continued to devour the core.

  It's not like Gouzi, who would always ask Xu Zhi to hold it, rub its head and praise it, nor like Xiao Yi, who would secretly wrap his tail around Xu Zhi's ankles.

  It was even more unlike that worthless alien, who would fall to the ground and roll around crazily as if he was about to die as soon as he left Xu Zhi's side more than one meter away.

  Xiao Zhen always looks calm and arrogant, with a divinity that does not belong to animals, and every move he makes appears to be full of energy. Xu Zhi always imagined a sense of solemnity and self-control in Xiao Zhen, and his appearance is even more... Xu Zhi likes it very much because it is perfect and unlike ordinary things, so more eyes always stay on Xiao Zhen.

  More than a week later, Xu Zhi's basic cores were basically consumed, except for the two hundred cores she deliberately kept for emergencies. Among them, the one with the slowest progress was the alien.

  She had to admit that, except for Xiao Yi, who had to personally direct everything from the beginning, she currently spent the most energy on this alien species.

  Several other Familia can control themselves and slowly upgrade by eating an appropriate amount of cores, but the mutants cannot.

  It always sends out the message of hunger, but once it eats a little more, [Restlessness] will come back, causing Xu Zhi to have to keep an eye on it all the time, and stuff a [Lamp] attribute core into it whenever something goes wrong.

  But after being stuffed with the [Light] attribute core, it became even more annoying. It would cry like an ignorant child because of pain. Only when Xu Zhi put it on his body, held it in his hand, and put it in his pocket It will stop only when it is used as a hairpin to roll up the long hair that has not been cut for a long time.

  Now Xu Zhi is quite accustomed to using this alien species as a handy tool. After all, it can deform. Although it looks like dead wood, it is actually very tough and will not be broken at all. It can also be bent into other shapes. , Xu Zhi even considered whether it would be useful as a door handle, but unfortunately, she couldn't live without this thing.

  And under Xu Zhi's "dedicated" care, this little alien reached level 18 with great difficulty.

  When it reaches level 15, the mental power that originally increased by one level suddenly increased by one point.

  Xu Zhi became angry at that time and asked the narrator: "Is this what you said will be a little better? Is it really just a little better?!" [Yes, what, you are not convinced


  The narration is quite reasonable. It didn’t lie to Xu Zhi. It said a little bit, but that’s just a little bit!
  Xu Zhiqi smiled: "If this continues, won't it always be a fool?"

  [You have already named it Xiaodai, aren't you mentally prepared?

  Xu Zhi: Not at all.

  She really thought this guy could be saved.

  [It’s okay. When it reaches level 20, it will get better. ]

  "A little bit of this," Xu Zhi said, becoming silent himself.

  He's level 18, and his mental power is only 21 points! Blackjack!

  Upgrading to a level now only adds 2 points of spiritual power!

  However, despite its shortcomings in mental strength, this little alien's other attributes are quite impressive.

  [Familiar: Alien Species Level 18
  Spirit: 21
  Body: 3600
  Attributes: Cup

  Traits: Bloodthirsty Lv6, Stealth Lv5, Agility Lv5, Pain Lv7, Restlessness Lv1
  Special Abilities: None]

  Perhaps it is because of the torture of the [Lamp] attribute, among the traits of the alien species There is one more pain that escalates extremely quickly.

  "What is this pain used for?"

  [All the pain it gives is doubled, even to the soul, and is indelible. It is a very powerful trait.

  "Sounds good."

  It seems to be used to torture people.

  But this actually means that every time the [Lamp] core is eaten, the little alien is really in pain.

  Xu Zhi sighed: "If you are mentally retarded, just be retarded."

  After all, it was his own cub, and he couldn't lose it, so what else could he do?

  These days, Xiao Zhen goes out every morning to look for fruits, and his hard work pays off. Currently, Xu Zhi's warehouse has 3 black fruits.

  She planned to take one out as a trade, eat one herself, and take the other.

  "What will happen if I give this fruit to a different species?"

  she asked, looking at the game console.

  【Your thoughts are always strange. ]

  [Why do you want to feed it suddenly?

  The narrator seemed a little confused.

  Xu Zhi's eyes were clear: "There is no special reason. I just suddenly thought of what would happen if I fed it?" "

  Then I planned to do this."


  The idea is too out-of-the-box, and I dare to think I really dare to do it.

  [I can never predict what you will do, but I will not stop you from doing anything you want to do. ]

  "So you actually don't know what will happen if you eat it?"

  Xu Zhi asked soul torture.


  【I am just a game, not a prediction machine!

  【No one has ever done it, and I can't predict what will happen, but you can try it. ]

  "Of course I want to try."

  Xu Zhi raised his eyebrows and said firmly.

  (End of chapter)

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