Chapter 94 Remarks on the launch

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  Chapter 94: Speech on the Release:
  This is the second speech on the release.

  I won’t write about my feelings about my own mental journey. (1000 words deleted)
  But I must thank all readers for their support!
  It was your company and support that allowed me to go all the way to Sanjiang and achieve the milestone!
  So happy!

  I would also like to thank my editor Jiang Cha for taking me in during the two internal submissions!
  No matter how many readers will continue to accompany me tomorrow, Xiao Jin is grateful for meeting everyone, so I will say this once, please be the first to order.

  Please make your first order! ! !
  After that, there are additional updates that everyone is more concerned about.

  I really wanted to write more, but a cold in the past two weeks seamlessly connected with the epidemic, which directly destroyed the manuscript I had saved before starting the book.

  I tried my best to make up for it, but I couldn't make up much.

  So let’s do five updates tomorrow.

  Including the previous update, there are six updates in total.

  Well, see you tomorrow at 12 noon!
  (〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃)
  (End of this chapter)

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