Chapter 119 A chance meeting with a third-level apprentice

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  Chapter 119: Encounter with the third-level apprentice by chance
  . Although a cocoon inexplicably invaded his eyes, Thor was not very panic at this time.

  Penny, an ordinary little girl, would be fine wearing this cocoon for three or four years, and he, a wizard's apprentice, would not be afraid.

  Besides, as long as the diary doesn't interfere, things won't be troublesome.

  The only trouble is that he can't turn to Byron for help now. After all, he can't explain the origin of this cocoon.

  If it weren't for the prompts from the diary, he wouldn't have been able to discover this cocoon.

  Only after waiting for a period of time can he put this thing into the light.

  The experiment on the Nightmare Chrysalis was forced to enter the second option, but we had to wait until we returned to the tower before we could continue the research.

  Thor relaxed a little and leaned against the car window, "Where are we going?" "

  Going around here, there is a mountain col. Although it is deeper than the original location, it shouldn't be dangerous for us." In Perception Nick behind the instrument said proactively.

  "Is there one over there?" Sol was a little worried. Their trip didn't go smoothly at the beginning.

  "Most likely not." Byron said in a low voice, "I thought about it for a moment, and the reason why those things appeared at the entrance of Droopy Hand Valley was probably because of a rare tidal storm." Knowing that Thor didn't understand this

  , Byron introduced it to him in detail.

  Thousands of wizards are buried in the Valley of the Drooping Hand, so it is divided into two worlds: the above ground and the underground world.

  Due to the rescue, escape and subsequent excavation, the underground world turned into a complex cave composed of tunnels.

  Dangerous monsters like minotaurs appear deep in the caves.

  They generally don't come out because the outside world is too stable for them and not conducive to their existence.

  But occasionally, several storms will flow out of the ground in an undirected manner.

  Some monsters will temporarily run to other tunnels along those storms, or even crawl to the ground.

  Usually when encountering this kind of situation, everyone will move quickly. It will be much safer if they leave the area affected by the storm.

  After all, tidal storms are a low-probability event, so the periphery of Hanging Hand Valley is considered a safe zone for wizard apprentices.

  None of the three people had any intention of evacuating. After all, there was no need to become wizards if they had to evacuate just because of the slight danger.

  After bypassing a pile of boulders three to four meters high scattered on the ground, Byron suddenly asked the Wood Spider to stop.

  Have you reached the place?
  Thor saw Byron leaving the Wood Spider and jumped down too.

  As soon as he landed, he discovered that several people had appeared in front of him.

  There should be two groups.

  There were four people in one of the groups, fighting with the people across from them.

  But Thor took a second look and determined that this was a one-sided crushing, and that the four people were killed by one person from the opposite side.

  There were two people in the group opposite. One person with long purple hair was playfully killing the four people opposite him. The other person was sitting on a big rock nearby, looking listless and pale.

  At this time, the four people who were suppressed had begun to suffer casualties. Two of them fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth, and the skin on their bodies began to melt.

  The pale wizard on the other side suddenly spotted Thor and the others. He jumped up from the stone and flew towards them.

  Thor immediately activated his spiritual body and prepared to fight.

  But then he discovered that Senior Byron was not in combat mode. It's just that Nick on the other side looked a little nervous - although his face was still expressionless.

  The pale wizard landed in front of Byron, suddenly raised his smile and said hello.

  "Hey, Byron, long time no see!"

  Byron nodded, "Yeah."

  "You're still so cold, haha." The pale wizard seemed to have a good temper and greeted Nick again, "Nick, it's rare to see you out. "

  Nick saluted respectfully, "Senior Wright."

  The pale wizard named Wright finally faced Thor, still smiling, "I haven't seen you before, little guy. Are you a newly promoted level two?"

  Thor also saluted after Nick. , "Hello, Senior Wright, I just became Level 2 some time ago."

  Wright said with a smile: "You don't look very old. The newbies now are really amazing. Maybe someone will become an official wizard before us old guys. ."

  Although Wright calls himself an old guy, he doesn't look big, and is even much younger than Byron, only in his early twenties.

  If a wizard apprentice transforms himself, he may be able to delay physical aging, and his true age cannot be inferred from his appearance.

  If you become an official wizard, your lifespan will be greatly increased, so the wizarding world cannot rely on appearance to infer age and strength.

  While they were talking, the purple-haired wizard apprentice had already killed the four people on the other side.

  He opened his mouth towards the corpses, and a stream of purple smoke erupted from his mouth, covering the four corpses.

  After a while, the smoke went back into the purple-haired man's mouth, and the body on the ground disappeared, leaving only a pile of clothes.

  The purple-haired man stepped forward to pick out the loot.

  Byron stared at the clothes for a few seconds and then suddenly asked, "Are they land boaters?"

  Wright quickly raised his hands to show his innocence, "It's none of my business. It's those guys who saw that there were only two of us. Attack us sneakily. Bill's character also knows that he always kills enemies on the spot. I can't persuade him."

  Byron frowned, "People who travel on land often move together, so he is not afraid of killing a few. , causing a lot of trouble?"

  Wright was not nervous, he laughed and said: "It's okay, if someone comes to find him, Bill will be pushed out at worst."

  At this time, the purple-haired man Bill finished handling the trophies, put his hands in his pockets, and walked around Come over.

  "Byron? Chuishou Valley is really lively today. Everyone came here to pick up treasures. But why are you bringing two second-level ones to hold you back?" When

  Byron saw Bill, his eyes showed a little vigilance.

  He knew that if the people on land and boating dared to make a sneak attack, it must be Bill and the others who deliberately pretended to be weak.

  Land Boating can also be considered a relatively large wizard organization. The high-end combat power is not as strong as that of the Wizard Tower, so when encountering apprentices from the Wizard Tower, they generally do not initiate conflicts.

  So this time it is very likely that Bill concealed his identity and deliberately provoked the opponent to take action and then counterattack. Everyone was already dead, and Byron couldn't say anything. He could only hope that there wouldn't be any trouble later.

  "We are not here to hunt for treasure. But this place is not suitable for you, right?" Byron said lightly.

  "Haha, I'm short of money. I just happened to come here with Wright to pick up the corpse." Bill shrugged his shoulders and suddenly turned to Nick and said, "It's you, Nick, why are you here? I remember you didn't ask for it from Tutor Rum." A letter, are you going to go to Mofan Town for a stroll? How about it? Have you secretly grabbed the Mosheng Fruit? When I go to get the tribute next month, there won't be any left, right?" Bill goes to

  Mofan every year. Is Fanzhen going to accept anyone from the grinding fruit?

  Thor's heart skipped a beat.

  So over the years, did he know that Mofan Town was doing business with the barbarians?

  Before Shelly died, he said that Wizard Tower had not helped Mofan Town. Was he referring to Bill?
  Nick lowered his head slightly, looking a little nervous.

  "Senior, you don't have to go there next month. Mofan Town was attacked by barbarians, and the Moshengguo fields were destroyed."

  Bill raised an eyebrow, "Now those wandering wizard apprentices outside are really becoming more and more useless, and they are still there Can you be attacked by a group of barbarians?"

  He smiled again, "But it's good, it saves me the trouble of making a trip every year."

  Bill put an arm on Nick's shoulders, "But you won't be able to do it this way. It's working, right? Well, let me tell you, you still have to control your emotions, and you can't rely on medicine."

  Nick was so pressed that his back was bent, but he could only say yes again and again.

  "Since there's nothing else, let's keep going." Byron pulled Nick out of others' hands.

  Wright curiously asked: "Why did you go inside with two second-level apprentices?"

  Byron confessed: "Thor saw many minotaurs at the entrance. I suspect there was a tidal storm there, and it is safer inside. ."

  "Minato?" Wright also had a solemn expression on his face, "Every time a minotaur appears, someone always disappears mysteriously. I hope it won't be us this time." But

  Bill's attention was in another place.

  He tilted his head, walked around Nick and Byron, and saw Sol, who had been standing quietly at the back.

  "So you are Thor." Bill's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a sense of danger in his whole body. "I often hear people mention you. You are such an amazing junior." Who often

  mentioned him to Bill?
  (End of chapter)

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