Chapter 118 The disappearing cocoon

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  Chapter 118
  The disappearance of the evil spirit in the cocoon is a bit strange. Logically speaking, the sensor that is not turned on is a useless mirror, and it is impossible to see the evil spirit.

  But Byron and Nick didn't think that Saul was wrong.

  Anyway, regardless of whether Thor saw hallucinations or not, there are only two outcomes: the existence of evil spirits and the absence of evil spirits.

  "This is the entrance to the Hanging Hand Valley. There can't be too powerful evil spirits." Nick started the sensor and checked the surroundings again.

  No spirits were found.

  "But Thor, why did you put the sensor on the ground?" Nick raised his head strangely, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, "Is it because he is too short to reach it?" "Pfft!" Thor immediately said


  . He turned to look at Byron, but only saw Byron's calm face and innocent eyes.

  Thor's gaze shifted to Byron's throat, and he swore that it had definitely cracked just now!
  However, the problem of height is not something he can solve now, although he firmly believes that he will grow to 1.8 meters.

  "By the way." Thor returned to the topic. He looked around again to make sure that there were no human-headed monsters around, and then whispered to the two of them, "I just saw a lot of...monsters with only heads and two feet. But before you came back, they disappeared."

  Thor lowered his voice again, "I didn't dare to disturb them, do you know what kind of monster it was?"

  He looked up and saw Byron's face began to twitch.

  On the other side, Nick's pupils shrank suddenly, with obvious fear in his eyes.

  "Pa!" Nick suddenly slapped himself. He looked up with a ferocious expression, "Those...monsters have disappeared now?"

  Seeing that Nick was in a bad state, Sol nodded quickly, "They are all gone, otherwise I wouldn't be either. Dare to ask you guys."

  "I'll be alone for a while." Nick suddenly stood up and got into his tent.

  After a while, the kind of moan that covered the mouth hard but still leaked a little sound came from the tent.

  Byron's performance was better, his throat slit, "Fortunately you didn't alert them. Those are minotaurs. Originally, it was only possible to see them deep in the Valley of the Drooping Hand." Byron saw the confusion in Thor's eyes

  , Sighing, "I didn't tell you before because the more people know about the existence of minotaurs, the easier it is to meet them. I didn't expect you still met them. If you attract their attention, they will probably turn you into one." A human-headed monster. And you yourself will even forget that you were once a normal person."

  So that's it. No wonder Byron and Nick didn't mention a word about such a dangerous monster.

  "How many monsters have you seen?"

  "...all over the ground."

  "Hiss—" Byron took a breath. He immediately stood up and walked to Nick's tent, "Nick, hurry up and vent, we It's best to get out of here now."

  Nick inside responded vaguely.

  Byron came back again and told Thor, "You don't need to dismantle the instrument. Just move it to the car. Let's move to another place."

  Because they were afraid that the Minotaur would come back at any time, Byron and Thor only brought important things with them. The tent simply gave up.

  Apart from a few books, Sol himself didn't bring much with him. But when he just picked up his backpack and walked out of the tent, his movements suddenly froze.

  Where's the nightmare butterfly's cocoon?

  Thor suddenly saw the human-headed monster when he was observing the cocoon that looked like a small silver ball.

  After that, because of his nervousness, he never paid attention to the callus in his hand.

  Looking back now, I can't remember whether I put the cocoon away or not.

  Thor quickly rummaged through his pockets and lay on the ground to look around, but he didn't see the small silver ball.

  "It can't be lost. Could it be that it was picked up by a minotaur after it fell on the ground?"

  Thor simply sat down and closed his eyes and began to remember.

  "No, the moment I saw the human-headed monster, I no longer felt that I was holding something in my hand. That's why I never thought of the nightmare butterfly's cocoon."

  Thor shook his hand and slowly opened his eyes. , "Yes, that cocoon disappeared in an instant."

  After becoming a wizard's apprentice, the memory is enhanced by the spiritual body, and there will be no mistake in forgetting where he left things at the last moment.

  He can even recall the small things he has done by concentrating on recalling them.

  Therefore, Thor was very sure that he did not accidentally lose the cocoon, but that the cocoon disappeared in an instant.

  At that moment, he didn't notice it at all, and it wasn't until he calmed down that he realized something was wrong.


  Senior Byron was already urging from outside.

  Thor glanced at the tent unwillingly, "Did he escape by himself, or was it stolen by other beings?"

  Damn it, he hasn't started researching it yet!

  But it's no longer safe here.

  Even Senior Byron, a third-level apprentice, is afraid.

  Saul cannot take this lightly.

  He left the tent in a hurry, filled with regret.

  At this time, Nick finally recovered from his emotional loss and rushed back to the Wood Spider with his things in his arms. It's just that his hands were covered in bruises, and he didn't know if he was pinched by himself.

  Saul already knew that Nick would deliberately suppress his emotional changes because he studied emotional witchcraft.

  But if there is a situation where you can't help laughing or you can't help being afraid, extreme emotional outbursts will occur.

  For example, you can't help but laugh, or you are so scared that you vomit.

  This side effect is actually very scary. Because it's fine at ordinary times, but if you encounter an extreme situation and cannot handle it calmly, you may be in danger.

  Saul speculated that this might be one of the reasons why Nick has been unable to advance to level three.

  The Wood Spider started up and quickly left the already unsafe camp.

  When Sol looked through the car window behind him, he vaguely saw the black heads at the foot of the mountain.

  He looked away and pretended he didn't see anything.

  Opposite Thor is the mirror of the soul wave sensor.

  Because they were in a hurry, they did not dismantle the instrument, but directly moved the wooden spider intact.

  This caused the originally spacious carriage to become crowded, and the three people had to sit close to the wall.

  As soon as Sol saw the mirror, he remembered the dark shadow that had appeared in it. He felt a little uncomfortable and simply turned away to avoid it.

  However, the moment he looked away, he suddenly seemed to see a silvery light.

  He immediately looked back.

  His blurred and deformed face was reflected in the mirror, but no silver light was seen.

  "Did I see it wrong?"

  Sol moved his face closer, so that his distorted face became clearer in the mirror.

  But I still didn't see anything wrong.

  Just when Thor was about to move back in confusion, he suddenly found that his left eye lit up.

  Sol was startled and looked at the two people around him.

  Because of the obstruction of the perceptron, they should not be able to see Thor's face.

  Thor then narrowed his eyes and entered a semi-immersive state of meditation.

  This time, Thor finally saw it.

  In his left eye, a small silver ball appeared. The small ball is covered with stars, shining brightly.

  Sol resisted the urge to rub his eyes and slowly lowered his head.

  The cocoon of the nightmare butterfly actually took the initiative to get into his eyes!

  (End of chapter)

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