Chapter 432 Double Poison

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  Chapter 432 Double Strange Poison
  "The poison that Guo Ling was exposed to should be a rare strange poison called "Black Devil Insect". This poison is extremely vicious. The poisonous gas will condense into insects and flow between the flesh and blood, gradually turning the flesh and blood into It is swallowed and then strengthens itself, and this poisonous gas is extremely corrosive to the phase force, so if you use ordinary phase force to resolve it, it will not be effective." "This kind of strange poison will not affect even the strong men of the Tiangang general level

  . If you get hit, it will be quite troublesome. So Pei Hao spent a lot of money to force Uncle Yuan away this time."

  In the room, after analyzing the poisonous blood in Guo Ling's body for most of the day, Li Luo also got a lot of information. But his expression became more solemn because of this.

  The poison that Guo Ling was poisoned by was more troublesome and troublesome than he imagined. The poison that Tang Yun and the others were poisoned last time was really nothing compared to this time.

  This "Black Devil Insect" has a very bad reputation, and it is extremely difficult to make. The various materials required are extremely harsh. This kind of poison is rarely seen in the world. Even Li Luo only has these few I mentioned it in some detoxification books in the middle of the month. To put it bluntly, this poison was overkill when used to deal with Guo Ling.

  Behind Li Luo, Yuan Qing couldn't help but clenched his fists when he heard Li Luo's words. There was a hint of darkness and anger in his eyes, damn Pei Hao!

  Yuan Qing has been away for many years and has never returned to the headquarters of Luo Lan Mansion. A large part of the reason is because the disciple he has taken a fancy to, but Guo Ling was still young a few years ago, so he never brought her back to Luo Lan Mansion. But What he didn't expect was that now that the time had come, this disciple would fall directly into a desperate situation.

  This made Yuan Qing feel extremely guilty.

  If he had known this earlier, he should have come back alone first.

  "Is there any way to resolve this?" Jiang Qing'e asked in a solemn voice from the side.

  Li Luo was silent for a moment and said: "It is very difficult to resolve, but I can temporarily help her block the poisonous gas and ease the erosion and spread of the poisonous gas. This way we will have more time to find a way to resolve it." "

  I Are the detoxification materials you ordered earlier ready?"

  "Young master, don't worry, I have already purchased all the detoxification materials you need, and the quantity is sufficient." A soft voice came from outside the room, and Cai Wei was seen walking in, mature. The charming face looked here with some worry, and at the same time ordered people to bring the materials in.

  "Sorry to trouble Sister Cai Wei."

  Li Luo smiled and nodded. Sister Cai Wei always does things in such a reassuring manner.

  He didn't waste any time and started making the antidote directly. After several failures during this period, he finally succeeded in refining the antidote two hours later.

  However, even though it was said to be an antidote, it was actually impossible to resolve the "black devil insect" in Guo Ling's body. At most, it could only slightly block its spread.

  At this time, Guo Ling had already fallen into a coma. Li Luo pinched her mouth and forced the antidote into her mouth.

  Then he stretched out his palm with a solemn expression and held Guo Ling's slightly cold hand. The next step was the most dangerous step. He needed to invade Guo Ling's body with the power of his water phase and wood phase, and use his The unique biphasic detoxification power relieves "black devil bugs".

  Under the nervous gazes of Yuan Qing, Jiang Qing'e and the others, Li Luo closed his eyes, and the power of water phase and wood phase in his body began to circulate, and then poured into the latter's body along the palms he and Guo Ling held.

  On Guo Ling's skin, a faint sheen of blue and green colors spread visible to the naked eye.

  Then he soon came into contact with the poisonous gas that was like a swimming black insect.

  During the initial contact, the detoxification effect of Li Luo's water phase and wood phase power was quite good. The black demon insect tried to spread in the direction of Guo Ling's heart and was blocked. The speed of spread was also slowed down, but it was still. Just as Li Luo expected, even though he had the dual detoxification effects of water and wood, it was still difficult to directly neutralize this extremely powerful "black devil insect".

  It is indeed a strange poison that even the powerful Tiangang generals need to be careful about.

  Fortunately, Li Luo did not expect to solve the poison all at once, but only needed to slow down its spread. From this point of view, his goal had been achieved. But just when Li Luo seemed to be relieved, suddenly the "Black Demonic Insect" began to tremble violently at this time, and then Li Luo sensed that the "Black Demonic Insect" gathered together seemed to be At this moment, it was directly torn apart. In the next moment, the original black began to transform, quickly forming a dark red color.

  In Li Luo's sensory field of vision, the poisonous gas seemed to have transformed from a "black devil insect" into a dark red "butterfly" at this moment.

  This transformation shocked Li Luo's heart, and he instantly understood something.

  This is a double poison.

  The so-called "Black Devil Insect" also hides a strange poison called "Blood Devil Poison Butterfly". The two are mixed and superimposed. This kind of poison may cause serious damage to even a strong person in the rank of Tiangang General.

  Use this kind of poison that can threaten the powerful Tiangang generals to deal with Guo Ling, who is in the physiognomist realm? Does Pei Hao have so much money that he has nowhere to spend it? Li Luo bets that even Pei Hao must have paid a huge price to acquire this kind of strange poison.

  It wasn't used to deal with Guo Ling, so who was it aimed at?

  Li Luo's mind raced, and then he quickly withdrew the Xiangli that poured into Guo Ling's body like lightning.

  But at the moment when his phase force retreated, the dark red butterfly poison gas seemed to be inspired and driven by something, and it suddenly pursued his phase force directly.

  As for Guo Ling's body, these poisonous gases were completely undesirable.

  Li Luo retreated quite decisively with his phase force, but he still underestimated the speed of the pursuit of the butterfly poison gas. At the moment when his phase force was about to withdraw, the butterfly poison gas touched his phase force.

  At that moment, Li Luo was in a daze, and the sound of a butterfly flapping its wings seemed to be heard in his ears.

  Li Luo's eyes suddenly opened.

  "What happened?" Jiang Qing'e on the side immediately noticed the change in Li Luo's expression and asked in a serious voice.

  Yuan Qing looked at Li Luo, then at Guo Ling, who was starting to regain her color on the bed, and said with some disbelief: "Young Master, have you defused the poisonous gas?"

  Li Luo shook his head with a complicated expression and said, "It's not that it has been defused. It's been transferred."

  He slowly lifted up his sleeves, and then the faces of Jiang Qing'e, Yuan Qing, and Cai Wei in the room suddenly changed when they saw that a dark red hand appeared on Li Luo's arm. butterfly spots.

  The butterfly seemed to be a living creature, still flapping its wings slowly, and an unsettling aura emanated from it.

  Li Luo was also staring at the dark red butterfly, and his voice became a little complicated.

  "Sure enough, this bitch Pei Hao is actually here for me this time. He is really scheming." "

  Such an extravagant poison makes even the powerful Tiangang generals afraid of it." "

  This guy, You really think highly of me."

  (End of chapter)

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