Chapter 431 The real goal

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  Chapter 431 The real target

  is in a living room of Luo Lan Mansion.

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e walked in, and immediately saw a middle-aged man sitting in the hall. He had a strong body, his hair was tied into big braids, and he was dressed in simple clothes. His resolute face was full of wind and frost, and his eyes were full of wind and frost. Fierce, sitting there quietly like a lion, exuding strong oppressive power.

  A strong man of Tiangang general rank.

  Obviously, this middle-aged man is the only one in the Luo Lan Mansion who is still loyal to Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e's Tiangang general, Yuan Qing, one of the three major worshippers.

  When the two of them walked in, Yuan Qing, who was sitting in the living room, immediately raised his head and cast a sharp gaze. When he saw Li Luo walking in the front, his expression was slightly dazed, and the sharp look in his eyes instantly It dissipated, and on that still green face, he vaguely saw the two shadows that commanded him great respect.

  "Yuan Qing has met the Young Mansion Master."

  Yuan Qing stood up, solemnly saluted Li Luo with clasped fists, and even bent slightly.

  Li Luo was also shocked when he saw this. He obviously didn't expect that the other party would give him such a solemn salute. He immediately stepped forward and said, "Uncle Yuan is an old man in my Luo Lan Mansion. Don't be so intrusive. I am too young to bear it." Such a great gift."

  A smile appeared on Yuan Qing's weathered face. He looked at Li Luo and said, "I haven't seen you for many years. The young palace master has grown up."

  Then he looked at Jiang Qing'e beside him and said with a smile. "Miss is becoming more and more outstanding. Even though I am thousands of miles away, I can often hear her reputation."

  Jiang Qing'e shook her head and said, "Uncle Yuan is overly praised for some exaggerated reputations."

  Yuan Qing said apologetically. : "It's my fault. I've been away in the past few years and couldn't return to the headquarters early. Otherwise, I wouldn't have allowed Pei Hao's ambitious bitch to be so rampant." When talking about Pei Hao, the murderous intent in

  Yuan Qing's eyes almost disappeared . It spreads out like a substance.

  "Uncle Yuan was attacked by Pei Hao when he came back?" Li Luo asked with a gloomy expression.

  Yuan Qing nodded gloomily and said: "Mo Chen is also involved. This old ghost is a wolf and has a bad heart. If it weren't for the guidance of the two palace masters and the gift of many training resources, how could he have stepped into the rank of Tiangang General? Now the two palace masters have When the Lord disappeared, he forgot all his kindness and helped Pei Hao to split the Luo Lan Mansion. He really deserves to be killed!"

  Mo Chen is the great minister who supports Pei Hao the most.

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e looked at each other, both seeing the murderous intent in the other's eyes.

  "Their attack did not hurt me, but their target was not me, but my disciple."

  Yuan Qing said with gloomy eyes: "They injured my disciple while I was entangled, and Plant a strange poison into her body."

  Yuan Qing turned his head and looked at the chair in the corner of the living room. He saw a young short-haired girl sitting there. The girl had a beautiful face and a somewhat sassy temperament, but At this time, she was sitting there with a pale face. From time to time, there was a wisp of black air swimming on her fair skin, like a black insect, which was slightly weird.

  Yuan Qing walked quickly. The short-haired girl looked up at him, a look of pain flashed across her cheeks, and said in a hoarse voice: "Master, Master, I'm fine."

  Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e also walked over.

  "This is my disciple, Guo Ling." Yuan Qing introduced the two of them, looking at the short-haired girl with eyes full of distress and doting.

  "I've met you, young lady of the palace." Guo Ling said in a weak voice.

  Li Luo waved his hand and said: "Using poison is indeed the method favored by Pei Hao's white-eyed wolf. This is not the first time." The

  previous time in Xiyang House, Pei Hao also secretly poisoned Tang Yun and others. The person was sent into Xiyangwu as a poison bag, trying to destroy the reputation of Xiyangwu.

  "You bastard, if I get a chance in the future, I will crush all his bones into pieces!" Yuan Qing's face was ashen, and the murderous intention in his heart caused the phase force in his body to fluctuate violently.

  "Pei Hao gave a condition, asking Yuan Qing to leave Luo Lan Mansion and leave Daxia City, and then he will give him the antidote." Lei Zhang said at the side.

  Yuan Qing took a deep breath and said gloomily: "Not everyone is as ungrateful as him." Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e looked at each other. This Pei Hao really knows how to choose the time. There is still half a month until the Holy Grail War. At that time, both of them will inevitably leave Daxia City temporarily, and once they leave, someone will always have to be in charge of Luo Lan Mansion. Niu Biaobiao was originally the best choice, but because he wanted to refine the tonic ointment for Li Luo , it is difficult to be distracted during this period, and he cannot leave the headquarters, so there are many restrictions.

  At this time, Yuan Qing's return will greatly increase the strength of Deluo Lan Mansion, and then Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e can leave with peace of mind.

  Pei Hao obviously guessed this, so he tried every means to hinder Yuan Qing's return.

  "This white-eyed wolf is really a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, always watching our weaknesses."

  Li Luo said slowly, and then said to Yuan Qing: "Uncle Yuan, don't worry too much, the poison on Guo Ling's body is , you can leave it to me to try. Pei Hao also used similar methods before, and was finally resolved by me."

  In the past few months, in the process of treating the little emperor, he also gained knowledge about detoxification. He has gained a better understanding, and in a sense, he can now be regarded as an expert in detoxification, although he relies more on the detoxification power contained in his own water phase and wood phase.

  When Yuan Qing heard this, he looked at Li Luo with some surprise: "Young Master, can you also detoxify?"

  "A little bit involved." Li Luo said modestly.

  Yuan Qing looked at Jiang Qing'e, who also nodded slightly at him, so he no longer hesitated and said with a smile: "Then please give the young master a try." "

  Hel her to the bedroom."

  Li Luo ordered. , a maid came forward and helped Guo Ling to a guest bedroom.

  Guo Ling was lying on the bed. She looked at Li Luo and suddenly said in a weak voice: "Young master, if it can't be resolved, please tell me quietly and I will kill myself to prevent them from threatening my master. Because I know that Master will not betray Luo Lan Mansion."

  Li Luo was startled, then showed a gentle smile.

  "Don't worry, I will help you."

  At the same time, in a room somewhere in Daxia City.

  Pei Hao looked at the scenery outside the window and poured himself tea leisurely. In front of him, sitting an old man in black, he was the great priest of Luo Lan Mansion named Mo Chen.

  "Isn't it too wasteful for you to use such a precious poison as the "Black Devil Insect" on such a little girl? This kind of poison is very valuable, even if it is used against Yuan Qing, it will seriously damage his vitality. "Mo Chen asked.

  Pei Hao chuckled lightly and said, "Yuan Qing is worthy, too?"

  "Yuan Qing is not worthy, so is a little girl worthy?" Mo Chen asked with a frown.

  A mysterious smile appeared on Pei Hao's lips.

  "My target has never been Yuan Qing and his disciples from the beginning."

  "Don't you want to use Yuan Qing's disciples to threaten him to leave Luo Lan Mansion?"

  Pei Hao picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and said, "Yuan Qing Although Qing is a trouble, he is not to the point that I am afraid of him. After all, his combat power has long been taken into account."

  He looked at Mo Chen, and the smile at the corner of his mouth gradually turned cold.

  "Li Luo, doesn't he like to detoxify?"

  "Then let him try again."

  (End of chapter)

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