Chapter 13 013 Three people (Xie Zhong’s second boy also wants to fall in love, ah, leader)

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  Chapter 13 013 Three People (Xie Zhong's second boy also wants to fall in love, ah, leader)
  "Not a staff member? Stop joking, help me find the exit, I'll give you two thousand!" the woman increased the price.

  "How did you get in?" Li Chengyi did not respond to the other party's request, but instead asked him.

  "I don't know." The woman's brows were full of irritability. "I just finished shopping, took the elevator down to the garage to drive home, and when I came out, I discovered that this garage is not a shopping mall garage." "Where is the elevator? Is the elevator still there

  ? "Li Chengyi's eyes lit up and he asked quickly. If you can follow the way the woman came in and go back in the opposite direction, maybe you can...
  "I don't know!" The woman tightened her coat tightly, looking a little frightened. "I can't see it when I look back. I'm on a work freight elevator. The door is very big. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this. It should be very conspicuous and easy to find." "Didn't you have any warning?" Li Chengyi could already see it when he saw this

  . Probably distinguish the other party's situation.

  "What's the omen? Are you talking about the dream you had before?" the woman asked slightly confused.

  "Dream" Li Chengyi was speechless. The other party obviously didn't pay attention to the previous omen and thought it was a dream.

  He thought for a while and slowly told some of the things he knew about the blind spot.

  As he continued to explain, the look on the woman's face became increasingly impatient.

  It wasn't until Li Chengyi mentioned that a two-meter-tall monster with a human face appeared that she finally couldn't bear it anymore.

  "I'm sorry, I'm serious. Has anyone ever told you that your stories are interesting, but it's not appropriate to tell them now." "I know

  the rumors about dead ends, but those are all false legends, as far as I'm concerned. , the so-called blind spot is more like a secret survival experiment game. Okay, now is not the time to talk about this."

  She stretched out her palm and spread her fingers.

  "Five thousand, how about taking me out?"

  "." Li Chengyi didn't say anything anymore. He thought for a while and made a gesture of please.

  There is nothing to say to this man. He probably won't believe that the blind spot really exists until he sees it with his own eyes.

  "Ten thousand!" The woman spoke seriously again. "Don't be too greedy. This place is just a bit big. If I were to find it myself, you wouldn't be able to make any money!" "

  You can try." Li Chengyi glanced at the small door of the maintenance room where the monster just came out. .

  "Also, the monster comes out of these small doors. I'll give you a piece of advice. Don't touch these small maintenance room doors. If you see the door open, run away." He knew very well that he couldn't waste time, and he had the ability to speak with flowers

  . I don’t know when it will fail. Once it fails, it may be difficult to imagine how to stabilize the situation just like before.

  Immediately, without saying a word, he picked up his things and walked towards the direction where the woman appeared.

  Since the woman said she came down from above, let’s go up again and take a look!

  "Hey!" The woman in black didn't expect that he would run away and chased after him for two steps, but the too thick platform shoes hindered her running. After just a few clicks, she could only see Li Chengyi disappearing around the corner.

  "Are you crazy? Running so fast!?" She stood there, holding on to a column, panting.

  Looking around, there was no one around again, it seemed quiet and dead.

  The woman stood alone by the stone pillar, her heart beating again.

  But before she could wait long, Li Chengyi's figure returned again around the corner not far away.

  He just went up to another floor to check the situation above, but he did not find the elevator that the woman mentioned. Instead, he found that there was a higher-level curve above.

  He didn't dare to continue. He didn't know how many floors this place had.

  So I quickly returned. At least there was a living person here, and the cluster could have some peace of mind.

  Seeing the woman leaning against the column from a distance, cursing and not knowing what she was saying, he speeded up and approached her.

  "Let's find a way out together." Li Chengyi said directly without any nonsense.

  "You really don't know the exit?" the woman asked in shock. Only now did she notice the appearance of the man in front of her.

  He had black hair and black eyes, and there were two faint traces of blood flowing out of the corners of his eyes, which looked a bit scary.

  His figure is a bit thin, but he gives off a very stable feeling. He is holding a bag of things in his hand. Through the translucent bag, he can tell that it contains food and drink.

  This man seems to have been prepared!
  A trace of speculation flashed in the woman's eyes. But immediately, this trace of speculation was replaced by slight panic.

  Because she saw the knife held upside down in the other person's hand!

  At night, in an empty underground parking lot, a young man with bloodshot eyes and a calm face, holding a bag in one hand and a knife in the other, stood in front of him, looking at him.

  Almost all the elements of a horror thriller are present!
  The woman took a few steps back, looking increasingly nervous.

  "Cooperate, find the exit as soon as possible, and then leave." Li Chengyi was still talking at this time and did not notice the intimidation his appearance gave the other party.

  "Stop and don't move! Assume... Assume that what you say is true, then how do you prove yourself?" At this time, the cordon in the woman's heart reached its limit.


  Li Chengyi saw the other party retreating, then looked down at himself, and immediately realized that the woman had misunderstood.

  He thought for a while, reached for his phone, opened it, and checked the time.

  "It's 9:12 now. I was dragged into this hellish place about half an hour ago. I was walking in the small park at the time. I bought a lot of snacks and prepared to go back to stock up. Don't be afraid, my eyes just happened

  . It was caused by injuries after meeting the monster. It was just a traumatic injury, so it should not be a big problem."

  At the end of the sentence, he himself was a little unsure. "Really?" A smile appeared on the woman's face, but she still retreated. She kept a distance of more than ten meters before she stopped and stared at Li Chengyi warily.

  "Listen, there are two of us here. We can take turns to rest in case monsters appear around us." Li Chengyi said in a deep voice.

  He really hoped to convince this woman that it was too tiring for him to stare at the surroundings alone.

  He could no longer hold on any longer, his eyes felt dry, and waves of fatigue and sleepiness were rising.

  If anyone can help, be aware of your surroundings and give yourself ten minutes, no, five minutes!
  Even just five minutes of rest can help you recover a lot!
  And what puzzled him was, didn't this woman encounter any abnormalities when the omen came in? But the second time he came in, he encountered a monster with a human face.

  When he saw that the other person was deliberately keeping such a distance from him, he knew that this person didn't believe him yet.

  "The shopping bag you are holding is from the Kaimenina Shopping Center in the city, right? I remember it was the most high-end shopping mall in Suiyang City. When I was a child, I played in the Lanyunsi Park nearby. On the top of the highest rockery in the park, you can also see the model of Colonel Corn Man in Caimina."

  He talked about the memory of his predecessor, his expression as gentle as possible.

  Colonel Cornman is a childhood cartoon that everyone of their age has watched when they were young. The cute and naive Cornman in it represents the fond memories of many people’s childhood.

  Sure enough, after hearing him describe it in such detail, the look on the woman's face gradually softened.

  Apparently the fear of him was somewhat loosened.

  "Are you also a native? What's your name? You don't need to tell me your real name, just a convenient name." She thought for a while and asked aloud.

  "Cheng Yi, please call me Cheng Yi." Li Chengyi replied, "What about you?"

  "Meng Dongdong," the woman replied. "Okay, I believe you won't lie to me for no reason, but can you put down the knife in your hand first?" "."

  Only then did Li Chengyi notice that he was still holding a fruit knife in his hand.

  He was so nervous that he didn't pay attention to these details.

  Putting down the knife, he took a long breath, then took out a wet wipe from his pocket and carefully wiped the blood on his face.

  After quickly wiping it clean, he looked up again and looked much more normal.

  "Are you okay now?"

  "Yes." Meng Dongdong nodded, his expression softening. "Check the situation first. You said you've been here for more than half an hour and haven't found the exit, right?" "Yes." "Which


  did you come up from?" She asked again.

  "The bottom floor. It looks like two or three floors down from here, but I'm not sure if there will be any changes." Li Chengyi answered.

  "Okay, let's not talk about monsters or not, just see what's going on." Meng Dongdong took a deep breath and gestured to Li Chengyi to listen to her first.

  "Generally, the entrance and exit of the underground garage is on the top floor, so you are going up.

  But what I want to tell you is that you can't find the exit at all if you go up." She said solemnly.

  "Before I met you, I walked up five floors in one go. They were all in the same garage environment. That's why I chose to go down to see if I could find a new breakthrough point." "Then why do you think I

  am Are you a staff member here?" Li Chengyi asked.

  "I thought I was kidnapped." Meng Dongdong replied, looking a little tired.


  "Well, some weirdos always like to capture people for no reason and do experiments, just like the movie Elevator Fright. Isn't that the plot?" she replied. "Catch people together and observe and record what they will do in order to survive."

  Li Chengyi was speechless.

  If he hadn't really encountered a monster, he might have made the same guess as the other party.

  Seeing that Meng Dongdong's mood had stabilized at this time, he began to slowly talk about Suiyang's customs, landforms, public news and so on.

  This kind of real daily information exchange made Meng Dongdong's mood more stable, and he no longer had panic or fear towards him.

  But in fact, Li Chengyi seemed stable on the surface, and his eyes would still glance at the small door of the maintenance room from time to time.

  Behind that small door, there was an unknown monster that was stabilized by his flower language ability.

  Once the ability fails, monsters may rush out of the door at any time and attack living people.

  So at this time, he was only stable on the outside, but he was tense and unable to relax inside.

  After chatting for a while, he felt that Meng Dongdong's mood had stabilized, but his own mental state was getting worse and worse.

  Finally put it forward.

  "Can you do me a favor? I'll find a place to rest, and you can help me keep an eye on the surrounding area to be on guard against possible monsters!" "

  You really don't look good." Meng Dongdong frowned, and she could also tell that this was a call. Cheng Yi's young man was very tired and tired.

  "How long do you want to rest?" Her words were a disguised promise, and she would help look after the surroundings.

  (End of chapter)

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