Chapter 12 012 Two people (Thanks to the name of the leader, there is no one)

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  Chapter 12 012 Two people (Thanks to the name of the leader, there is no one)

  At this time, the handle of the small door had begun to turn, as if someone was twisting and trying to get out.

  Li Chengyi held his breath, rushed a few steps, pounced, and slammed into the small door without hesitation.

  The small door that was about to open was forced to close again when he bumped into it.

  'As long as the door doesn't open, that ghost can't get out! '

  There was only one thought in his mind at this time.

  His body was firmly pressed against the door panel, and the cold red maintenance door was blocked and could not be opened at all.

  Boom, boom, boom.

  In the maintenance room, a heavy object kept hitting the door panel, making a muffled sound.

  It seemed like something was trying to push the door open.

  But just now Li Chengyi bumped into it, and the door was closed and locked again. The lock and the force of his full resistance made it impossible to open the small door.

  Boom, boom, boom.

  Boom, boom, boom.

  The crashing sounds continued one after another without stopping, getting heavier each time.

  The heavy impact brought vibrations that made Li Chengyi's eardrums buzz, and his arms and shoulders that were pressed against the iron door began to feel numb.

  He gritted his teeth and made his body form a diagonal line, pressing against the iron door, not daring to relax.

  But the impact was getting bigger and heavier, and the force was getting stronger so fast that he was a little frightened.

  'no! We must find a way! If this continues, I will definitely die! '

  The Hua Linyi helped him block a disaster before, but now that the Hua Linyi is damaged, he only has the flower language ability left, and there is no way he can compete with that man's face head-on.

  And the first time it was a human face, who can be sure that it will still be the same the second time?
  If it's some other troublesome monster
  , absolutely, don't let it come out! ! '

  Li Chengyi held the door tightly, all kinds of thoughts flashing through his mind.

  Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind.

  'Since the flower language ability can only be used by touching it, can it also be used by touching it through objects? ? '

  'I am next to the door, and the monster on the other side is also next to the door. Does this count as contact? ? '

  As soon as this idea came up, it sprouted rapidly in his mind.

  'Try it! ?

  He made a decision in his mind, turned his right hand quickly, and slapped his palm against the door.

  The cold, hard touch spreads into my mind along the palm of my hand.

  In an instant, his thoughts were flowing, and his palm was quickly covered with a layer of invisible and transparent distortion.

  As soon as the distortion came into contact with the iron door, it dispersed evenly, penetrated into the door panel, and disappeared.

  At the same time, there was another heavy knock from behind the door.

  But this time, the impact lasted only a moment.

  Li Chengyi felt as if there was a thread linking his hand to the door panel and something behind the door panel.

  'it works! ! Next, touch the intoxicated target a second time. '

  The complete effect of the Hand of Intoxication is divided into two steps.

  First: Specify goals.

  Second: Determine what the goal is to indulge in.

  The first time Li Chengyi used it, he felt that the link was like a thin thread, continuously drawing out the physical strength of his body.

  This kind of extraction speed is very fast, just like running wildly on the track all the time. It only takes half a minute for his energy to be completely drained.

  'Must be quick! '

  His mind was racing, his blood-stained eyes quickly scanned the surroundings without stopping, and he pressed his right hand hard on the iron door in front of him again.

  Others are outside, and no matter what is specified, what is inside the door will inevitably come out.

  Therefore, it is better to use this iron gate as an intoxicating object!
  Let the monster indulge in this little door!

  There was a crisp snap.

  His palm hit the surface of the iron door.

  At the same time, the door fell into complete silence.

  Hiss. Hiss.
  Li Chengyi closed his mouth, snorted heavily through his nostrils, and stared at the iron door in front of him with his eyes wide open.

  Waited for a while, maybe ten seconds, maybe a minute.

  The door remained silent.

  He slowly relaxed his body, stepped back, and let go.

  'Success? ? '

  He doesn't know, but judging from the movement and reaction, it seems to have been successful.

  Suddenly, a subtle rubbing sound came from behind the iron door.

  There seemed to be someone inside, stroking the door gently with his hand.

  The hissing was constant, quiet, but persistent.

  When Li Chengyi first heard the sound, his heart jumped, but then he found that the door showed no sign of being opened again, and his heart gradually relaxed.

  'It seems to be successful. As long as you don't take the initiative to open the door, it should be fine. '

  He could feel that there was a subtle, fragile connection on the iron door, linking the door to an individual in the maintenance room.

  As long as there is no external interruption, this intoxicated state can continue until the flower language ability itself fails.

  He didn't know how long it would take for his flower language ability to expire. This still needed to be tested and recorded.

  But now, at least now, he finally has an effective way to avoid danger.

  After confirming that there was no problem, he took a few steps back, picked up the bag, and ran towards the corner.

  Even if the situation was temporarily stabilized, he didn't want to stay by the small door any longer.

  This feeling of being close to the source of danger at any time made the hairs on his body stand up and his heart beat faster.

  If this continues, there will be no way to rest and regain strength.

  He jogged away from the small door and walked for more than a hundred meters before stopping and sitting down behind a supporting stone pillar.

  With the stone pillars blocking the way, he could see the small door of the maintenance room just by tilting his head slightly. There was no car in the cold and empty garage.

  Li Chengyi was holding a white plastic bag, panting, and his face was starting to turn pale.

  The cold-toned light reflected on his face, making it look even paler.

  Just when he was about to squint and take a break.

  "Is there anyone there?"

  Suddenly he seemed to hear a voice.

  Someone is shouting.

  "Is there anyone here?" It was a young female voice.

  The voice is energetic, the tone is calm, and there is no sense of panic.

  'Someone! ? 'Li Chengyi was stunned for a moment, thinking that he heard wrongly and had auditory hallucinations.

  This phenomenon occurs when people stay in an extremely quiet environment for too long.

  Because it is too quiet and the surrounding sounds are too small, the imaginary sounds in your mind will be confused with the subtle sounds from the outside world, making it difficult to distinguish between illusion and reality.

  "Is there anyone? Is there anyone here?" The female voice sounded again.

  This time, the sound was closer and clearer.

  Li Chengyi opened his eyes wide and finally confirmed that he heard correctly. Really, really it was the second person besides him who was speaking out!
  As soon as he stood up, he was about to reply.

  But immediately the sound in his throat was like a brake, and he was instantly stuck and stopped.

  'wrong! There are even monsters like before in this place, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see a monster that can imitate human voices! Wait, wait.'

  His expression changed, and he gave up the idea of ​​replying immediately, and instead looked in the direction of the voice.

  The female voice came from the right.

  Over there is a further level of turning.

  Along with the shouting, subtle footsteps slowly came.

  It seemed that the man was approaching this level.

  The footsteps were muffled, as if they were not leather boots with hard soles, but soft rubber soles.

  Li Chengyi patiently hid himself behind the column, stood up straight, raised his head and turned sideways, completely hiding his body behind the gray-white column with a diameter of half a meter, waiting for the footsteps to get closer.

  The tip of his nose was almost touching the rough surface of the stone pillar, and he could smell a faint smell of cement.

  As the footsteps got closer, they got louder and louder.

  "Is anyone here?" The female voice sounded again. This time it was much clearer than before. A slight gasp could also be heard. It was obvious that the woman was also a little tired.

  Li Chengyi carefully exposed the corner of his eye and stared at the corner, waiting for someone to appear.

  Five seconds.

  Ten seconds.

  Fifteen seconds.

  Finally, in the distance, a person slowly walked out of the corner.

  A long-haired woman dressed entirely in black and holding a brown and white plaid coat in her hand.

  The woman looked around with a calm expression, but judging from her ever-accelerating pace, she was not as calm as she appeared.

  "Is anyone here?" She called out again and walked towards Li Chengyi.

  As the distance got closer, Li Chengyi gradually saw her appearance clearly.

  The woman's skin is slightly white, and her facial features are generally above average. There are subtle plastic surgery marks at the corners of her eyes and chin, and her curvature and lines are abnormally standard.

  She has black shawl hair that reaches the length of a vest. She wears a thin black windbreaker with no curves visible.

  He was wearing black tight trousers, and on his feet were black platform shoes with heels that were half a palm thick.

  Li Chengyi noticed that the woman was also carrying a large shopping bag. The white bag had the mall's logo printed on the outside: Kanemina in four artistic fonts, and was surrounded by a pure white garland.

  Kanemina is a shopping mall that Li Chengyi remembers. It is a high-end shopping mall with a high consumer base and is located in the city center.

  The characteristics can be summed up in one word - expensive.

  The woman walked for a while, stopped, and took out her mobile phone from her windbreaker pocket. It was also in a black case and had a decorative pink cartoon cat pendant on the back.

  She looked at the screen of her phone, which seemed to be a confirmation signal.

  After confirming that there was still no signal, she put it down in disappointment, her chest rising and falling more and more.

  At this time, it was confirmed that the other party was not a monster, but a real living person.

  Li Chengyi breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the maintenance room door he had closed before. After making sure there was no movement, he slowly walked out.

  "Were you pulled in suddenly too?"

  He said in a low voice. The physical exertion just now recovered a little, making his voice calm and strong.

  The more unfamiliar and unsafe the environment is, the less likely one is to show one's weak side.

  This is not a principle of life, it is just a person's instinctive maintenance of his own sense of security.

  "!!?" Seeing someone coming out, the black-haired woman seemed frightened and took a step back.

  The two were about ten meters apart at this time. Her height was just over 1.7 meters, slightly shorter than Li Chengyi's. But this is due to the exaggerated platform shoes that increase the height. His true height should be much shorter.

  Frightened by this, the woman tilted her body and almost fell back.

  But immediately, she stabilized her body, showing good balance, and then stood still, with a look of surprise on her face, and looked at Li Chengyi.

  "Finally found someone!! Where is this place? Are you a staff member here?! Can you take me out!? I can give you money! Is a thousand dollars enough!?"

  She said several words in a hurry.

  The calmness on his face just now completely collapsed at this moment.

  Li Chengyi looked at the other person and glanced at the knees of his black pants and the back of his shoes.

  Both have a fine white dusting and signs of scuffs, obviously from previous falls.

  In addition, the two of them were more than ten meters apart. Standing at such a distance, he could smell a whiff of peach perfume. One could imagine how much perfume this woman had sprayed on her body.

  "Sorry, I'm not a staff member here, and I can't take you away. Don't you know what kind of place this is yet?" Li Chengyi didn't believe that the other party wouldn't know about the blind spot after two omens.

  That kind of extremely clear omen experience, even the stupidest person should know to search for information.

  (End of chapter)

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