Chapter 353 Your concern for Ruoer

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  Chapter 353: Your Concern for Ruoer

  Wei Jinyi, who was sitting in front of the desk writing something when he heard the voice, slowly put down the pen and ink in his hand, and then asked Wei Mingting to sit down at the table where tea was poured.

  After Wei Mingting took a look, he sat down face to face with Wei Jinyi.

  Wei Jin also said to Wei Mingting: "Mrs. Wei's handling of this matter was biased. She cares about the mother-daughter relationship with Wei Qingwan, but has she ever thought about the mother-daughter relationship between her and Ruo'er?" Wei Jin also asked in return.

  Wei Mingting sighed: "She does prefer Wanwan, and she has handled this recent incident inappropriately. But it is not good for you to do this tonight. She is your nominal mother after all."

  " She occupies the status of an elder, and if she has to take care of this status in everything, Ruo'er will have a hard time in this house. Instead of making it difficult for Ruo'er, why not let me be the bad guy." Wei Jin also replied.

  Wei Jinyi's words surprised Wei Mingting: "Your concern for Ruo'er is a bit beyond my expectation."

  Wei Jinyi did not accept the words, neither admitting nor denying, but asked Wei Mingting: "Father, what does this mean?" Is it fair to Ruo'er?"

  Wei Mingting looked gloomy and sighed again: "It's because I paid less attention to family affairs. Madam, she didn't handle it properly. I am also responsible." Wei Mingting felt guilty about everything at home

  . Yes, he travels to the army every day, and he really doesn't care enough about the affairs of the government and the children at home.

  "Since father agrees that this matter is unfair to Ruo'er, then he should handle it as I should and don't let Ruo'er feel cold." Wei Jin also said.

  "I understand." Wei Mingting responded.

  After a period of silence, Wei Jin also said to Wei Mingting: "I don't have much time to stay in the Wei family." Wei Mingting

  paused, and his expression became more solemn: "Have you really thought about it? Do you know that once you take this step? Once you get out, there will be no room for regret." "

  I know that some things have been destined from the moment I was born. Instead of escaping, it is better to face life or death, pain or happiness, and you will know it after you have tasted it."

  "Now that you have decided, I won't say anything anymore."

  Wei Mingting reached out and patted Wei Jinyi on the shoulder. Like every ordinary father's advice to his son who is about to travel far away, Wei Mingting incorporated this advice into words.

  "Don't worry, I won't implicate the Wei family." Wei Jin also said.

  "I'm not afraid of getting you involved. From the moment I took you home, I put my life and death aside," Wei Mingting said.

  "You are not afraid of being implicated, but you have the Wei family behind you. You have to consider the life and death of the Wei family." "You are

  right. I really have no right to let the Wei family take risks for what I do. "

  I will handle it properly so that the Wei family will not be implicated. Please help me take good care of Ruo'er," Wei Jin also said.

  Wei Mingting agreed: "I know."

  After talking with Wei Jinyi, Wei Mingting returned to Cangyun Garden. When he stepped into the bedroom, Yun was already awake.

  Seeing Wei Mingting, Yun opened her mouth, but she couldn't say a word. All the grievances she felt turned into tears and welled up in her eyes.

  Seeing this, Wei Mingting asked the maids serving in the house to retreat.

  Wei Mingting came to the bed, sat on the edge of the bed, then picked up the medicine bowl and gave Yun the medicine himself.

  Yun didn't want to take medicine at the moment, she just wanted to find out the cause of the matter.

  "Husband... why did something like this happen today? Why did the servants in the mansion listen to Jin Yi instead of me?" Yun asked. If Jin Yi did it in private, it would be really bold and disrespectful.

  "It was my order." Wei Mingting replied.

  Although those people were not specially arranged by him for Wei Jinyi, he had acquiesced in their existence, so they could be considered as his instructions.

  "Did your husband instruct the people in the house to do this? Why?" Mrs. Yun looked at Wei Mingting in disbelief.

  It's not that she hasn't thought about this possibility, she just avoided it subconsciously.
















  He even openly allowed this child's status and power in the house to be superior to hers, allowing him to unscrupulously disobey her and deal with her!
  "Don't think too much, this matter has nothing to do with Jin Yi's mother." Wei Mingting explained.

  "It doesn't matter that you indulge him like this? It doesn't matter that you allow him, a bastard, to ride on the head of my legitimate wife? Don't lie to me again!" The suspicion and grievances that have been accumulated in Yun's heart for many years are like the flood after the embankment bursts

  . pouring out:

  "I have worked hard for this family for so many years, but in the end, my husband always has another woman in his heart. The love and respect we have had over the years are fake, and they are just wishful thinking on my part!" Yun said as if she was going crazy

  ! The land complained.

  (End of chapter)

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