Chapter 352 Wei Jin also fainted Yunshi

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  Chapter 352 Wei Jinyi fainted from Yunshi

  Wei Jinyi did not respond to Wei Qingwan’s question, looking at Yunshi with sharp eyes, waiting for Yunshi’s answer.

  Yun's face turned pale: "Now there are just some rumors outside. If Wanwan is sent to Zhuangzi now, wouldn't it mean that he has been found guilty?" "

  Second sister has not gone to school for several days. It would be too early to say that she is found guilty. It's already settled, this step is not far behind." Wei Jin also said.

  "That's different. Wanwan didn't go to school these days. I said she was sick." Yunshi explained.

  "If you are sick, you can send her to Zhuangzi to recuperate. Anyone who believes that she is sick will still believe her." "

  How is that the same?"

  "My mother said that my eldest sister has been recuperating in Zhuangzi in the countryside for thirteen years. It works for my younger sister, but why can’t it work for my second sister?" Wei Jin also said.

  Yun was silenced by Wei Jinyi.

  For the first time, she discovered that this concubine who had been silent in the house for many years was actually so sharp-tongued!

  Wei Qingwan was still confused: "Mom, what happened? Why do you say I have a bad reputation?"

  Yun glanced at Wei Qingwan and knew that she would know about this sooner or later, so she didn't hide it.

  "Your story has been spread outside." Yun said and sighed.

  Hearing this, Wei Qingwan's face suddenly turned pale.

  how so? Has it spread all over the world?

  Then... then... wouldn't she...

  When she thought of the consequences, Wei Qingwan's mind was buzzing, and a series of bad associations flooded into her mind.

  Yun said to Wei Jinyi again: "Let me think about what you mentioned before making a decision. It's already late today." "

  I'm not here to discuss with you." Wei Jinyi said.

  "What do you mean by this?" Yun's face turned even more ugly, her brows were furrowed and her eyes were cold.

  "Jing Hu, please ask the second lady to go to the countryside." Wei Jin also gave the order.

  After Wei Jin finished speaking, Jing Hu led people into the hall and appeared in front of Wei Qingwan.

  "Second Miss, please." Jing Hu looked serious and aggressive.

  Wei Qingwan's face turned pale and her body was trembling.

  "Pa—" Mr. Yun slammed the table and reprimanded angrily, "How presumptuous! Do you still take me as a mother seriously?"

  Wei Jin also remained unmoved, with no trace of looseness on his face as he continued. Commanding Jing Hu: "If the second young lady refuses to cooperate, let the rough lady in the house take the second young lady down directly." "

  Wei Jinyi, you are a bastard and you are giving orders in front of me, the head of the house. You Do you still see the inferiority of elders and younger ones in your eyes? You are the one who deserves to be dragged down and punished!" Yun said angrily.

  Wei Jin also ignored Yun and said to Jing Hu, "Second Miss, please go to Zhuangzi."

  "Who dares to move without my consent?" Yun yelled angrily.

  However, what Yun didn't expect was that her order had no effect, and two rough ladies still came in and picked up Wei Qingwan in front of her.

  "Mother! Mother, save me! Mother..." Wei Qingwan, who was being held up, cried and turned back to Yun for help.

  Yunshi was dumbfounded and couldn't believe that there were servants in her own house that she couldn't control!

  "You're rebelling, you're rebelling! Who do you belong to! How dare you ignore my orders!" Yun was furious.

  Her angry rebuke had no effect, and Wei Qingwan was still forcibly taken away by the servants under her nose.

  Yun stood up and pointed angrily at Wei Jinyi: "You traitor, what have you done to the people in this family?" Yun was so angry that she felt dizzy and unsteady, Cuiping quickly supported her.

  Wei Jinyi remained expressionless: "I have already told my mother that I just want to send my second sister to Zhuangzi."

  After saying that, Wei Jinyi stood up and left.

  "He...he..." Mrs. Yun looked up and couldn't catch her breath. She fainted on the spot and fell on top of the maids.

  Wei Ruo was also in a certain situation at the moment. To be honest, she had not expected that such a thing would happen. The second brother had not mentioned to her in advance that he would do such a thing.

  And she didn't expect that the second brother would be so bold and deal with Wei Qingwan in front of the Yun family, which was something even the eldest brother couldn't do.

  After Wei Ruo glanced at the fainted Yun family, he chased Wei Jinyi out of the dining hall and chased him to the entrance of Cangyun Garden, just in time to catch up with Wei Jinyi.

  "Second brother."

  Wei Jin also stopped when he heard Wei Ruo's voice.

  "Second brother, will anything happen to you?" Wei Ruo asked.

  The second brother is a concubine, so being so angry with the mistress of the house seems to be unjustifiable both emotionally and rationally, right?
  Wei Ruo didn't care about the others, he just didn't want his second brother to be implicated.

  She knew that Wei Mingting loved his second brother, but if his second brother went too far, even her father would not turn a blind eye.

  "No, I will explain it to my father when he comes back." Wei Jin also replied.

  Wei Ruo looked at Wei Jinyi, a little confused and a little touched.

  Wei Jin also continued: "The handling of this matter was unfair. Even if Wei Qingwan is exempted from death, we cannot be so lenient towards her."

  As he said this, Wei Jin also reached out and subconsciously wanted to touch Wei Ruo's head, but then realized When he realized that this action was unreasonable, he took it back again.

  "Don't worry about me, I'm measured." Wei Jin also added.

  Wei Ruo nodded, paused, and added: "Thank you, second brother."

  The second brother did this for herself. Although she didn't care that her reputation was dragged down by Wei Qingwan, Wei Ruo couldn't help but feel that someone cared about her like this. It feels heartwarming.

  Wei Jin didn't say anything, and the two walked side by side for a while until they separated when they were near Tingsong Garden and went back to their respective residences.

  Later in the evening, Wei Mingting returned to his home.

  As soon as he returned home, he heard about Yun's fainting from Wei Jinyi's anger.

  Wei Mingting hurried back to Cangyun Garden for a visit, and then learned the whole story from Cuiping, the Yun family's personal maid.

  Cuiping didn't dare to add fuel to the fire, but just stated what happened in a matter-of-fact manner.

  She didn't know why the second young master suddenly became angry, let alone why the people in the house obeyed the second young master and ignored the madam.

  But this is how things happened, and the madam was also knocked unconscious in this way. As for the second young lady, she should have arrived at Zhuangzi by now.

  After listening to Cuiping's words, Wei Mingting glanced at his wife on the bed, but did not immediately become angry as others expected.

  After a while, he went out and went to Yingzhu Garden in person.

  In Yingzhu Garden, Wei Jin seemed to have expected that Wei Mingting would come to find him. He was waiting quietly in the study and had prepared tea.

  Wei Mingting looked at Wei Jinyi after entering the door. He did not immediately blame or get angry. Instead, he frowned and sighed, and asked in a deep voice: "Why did you do this?" His tone was a little helpless, with

  mostly questions, not too many. meaning of blame.

  (End of chapter)

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