Chapter 291 Wei Yichen bumps into Wei Qingwan and a man

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  Chapter 291 Wei Yichen bumped into Wei Qingwan and a man.
  Hearing this, the wet nurse didn't know what to say and could only let out a long sigh.

  Wei Ruo walked forward, hugged the nanny gently, and patted her back: "Nanny, don't worry, I will take care of it and won't let myself be wronged." The nanny nodded, her eyes slightly twitching

  . He was blushing, but said nothing more.

  At this moment, she felt not only distressed but also distressed. When she started breastfeeding this child, she was just a little bit older and was a small ball in her arms.

  Over the years, she had watched her grow up little by little with her own eyes, watching her become graceful and graceful.

  As much as she wanted to see her happy, she felt sorry for her to make such a choice.

  After bidding farewell to the nanny, Wei Ruo left Sibaozhai.

  Then Wei Ruo went to Tianqin Garden for class. During the lunch break, Wei Ruo found Mr. Wang.

  "Mr. Wang, there is one thing I want to ask. Are there any men of marriageable age in your hometown? There are several acres of thin farmland at home, and they have been farming and studying for generations. They have a clean family background. It doesn't matter if the family is poorer. If you need one, you must be sick and die soon. . It would be better if you are married and have children."

  Wang Caiwei heard Wei Ruo's description and looked suspicious: "What do you want to do?"

  Wei Ruo didn't hide anything and directly told her. intention.

  After this year of getting along, they understand each other very well. Mr. Wang will understand and support Wei if there are many things that ordinary people cannot understand.

  This included her skipping school to do farm work. Mr. Wang not only had no objection to this, but also helped Wei Ruo cover up so that she could do what she wanted to do without any worries.

  That's why Wei Ruo dared to speak so frankly to Mr. Wang about this matter today.

  One of the reasons why she asked Wang Caiwei for information was that since she wanted to get married, she might as well marry farther away. Wang Caiwei's hometown was a good place to go.

  After listening to what Wei Ruo said, Wang Caiwei didn't speak for a long time.

  Even though she is very talented, this is the first time she has heard of a woman looking for someone to marry her who is about to die.

  She herself is a widow without her husband and knows how difficult this world is for widows. Even if you have a lot of talent and learning, it is still difficult.

  Wang Caiwei observed Wei Ruo's expression carefully and knew that she was serious and was not making fun of her.

  "This idea of ​​yours is very special. I hope your parents don't understand it." "

  Of course, that's why I asked my husband for help. I know that he is very knowledgeable and knows many people, so he might be able to help me." I'm busy." Wei Ruodao.

  "Does your second brother know that you have this idea?" Wang Caiwei asked.

  "I have never mentioned it to my second brother."

  "I understand. I have written this down. I will help you find out. But if I want to tell you the result after asking, I need to ask your second brother." Wang Caiwei replied road.

  "Okay, thank you sir." Wei Ruo thought for a moment, and his second brother would know about this sooner or later, so it didn't matter if he told him in advance.

  Anzhou College is located on the hillside outside Taizhou City. The winding steps continue from the foot of the mountain to the main entrance of the college.

  There was nothing unusual in the two days after Wei Yichen and Xu Fengyuan returned to Anzhou College.

  After school that day, Lu Yuhong came to find the two of them to go hunting in the back mountains.

  "I told you two, it's rare for you to finish class early this morning. Come and accompany me to the back mountains for hunting. I can't do anything these days and I'm almost bored." Lu Yuhong was very excited.

  Xu Fengyuan smiled and agreed: "No problem, if Brother Lu invites you, I will definitely accompany you."

  Then he turned to ask Wei Yichen for his opinion: "Where is Brother Wei?"

  "I can do it too." Naturally, Wei Yichen couldn't refuse, and besides, he really should Stretch your muscles and exercise some riding and shooting.

  While the teacher praised his article, he also reminded him that he still needs to strengthen some martial arts training. Even if these are not tested in the autumn exam, he should not be too weak. "Okay, don't call for more people. It's just the three of us. There are too many people turning around and it's too noisy. If the college teacher finds out, it's time to be reprimanded." Although Lu Yuhong was very playful, he didn't want to be reprimanded.

  After saying that, Lu Yuhong dragged Xu Fengyuan and Wei Yichen, put on their hunting equipment, and headed towards the back mountain in a hurry.

  After arriving, Lu Yuhong proposed to split up and threatened to shoot a big guy to open the eyes of Xu Fengyuan and Wei Yichen.

  Xu Fengyuan patted Wei Yichen on the shoulder: "Brother Wei, be careful. If you need anything, call me."

  Because Wei Yichen's riding and shooting performance has never been good, he is undoubtedly the weakest in combat effectiveness among the three.

  Wei Yichen nodded, indicating that he had no problem, and let Xu Fengyuan go hunting in peace.

  After the three of them split up, Wei Yichen started looking for prey along the forest path.

  Students from Anzhou College would go hunting in the back mountains to practice their riding and shooting skills when they had free time, so there were many man-made paths in the mountains and forests.

  After searching for a while, Wei Yichen heard some rustling sounds and thought they were small animals in the forest, so he slowly and carefully approached the sounds.

  After walking over, Wei Yichen saw two figures ten steps away through the gaps in the leaves of the shrubs.

  At first, I thought it was other people from the college who also came to the back mountain to hunt, but upon closer inspection, I discovered that it was a man and a woman. There are no women in Anzhou College, so this woman must be from outside.

  The woman was wearing a light green pleated skirt with flowers, her back turned to herself.

  Wei Yichen frowned and rationally told himself that he should leave and stop meddling in other people's affairs. No matter who in the college was having a private meeting with a woman, he should not interfere.

  But for some reason, the figure was so familiar that he couldn't help but want to see the woman's appearance clearly.

  Wei Yichen was not ashamed of his peeking behavior, but his body remained honest and did not move.

  After stopping for a long time, Wei Yichen finally waited until the woman turned around.

  In an instant, Wei Yichen's expression suddenly changed and he couldn't believe his eyes.

  How could it be Wanwan?

  This is impossible!

  Wei Yichen couldn't believe his eyes. The person whose back made him feel familiar turned out to be Wei Qingwan! The sister he watched grow up!
  Wei Yichen was stunned on the spot, as if he had been struck by a thunderbolt, and for a moment he felt as if he was in a dream.

  How could the well-behaved and sensible sister Wanwan appear in the wild mountains and forests with a strange man? How could Wanwan do such an unorthodox thing? Impossible, absolutely impossible.

  Moreover, today is not a day for rest. Wanwan should be attending classes in Tongzhifu. How could she appear in the back of Anzhou College?

  When Wei Yichen came to his senses again, Wei Qingwan and the man in the distance had disappeared.

  Wei Yichen walked in the forest in despair for a while until Xu Fengyuan found him.

  "Brother Wei?"

  Xu Fengyuan called Wei Yichen, but Wei Yichen didn't seem to hear him.

  "Brother Wei?" Xu Fengyuan shouted again and patted Wei Yichen on the shoulder.

  Wei Yichen raised his head suddenly.

  "Brother Wei, what's wrong with you?" Xu Fengyuan asked with concern.

  (End of chapter)

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