Chapter 491: A way to solve the problem once and for all

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  Faced with Lao Liu who liked to fish and enforce the law, Lord Void was filled with hatred.

  Every time they seize the opportunity to take the initiative, they will lose several compatriots.

  Once or twice is nothing.

  The more times you are fished for and enforced, the more painful it begins!

  But looking at the big fat man dangling in front of him, it was difficult for the Lord of the Void to control himself.

  Who would have thought that the other party could hide for several days, just waiting for us to take the initiative?
  However, even if he suffered several losses, the Lord of the Void would still test the Void Spirit's home planet if he found out that the Obsidian Battleship had left.

  Usually when he jumps out to summon a wave of younger brothers, he is ready to travel back to the void world.

  Although the Obsidian battleship moved very quickly, it only caused some minor losses to them.

  This annoying harassment tactic is a great test of the obsidian battleship's ability to fight for a long time.

  Perhaps when the Pantheon needs energy support, the Lord of the Void will happen to jump out and cause trouble, and then drag the Obsidian battleship back.

  The Obsidian Battleship has a lot of energy.

  But no matter how much energy you have, you can't supply it to the Pantheon.

  Although it was only a possibility, Herard did not dare to bet.

  Mimiron thought of a way.

  The Forge of Will operates by extracting the energy of Azeroth's star soul.

  If it is transferred to the Obsidian Battleship and relies on the mana furnace on it to charge it, it can be used in the Pantheon at critical moments.

  It is equivalent to the mobile battery on the car.

  There is no problem if it is used for emergencies at critical moments!
  In this way, you don't have to worry about those old guys in the void world causing trouble.

  King of the Void: "Who are you talking about?"

  Herad: "You old ones are not allowed to talk!"

  Both the Will Forge and the Origin Forge are very strange in appearance.

  These so-called furnaces do not look like furnaces at all.

  The energy collection and conversion towers of the Mana Furnace still look like that.

  It's the kind of building that's a bit squat and looks like a giant furnace.

  The Forge of Will is a huge building covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters.

  It looks like an automated mini-steel factory.

  When spiritual metals and rocks are put in, they can be transformed into iron vrykul and earth spirits.

  This huge Titan Creation factory is no longer able to maintain normal production due to the reduction in qualified raw materials.

  Usually they are raw materials that have been saved for many years and can be used within minutes.

  Therefore, Mimiron uses it as a super power bank, which is not stressful at all!
  The modified Forge of Will slowly lifted into the sky, and then jumped away like a star battleship.

  In fact, the difference between the Forge of Will and the Star Battleship is not that big.

  In addition to the weapon system, all the functions that a star battleship should have on it are complete.

  If you install a powerful main gun on it, it will be a proper interstellar battleship!

  But without Azeroth, it is a rootless tree.

  Once the energy is exhausted, it can only drift in the universe.

  In fact, normal interstellar battleships follow this pattern.

  How far they can fly depends on how much fuel they carry, or how much energy they carry.

  The Legion battleship of the Burning Legion is inserted into the evil energy planet to absorb evil energy.

  The ethereal star battleship is parked next to the mana furnace to recharge.

  The draenei star battleships are a bit cruel!

  That thing is powered by Naaru.

  Sailing a distance of about ten light years would consume the size of a naaru.

  Although it has hundreds of millions of points of ruthlessness, it can be regarded as having its own energy source.

  As long as the number of Naaru is enough, the energy supply can be rotated.

  This way the Naaru won't be consumed to death.

  When the Forge of Will was transferred to the ethereal home planet of Karesh, there was not much energy left.

  This guy Mimiron is very picky.

  He has never filled the energy pool of the Forge of Will.

  After all, the energy of the Azeroth Star Soul is not brought by strong winds.

  Herard was speechless about this guy's stinginess. That is the energy of Azeroth's star soul, not your family's energy.

  What's there to save?
  The awakening of a planet's star soul means that the planet will suffer heavy damage.

  It may even explode directly.

  This is the same situation as an egg hatching into a chick.

  When the star soul turns into a Titan, it will break out of its shell like a chicken.

  The chick burst the eggshell.

  The Titans burst the planet.

  If the planet breaks a big hole.

  Then the lives living above must have no way to survive!
  The hot magma erupting from the ground will cover the entire planet.

  If it really comes to that, only fire elemental creatures can survive.

  Therefore, it is better not to awaken the star soul of Azeroth.

  Herard did not want to become an interstellar refugee.

  On the top of the huge obsidian battleship, the Will Furnace is docked next to the Mana Furnace, absorbing the mixed energy drawn from the void world.

  The Forge of Will is a powerful Titan energy building.

  It has very low requirements on energy purity.

  The mixed energy from the void world is purified by the energy transformation array and turned into very pure arcane energy.

  In terms of the purity of arcane energy, Titan ranks second, and no one dares to rank first.

  It would obviously be more suitable to provide energy to the Pantheon.

  Ethereal's mana furnace, acquiring a large amount of energy across borders.

  Titan's will furnace is purified to a high standard.

  The perfect combination of the two allows Pantheon to never run out of energy.

  However, those spies from various forces snooping on the outside world still made Herard feel an inexplicable sense of crisis.

  Who knows if there will be lunatics among these forces who are keen on destroying the world?

  Maybe they will storm the Pantheon and release Sargeras, the world-destroying demon.

  Although this possibility is very low.

  Herard did not dare to bet on the bottom line of human nature.

  But for what didn't happen, he couldn't silence the forces that discovered the Pantheon.

  If he really did that, what would be the difference between him and Sargeras?

  Looking at those annoying monitors, Herard began to think about how to deal with them properly.

  Since we can't kill them all, we can only hide the Pantheon.

  The Obsidian Battleship has powerful thrust.

  It's not hard to push a big guy like Pantheon.

  However, these pervasive spies will definitely follow to check the situation.

  So the most reliable solution is to hide the Pantheon.

  After careful consideration, Herad decided to hide the Pantheon in the dimensional space.

  Odin's Hall of Valor was sent into the dimensional space by Hela.

  From then on, the outside world could no longer find any trace of the Hall of Valor.

  Of course, her real purpose is to prevent Odin from coming out of the Hall of Valor.

  If the Pantheon can also be sent into the dimensional space, the effect will definitely be very good!

  The only person in Azeroth who has mastery of dimensional space methods is Hela, a crazy woman with a brain problem.

  However, those Titan Guardians who were much more powerful than her were not given this special power by the Titans.

  This special power is not very strong in the game.

  Odin found a loophole in the dimensional space and could send his holy Val'kyr into the main plane to absorb the souls of the Vrykul warriors.

  Those holy Val'kyr, in addition to leading the souls of Vrykul warriors to the Hall of Valor, would also cause trouble in the outer areas of Hell and Abyss.

  In reality, even a fly cannot pass through the dimensional space.

  When Herod was collecting Titan artifacts in Stormheim, he didn't see those beautiful angels with big golden legs and auras all over them.

  This shows how incredible Hela’s special power is! (End of chapter)

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