Chapter 490 Successfully suppressed Sargeras

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  As the Titan throne completed charging, the originally faint white light became a bit dazzling.

  These powerful Titan thrones can be connected as a whole at any time to shoot tractor beams at Sargeras.

  Seeing that the preparations were in place, Mimiron gave instructions to the Pantheon in a familiar manner.

  The white light from the four Titan thrones flowed down the high platform and converged in the center along the mysterious floor lines of the Pantheon.

  Then a huge white light beam shot into the depths of the universe.

  On this white light pillar, Herard sensed the majestic power of time and space.

  Herad was not surprised that the Pantheon erupted with such powerful space-time power.

  Titans' power can shake planets.

  If you want to bring the powerful Titan back, ordinary energy is useless no matter how strong it is.

  Only extremely large space-time forces can do this.

  Otherwise, with a slight struggle of the Titan, the tractor beam would be freed.

  Therefore, exerting strong enough suppression is definitely a must!

  In the game CG, Sargeras struggles desperately against the constraints of the tractor beam.

  Even though he was about to be tied to a dead dog, He stabbed Azeroth with a big sword.

  Sargeras's reaction in reality will only be greater than in the game.

  Sargeras, who was on his way at this time, sensed the tractor beam coming from the Pantheon, and excitedly took out his great sword and waved it.

  Try to cut off this tractor beam that spans time and space.

  However, this special method cannot be interrupted from the physical or magical level.

  The invisible power of time and space firmly bound Sargeras.

  Although it cannot completely stop Sargeras' movements.

  But you can make Him become an old man who is dying.

  Watching Sargeras slowly practicing Tai Chi, Horad changed Aman'Thul's lines.

  "Thief, your expedition is over now!"

  At this stage, the outcome has indeed been decided.

  Sargeras knows nothing about the power of time and space, and it is impossible to resist the constraints of time and space.

  He knew very well the consequences of being entangled in the tractor beam.

  But even at the end of his rope, Sargeras still struggled.

  With Him as the center point, a powerful fire shock wave erupted.

  Wherever the flame shock wave reached, no matter asteroids or exploration spacecraft of various forces, they were all burned to ashes.

  Even the huge planets were ignited by flames.

  Only the spies with the most flexible and cautious minds survived this disaster.

  Looking at the burning starry sky in front of them, the spies who survived the disaster were filled with emotion.

  The job of following Sargeras is to keep your head tied to your belt.

  Because no one knows when the flames of destruction will come.

  If you are not careful, your life will be lost!
  Keep a safe distance from Sargeras at all times.

  When encountering an emergency, you must distance yourself from Him as soon as possible.

  These are the rules that need to be followed at all times when tracking Sargeras.

  As the flames in the starry sky quickly disappeared, the spies saw a shocking scene.

  Sargeras's burning body was moving away at an extremely fast speed.

  Then a twisted ripple flashed.

  Then the huge burning demon disappeared.

  The Titans were pulled back by the Pantheon, all in a very quiet state.

  Therefore, there is no record of this in the universe.

  And even if there is, it's not like this.

  This was the first time for all the forces to see such a tragic arrest scene.

  However, Sargeras' helpless and angry look made the spies feel very happy.

  At the same time, they were very curious about who could be so powerful.

  It can suppress Sargeras and pull him into the space rift.

  It’s really awesome!
  Watching the flames slowly dissipating in the cracks in space.

  The spies wanted to follow up and see what was going on.

  With such a huge space rift, it is not difficult to track its final destination.

  The spies were not surprised to find that the end point of the space rift was located at the center of the universe.

  There lies the pantheon of Titans.

  If there is a force in the universe that can deal with Sargeras. Then Pantheon is the most likely.

  Because only the Titans can deal with Sargeras, the fallen Titan.

  As for where the Titans came from.

  Where did the first Titan in the universe come from?

  Titans are powerful silicon-based life forms nurtured by the planet.

  They are born to be the most powerful beings in the universe.

  If a Titan suddenly appeared from some corner of the universe, no one would be surprised at all.

  At this time, the Pantheon sits on the unused Titan throne.

  Horad looked at Sargeras kneeling below.

  A flowing white light curtain firmly bound this terrifying world-destroying demon to the ground.

  That layer of white light curtain is just a very thin layer.

  Sargeras was unable to make any move to resist.

  The powerful stagnant power of time was brought into full play in Him.

  A powerful being that can easily destroy planets, but is vulnerable to the invisible power of time!
  Seeing this scene, Herad was very puzzled that Aman'Thul could be easily killed instantly.

  Aman'Thul can suppress Sargeras in all directions with just a stasis field.

  Perhaps Sargeras, a despicable guy, had already prepared the killing sequence at that time.

  The first time He took action, he stabbed Aman'Thul to death with a big sword.

  In short, the final outcome is that all the Titans in the Pantheon die.

  Fortunately, the Pantheon has the property of being indestructible.

  Otherwise, Azeroth can only stage the famous scene of a wandering planet.

  Seeing Mimiron finish operating the console, Herard asked about the situation with concern.

  "How is it? Can the energy be supplied stably?"

  Mimiron glanced at the console and happily introduced the situation.

  "The situation is not bad! There is a small gap in the energy. But it will be no problem for two or three years!"

  After learning that the energy supply could be stable for two or three years, Herard nodded with satisfaction.

  "Well, that's enough time!"

  Use Titan artifacts to power the Pantheon.

  Herard never expected to last forever.

  It’s true that the Titan artifact is a perpetual motion machine.

  But their energy harvesting efficiency is fixed.

  It's like using a big pump to pump water out of a fish tank.

  At the same time, use a small pump to add water to the fish tank.

  The difference in flow between the two will cause the fish tank to eventually be drained.

  However, if you add a few small pumps, or simply change to a larger pump to add water, the fish tank will not be drained.

  The Pantheon is in a similar situation.

  Harad prepared to use obsidian battleships to recharge the Pantheon regularly.

  If the Obsidian battleship leaves the Void home star for a short period of time, it will be considered by the Lord of the Void as fishing for law enforcement.

  This method of fishing for law enforcement happened when Herad was collecting Titan artifacts.

  The simple Lord of the Void has been fooled several times.

  At first, it was discovered that the powerful black battleship seemed to have been gone for a while.

  The Lord of the Void made a prompt decision and gathered a large number of troops to attack the Void Spirit Mother Planet.

  An army composed of massive void energy creatures has just been dispatched.

  The obsidian battleship that had been waiting for a long time quietly appeared at the right location.

  The moment it completed its transition, it opened fire to destroy a Void Lord.

  Then it accelerates and crashes into another one.

  The obsidian battleship was like a giant sword that opened the sky, smashing the Lord of the Void into a pile of fragments.

  By the time the other Void Lords reacted, they had already lost three or four companions.

  This is after they learned their lesson and did not get together.

  Faced with such a despicable sneak attack, all the Void Lords chose to run away.

  If you run slower, you will be left here today.

  Because the black battleship only attacks the slowest one. (End of chapter)

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