Chapter 480 The attacking archaeological army

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  Chapter 480: The attacking archaeological army
  Mimiron gave a very bad answer and took life and death very seriously.

  But it's a Titan Guardian, not a robot with self-destructive tendencies.

  Moreover, when given a choice, even robots want to live and maximize their value.

  Therefore, Mimiron still wants to solve the crisis of annihilation.

  After thinking for a moment, He suggested Herad to collect Titan artifacts.

  Perhaps the power of a Titan artifact is far from enough.

  If you save dozens or even hundreds of pieces, you can still put them to good use!
  And Titan artifacts are not unique to Azeroth.

  You can definitely gain more by exploring those lucky planets that have been randomly transformed by Titans.

  Use a large number of Titan artifacts as a source of energy.

  This is indeed a good idea!

  In fact, Herard thought so too.

  The only suspense is whether enough can be collected.

  But Mimiron has turned into a large mechanical dwarf.

  He was once a Titan Guardian with extraordinary wisdom.

  Therefore, it holds many secrets about Titan artifacts.

  When listening to him introduce the general situation of Titan artifacts, Herard discovered that the number of Titan artifacts far exceeded the total number in the game!

  There are three artifacts for each profession in the game.

  Including those artifacts that only appear in missions, there will not be more than fifty.

  And this is a mixture of artifacts from various series.

  Excluding artifacts from other forces, the number of Titan artifacts will be much smaller.

  However, real-life Titan artifacts are easy to get.

  Titan Guardians can apply for artifact materials from their superiors.

  After the application is approved, Aman'Thul will send the artifact materials.

  The next step is to create a Titan artifact simply and happily.

  Although the Pantheon was later breached by Sargeras.

  All Titans fell under the slaughtering knife of the fallen Titan.

  But before that, the Titans provided a lot of artifact materials.

  Mimiron has applied for many artifact materials to build those powerful but long-term unused Titan artifacts.

  For example, one day he suddenly had a sudden impulse and wanted to go hunting.

  As a result, I suddenly discovered that I seemed to be missing a shotgun.

  Then He will send an application message to the Pantheon.

  I, Mimiron, need the wind and thunder energy core.

  After a brief discussion, the Titans of the Pantheon will happily create a wind and thunder energy core and then transmit it to Ulduar.

  The reason why the application is so easy to pass is because this is Azeroth.

  Azeroth's star soul has great potential.

  Once it grows up, it will be stronger than all Titans.

  Under normal circumstances, the Titan race is committed to making the race stronger.

  Therefore, they will not be jealous of the Azeroth star soul in its newborn state.

  The status of the titan guardians who maintain the stable development of Azeroth has naturally increased with the tide.

  As long as the application looks reasonable, it will definitely be approved.

  For example, if Mimiron applies for the wind and thunder energy core, it will be understood as annihilating the remnants of the ancient gods.

  However, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny.

  Mimiron got the wind and thunder energy core, but he didn't use it for the mission.

  Instead, use it to make a shotgun for hunting.

  And after only using it once, it was thrown into the warehouse to eat dust.

  Because when hunting with that thing, there will be no trophies left at all.

  Projectiles infused with the power of powerful wind and thunder will blast all prey into powder!
  Although he built a very impractical Titan artifact.

  Mimiron would not learn a lesson from this. The Creator is omnipotent.

  What does it matter if we waste a little artifact material?

  This is a typical example of how Tian does not feel distressed when he sells his goods.

  The extravagant behavior of the Titan Guardians has resulted in many Titan artifacts in Ulduar.

  With the fall of Loken, the King of Wisdom, Ulduar fell into a long period of turmoil.

  Many Vrykul who were cursed with flesh and blood rebelled and took advantage of the chaos to steal a large number of Titan artifacts and escape.

  Those Vrykul who obtain Titan artifacts are destined to become the overlords of one party.

  Vrykul people have a habit of burying their treasures with them.

  Therefore Mimiron suggested that Horad go to Stormheim and excavate the tombs of the ancient vrykul kings.

  Herard agreed with this suggestion.

  When players do artifact quests in the game, many of them have to deal with the vrykul of Stormheim.

  Well, usually the Vrykul are killed, and then they find a Vrykul from another faction to collect the reward.

  As for digging graves there, it is a common thing!
  Of course, in the eyes of the players, they were doing archeology.

  Aren't we very interested in the history of the Vrykul?
  Herard did not reject archeology.

  But he won't be involved personally.

  Searching for Titan artifacts in dirty tombs is really a waste of money!
  Stormheim is not a dragon's pond or a tiger's den.

  Just let your subordinates handle such small things.

  Soon Harad teleported to the cold but sunny Highmountain.

  He came here to deliver supplies to the Tauren and Drogbal.

  The fern tree man walked out of the portal, put down the supplies he brought with him, and then walked down the mountain road in the southeast direction.

  Both the tauren and Drogbal were surprised to see these large tree men walking that way.

  Going southeast, you will find Stormfjord, which is shrouded in continuous rain all year round.

  There are always cruel Vrykul bandits in that wet ghost place.

  On the ground are Vrykul bandits running rampant.

  There are also vrykul pirates on the sea.

  In order to contain those extremely ferocious big men, the tauren and Drogbal built checkpoints on the way down the mountain, and then stationed a large number of soldiers for defense.

  Tauren and Drogbal both have serious brain circuit problems.

  They couldn't figure out what the other party was trying to do.

  After a while, Meira Gaoling, who had a relatively flexible brain circuit, was the first to react from her sluggishness.

  "Dear Archmage, are you going to attack those hateful Vrykul people?"

  Hearing this, Herad nodded calmly.

  "Well, they will clean up the warlike Vrykul."

  Such a big battle, are you sure they are just cleaning up?
  Both the tauren and the drogbar are illiterate and rely on their fingers and toes to count.

  Looking at the mighty team of tree people, they didn't know how many of them had passed.

  In short, there are many, many, so many that it is frightening.

  Those tree men carrying shovels probably wanted to level the vrykul's lair.

  Looking at the high number of bazookas in the tree men's team, no one would think that Herad was just making a fuss.

  In fact, Herard really didn't want to do anything big.

  The wartime standard configuration of the fern tree people was much higher than the current configuration.

  They simply go to Stormheim to perform archaeological digs.

  So it makes sense to carry a shovel!

  As for the rocket launcher on his back, this is purely a defensive weapon.

  If a large number of Vrykul attack, you can give them a sound to scare them.

  To use love (fire) to influence (melt) the enemy is Herad's motto in life.

  (End of chapter)

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