Chapter 479 Looking for a powerful source of energy

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  Chapter 479: Searching for a Powerful Energy Source

  On a huge seat in the Pantheon, Herad was pacing back and forth anxiously.

  This chair area was comparable to that of a big city, which gave him a very unreal feeling.

  Apparently this is macrophobia at work.

  In fact, ordinary giant objects will not trigger his phobia of giant objects.

  For example, those Titan creations that are more than ten to twenty meters high.

  Although they fall down, they can crush a large group of people to death.

  Herard was not afraid of these big men.

  After all, he can easily kill such a big guy with magic.

  No one is afraid of a big guy they can beat.

  No matter how big you are, it's just puffy!

  A wave of arcane barrage biubiu, and then the battle can end happily.

  But Titans and Titan-forged are two different things.

  Even Aegwynn, the strongest magic god in Azeroth, only relied on the help of the dragon army to kill the clone of Sargeras.

  Moreover, it was the clone of Sargeras who had other plans and did not want to make the matter a big deal on the spot.

  Otherwise, the most powerful magic god, the invincible dragon that rules the sky, will be wiped out in a snap.

  It's just a Titan clone, but it's already so powerful.

  The body cannot be matched by human power at all!
  Titans are so invincible.

  Only if they kill each other will there be losses.

  Even the chair where the Titan once sat still gave Horad palpitations.

  That was the remaining aura of the overlord of the universe.

  If Horad had very high attainments in necromancy, he might be able to summon the souls of dead Titans and then resurrect them to capture Sargeras.

  But no matter whether it is superb psychic attainments or massive energy support, Herad does not possess any of them.

  And even if both were present, he would not be able to resurrect these creators.

  Who knows if a group of uncles will be resurrected to put pressure on him?
  After all, although the Titans are creators, it does not mean that they are good people.

  It would be more reliable to find a way to create a powerful energy source to activate the Pantheon's capture function.

  While Horad was having a headache about how to obtain a powerful enough energy source, Sargeras made a fuss near the Argus star field.

  After destroying several planets, he headed towards Azeroth again.

  The Great Demon God of Destruction who can easily destroy planets will never look back this time!
  The countdown to Azeroth's destruction has truly begun.

  Therefore, there must be an energy source powerful enough to activate the Pantheon.

  Powerful enough energy sources refer to the Well of the Sun and the Well of Eternity.

  Although it is not as good as the Well of Eternity in ancient times, the energy it provides is still amazing!
  However, these two energy sources are springs fixed on the earth and do not have the characteristics of being movable.

  Is it possible to push the Pantheon to Azeroth and then smash it on the Sunwell or the Well of Eternity?
  The Pantheon as big as half a continent was smashed down, and half of the Eastern Kingdom or Kalimdor was destroyed.

  If you accidentally use too much force, you may even smash Azeroth to pieces!
  Herard did not want to be this eternal sinner.

  In fact, there are many potential planets in the universe.

  Planets with powerful energy sources can also be found.

  The Void Spirit clan has been running business in the universe all year round, and they have a lot of relevant information in their hands.

  But these are planets with powerful energy sources.

  A powerful and prosperous magical civilization will definitely be born above.

  Smash the Pantheon down and sacrifice the world with a prosperous civilization in exchange for peace in the universe.

  This kind of thing sounds cruel.

  And there are good trading projects between those magic races and ethereal spirits.

  Therefore, the top management of Xuling was very tangled in their hearts.

  If you hand over the information, it will be tantamount to creating a massacre!

  Although Xu Ling is no longer a human being, he still retains his humanity. They don't want such a cruel thing to happen.

  A single thought can determine the life or death of a planet.

  This makes the senior executives of Void Spirit feel even more pressure.

  Fortunately, Herard just asked casually and did not urge them to give results.

  The senior executives of Void Spirit suppressed this matter tacitly.

  It’s not that we don’t want to give, it’s mainly because we have a hard time forgetting.

  Yes, that's what happened.

  In the sky above the vast snowfield where snowflakes are falling all year round, Herad's figure quietly appeared.

  Directly below him was a collapsed mountain.

  Countless Titan creations are digging out rocks to level the ground and build huge Titan complexes.

  This is the Storm Peaks area where Ulduar, the Titan Laboratory, is located.

  Of course, since the ancient god Yogg-Saron was uprooted, Ulduar no longer exists!
  The once magnificent underground city now has only ruins.

  However, the most important furnace of will in Ulduar, Herad, has been completely preserved.

  At that time, the main reason was that it was afraid that it would explode, wipe out the Storm Cliff area, and even blow up the entire Northrend continent.

  I also thought about keeping it, maybe it could come in handy in the future.

  It turns out that Herard's idea was correct.

  Can’t we use the Forge of Will now?
  This is a powerful energy source that is indeed mobile despite its huge size.

  With the Scepter of Sargeras in hand, Horad can move this big guy to the Pantheon.

  Mimiron, who was tinkering with mechanical creations, spread his hands helplessly after learning of Herad's purpose.

  "I think your plan is going to fail!"

  As he said this, he introduced the specific principles of the Will Furnace in detail.

  Back then, Titan left behind two furnaces of origin and will.

  The Forge of Origin can erupt with extremely powerful destructive energy when faced with a desperate situation, returning the entire Azeroth to chaos.

  After the great cleansing is completed, Azeroth can start a new round of development.

  The Forge of Will does not exist for destruction.

  Its duty is to create earth spirits and iron vrykul.

  Infuse these rock and steel golems with spirituality and become self-aware silicon-based life forms.

  Since the fall of Loken, the King of Wisdom, Ulduar's various tasks have come to a standstill, and there is no need to create too many earth spirits and iron vrykul.

  Therefore, the energy stored in the Will Furnace far exceeds that of the Origin Furnace that has already exploded once and has not been well maintained.

  But although the Forge of Will reserves a lot of energy, once it leaves Azeroth, it will become sourceless water.

  No matter how much water there is, it will eventually run out.

  If used to suppress Sargeras, it probably won't last long.

  The escaped Sargeras was beaten in the Pantheon, and then continued to move towards Azeroth.

  Azeroth will eventually be attacked by Sargeras.

  Mimiron said pessimistic things rationally.

  As the top robot, it will analyze things objectively.

  Mimiron had no reaction to the fact that his creator was killed by Sargeras.

  Azeroth and himself were destroyed, and we could only blame ourselves for not being strong enough.

  The universe has always been about the jungle.

  Mimiron was very thoughtful.

  When he learned that the Forge of Will was just a super power bank, Herad suddenly felt disappointed.

  Damn, they are all vampires who suck the blood of Azeroth!
  The difference is that the Sunwell and the Well of Eternity will not move, while the Forge of Will can move around.

  But at the critical moment, everyone fell out of control!
  (End of chapter)

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