Chapter 403 The huge mogu statue

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  Chapter 403 Huge Mogu Statue
  Herad’s extensive terrain transformation has greatly improved transportation and agriculture in the Valley of the Four Winds.

  However, compared to the obsidian he harvested, the benefits gained by the pandaren and land elves were not worth mentioning.

  But no matter whether the benefits given are enough or not, they still have to be given.

  It is only reasonable to pay some reward for taking good things from deep underground.

  After all, from a legal perspective, valuables buried underground belong to the state.

  The entire continent of Pandaria is the territory of the Pandaren Empire.

  Then it is necessary to provide some benefits to the pandas!
  However, in the eyes of the pandaren, the night elf mage is a perfect example of doing good deeds without leaving a name.

  Because they cannot see conditions tens of thousands of meters or even deeper underground.

  For this reason, all the prominent people in the surrounding areas of Banpo Town came here to thank Herad.

  After completing the transformation of the vast plain in the Valley of the Four Winds and removing all the obsidian from the ground, Herad turned to look at the mountains to the north.

  The deepest part of the mountains is the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

  It is also the original birthplace of the mogu people.

  Today, half of the Eternal Blossom Valley is occupied by pandas.

  The west side of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms belongs to the pandaren, and the east side belongs to the mogu.

  The two sides used the two huge mogu statues in the center of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms as the dividing line.

  Although the border is divided by mogu statues.

  Pandaren, who have a peaceful personality, will not wander around there if nothing happens.

  The Mogu are busy fighting civil war and will not move around the borders either.

  Therefore, the area near the two huge mogu statues is in a no-care zone.

  Herard decisively chose that place to stay.

  Soon his figure appeared on the Mogu statue on the south side.

  The two mogu statues are more than 500 meters high.

  They are truly behemoths!

  However, the people responsible for building them were not mogu.

  Those guys only think about fighting, so how can they think about building statues?
  It was built with endless blood and sweat by the pandaren who were enslaved by them at that time.

  In order to build these two mighty and domineering mogu statues, countless panda workers died.

  After falling from a height of more than 500 meters, the pandaman would not be able to survive even if he resisted the fall.

  After all, they had not yet embarked on the martial arts route at that time.

  Qinggong or something like that definitely doesn’t exist!

  Take a closer look at these two mountain-like mogu statues.

  Herard felt that if this was moved to Earth, the entrance fee would be at least two thousand yuan.

  Most skyscrapers are not as tall as these.

  And skyscrapers like the Burj Khalifa are actually very tall.

  That thing is simply a slender awl, pieced together to achieve height.

  The more than 500-meter-tall mogu statue can be broken with just one hand.

  Horad came to the spacious head of the Mogu statue, cast a spell to create a sunken area of ​​hundreds of square meters, and then placed the Hammer of Khaz'goros inside.

  This way no one can spot him unless looking from the top.

  The majestic power of the earth followed the mogu statue into the ground and began to detect the obsidian mine reserves in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

  Herad is very confident about the obsidian reserves here!
  During previous exploration in the surrounding areas, he found that the obsidian mines in the Jinxiu Valley seemed to be denser than in other areas.

  Based on the idea that good things must be tasted slowly.

  The operation to mine the Eternal Blossom Valley has been delayed until now and has only officially begun to enter the implementation stage.

  The power of the earth travels underground and detects obsidian mines very quickly.

  Sensing the densely distributed energy holes, the smile on Herad's face became brighter and brighter.

  Areas where energy holes appear represent obsidian.

  Because only by absorbing the power of the earth will an energy hole be created.

  The only creatures that can absorb the power of the earth, except obsidian, are earth elemental creatures.

  Earth elemental creatures rarely come to the material plane. So it is basically certain that obsidian is absorbing the power of the earth.

  Determine the location to open a mine and summon free miners.

  Harad has mastered this effective mining process very proficiently.

  Just as he was happily implementing his mining business, some unsighted guys came over.

  Mogu, like Pandaren, also have a decent earth affinity.

  Therefore, there are a lot of earth spellcasters in the clan.

  Under the guidance of the earth spellcasters, the menacing mogu army rushed towards the source of the power of the earth.

  These mogu have ferocious faces, with relatively long fangs in their mouths like orcs.

  They are about twice as tall as orcs and have tough, rocky skin.

  If we look at the individual strength of a race, it would be difficult for the entire Azeroth to match it!

  Of course, that's compared to mortal races.

  Against the Vrykul, who were also created by the Titans and were born to fight, the Mogu would definitely be beaten into dogs!
  The mogu army looked around the border and found no trace of the pandaren.

  The earth spellcasters in the army looked at the statue on the south side in horror.

  It senses the strong force of the earth passing through the ground.

  But it never thought that the source of the power of the earth would be so powerful!
  It feels like a vast ocean!
  Realizing that the threat was too strong, the earth spellcaster was instantly frightened.

  At this time the soldiers it brought also turned their attention to the statue.

  Although the sensing abilities of these soldiers are much worse.

  But they eventually discovered something was wrong with the statue.

  These guys who didn't understand the seriousness pointed their weapons at the statue.

  He has a tendency to smash statues if he disagrees with them.

  After all, in their minds, no matter how big the statue is, it is just a statue and cannot be a threat.

  The earth spell caster panicked when he saw this scene.

  "Stop, don't smash it!"

  The soldiers ignored its dissuasion.

  It's just a statue, what's there to be afraid of?

  However, spears, sledgehammers, swords, and axes attacked for a long time.

  There was just a little bit of gravel on the statue's boots.

  How can these soldiers shake a statue carved from a mountain?
  Horad completely ignored these violent mogu.

  However, seeing that the soldiers' beating did not trigger a counterattack, the earth spell caster also felt itchy.

  Since these idiots are fine, I guess it won't be a problem if I take action.

  When the earth caster thinks so, it does the same thing.

  But it clearly underestimated its destructive power.

  Dancingly channeling the Earthquake spell to attack the statue.

  Earthquake spells can cause mountains to collapse.

  When used on a statue carved from the mountain, the destructive power will naturally be great!

  Horad discovered that the mogu casters were casting earthquake spells.

  He responded immediately.

  As the power of the earth was injected into it, the arms of the statue suddenly moved.

  With just a slight movement of this behemoth, any damage caused is crushing!

  The handle of the rock spear swept across the ground, sending the earth spell caster flying thousands of meters away.

  To be able to knock people flying so far, the force is beyond what the magic shield can withstand.

  The soldiers who saw this scene all gave up their attack and fled in panic.

  They regretted the idea of ​​using the statue to vent their anger.

  (End of chapter)

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