Chapter 402: Massive Terrain Transformation

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  Chapter 402: Generous Terrain Transformation

  When Herad landed in Banpo Town, he attracted a large number of pandas and land elves to watch.

  They are interested in both the outsiders' flying props and the outsiders themselves.

  Although the land elves who traveled north and south for trade had already spread the news about the night elves coming to Pandaria through their huge news network.

  But only a handful of people actually see the night elves.

  Now that you can see one with your own eyes, of course no one will miss this opportunity.

  However, both pandas and land elves are very civilized and polite races.

  The land spirit is a model of absolute integrity in doing business!
  Therefore, these onlookers were just watching the excitement not far away and did not hinder Herad's actions.

  Although Banpo Town vigorously develops trade, its own agriculture is still retained.

  There are circles of terraced fields on the hillside.

  The crops in the terraced fields are growing well.

  Apparently the residents of Banpo Town took good care of it.

  Looking at the radish that was taller than a person and the pumpkin that was as big as a round table, Herard shook his head speechlessly.

  What is the practical significance of producing such a large crop?

  These guys have turned farming into a boring competition.

  Just when Herard despised the pandaren in his heart, the mayor of Banpo Town rushed over.

  Although the mayor is an old Pandaren.

  Its movements are still quite agile.

  Climbing up from the bottom of the mountain, I didn’t feel any fatigue.

  I learned that Herard was going to help them reshape the water conservancy system in the surrounding area.

  The old panda thanked him excitedly, and then drove the crowd away from the top of the mountain.

  "The master is going to cast a spell to transform the terrain. You all stay away from me. This matter is related to the convenience of irrigating our farmland in the future."

  The mayor needs to have a very high reputation to be elected.

  Naturally, no one will disobey its words.

  Soon the crowd of onlookers left the top of the mountain.

  But they didn't go down the mountain.

  Instead, sit on the hillside and wait to watch the miracle happen.

  Herad teleported the Hammer of Khazgoroth, sat cross-legged on it and began to cast spells.

  During this period, some pandas could not restrain their curiosity and quietly peeked their heads to observe the situation on the top of the mountain.

  When they saw the hammer made of huge gems, the pandaren who were peeking were stunned for a moment.

  Such a big hammer is estimated to weigh tens of thousands of pounds.

  Don't talk about them Pandaren.

  Even a taller and stronger buffalo man would not be able to hold such a big hammer.

  Such a big hammer must be prepared for giants!

  Could it be possible to use the giant's gem hammer to cast spells to change the terrain and guide the rivers to better irrigate the earth?
  Just when these panda people were puzzled, a huge power of the earth surged in the mountain, scaring the small animals in the cave to flee.

  Pandaren also felt the powerful power of the earth nearby.

  They also have spellcasters who are skilled in manipulating the power of the earth.

  But compared with this powerful force of the earth, it is the difference between the sea and the pond!
  Harad controlled the power of the earth to quickly explore the underground of the Valley of the Four Winds.

  Soon he was relieved.

  Although the terrain of the Valley of the Four Winds is dominated by plains, the reserves of obsidian mines are quite good.

  There are no other disadvantages except that the distribution area is too scattered and mining will be troublesome.

  As he operated, holes appeared around the underground obsidian mines, and earth elemental creatures began to mine obsidian.

  At the same time, shallow ditches began to appear on the ground.

  In the area where Banpo Town is located, it is relatively convenient to obtain water for irrigation.

  Not far to the east is a river running north to south.

  The source of the river is the Eternal Blossom Valley surrounded by mountains in the north.

  The melted snow water on the mountains forms lakes at the foot of the mountains, and then flows slowly southward.

  Both sides of the river are irrigated, so there will naturally be no shortage of water.

  Further away, water wells are relied on for irrigation.

  Since wells can be dug for irrigation, the Panda people have never considered building water conservancy facilities. Those who are close to the river do not need it, but those who are far away from the river can also use well water.

  Naturally, no one wants to spend time and effort building water conservancy facilities.

  The first water conservancy facilities on earth were actually mainly used to fight floods and also used to irrigate farmland.

  Later, he gradually turned to farmland irrigation.

  The weather here in the Valley of the Four Winds is good, and floods have never occurred.

  Why bother digging so many canals and building dams?
  Of course, Pandaren are not stupid either.

  If there is a ready-made water conservancy system to irrigate farmland, it will undoubtedly save a lot of time.

  Looking at the canals extending neatly from the river to both sides, the panda people watching on the hillside were very excited.

  This neat canal divides the fields into equal amounts of huge farmland.

  It will be convenient to determine the respective locations later.

  In the past, in order to prevent conflicts in the division of fields, people consciously set aside buffer zones.

  Those buffer zones are quite large and covered with weeds and trees.

  With the most equitable ditches, there won’t be as many buffer zones between fields.

  Even by exchanging enough benefits, one can obtain perfect squares divided by water canals.

  Looking at the fields perfectly divided by sparkling water canals, the mayor of Banpo Town was very satisfied.

  The fields are fairly uniform in size.

  Most farmers' fields in Banpo Town are about the same size as those grids.

  However, he was not very clear about the situation in other villages and towns.

  I guess it's not much different.

  Even if there is something wrong, it can be achieved through negotiation, replacement or land purchase and sale.

  Thinking of the situation on his side, the mayor held a town meeting to carry out relevant coordination work.

  There are almost no rogues in the Pandaren race.

  So the land demarcation work went smoothly.

  And after detailed measurements, everyone found that there was still some extra land in the town.

  That is where certain areas with poor terrain are reshaped and turned into terrain suitable for growing crops.

  This makes the land better distributed!

  The initial canal framework was completed.

  The next step is to set up a reasonable overall plan.

  Although the Valley of the Four Winds is a large plain, the terrain is higher in the north and lower in the south.

  Otherwise the river would not flow southward.

  Instead, it staged the scene of a river flowing eastward.

  The direction of the river from north to south is actually not good for Pandaria as a whole.

  Much of the water flows south to the Krasarang Jungle.

  As the name suggests, Krasarang Jungle has no shortage of water.

  It is surrounded by sea and rivers and has flooded many places.

  So Herard raised a dike on the river section of Banpo Town, cutting off the river from north to south and forcing it to divert to the west canal.

  Seeing Herard's generosity, the audience was all shocked.

  The land elves reacted quickly.

  The river from north to south was cut off and a canal was created from east to west, directly to Panlong's Ridge.

  This is undoubtedly a great thing!
  They can deliver goods to Panlongji through this canal.

  Although the land spirits are extremely talented.

  That small body can carry cargo larger and heavier than itself.

  But why do something thankless when you have easy transportation?
  The land spirits are proficient in business operations.

  Soon they came up with a new business plan.

  Food supplies from the Valley of the Four Winds are sent to Panlong's Backbone through the canal, and then north along Panlong's Backbone to Kun-Lai Mountain, forming a smooth transportation route.

  This saved transportation cost brings them a lot of benefits.

  This wave of terrain transformation in Herad has been taken care of by both farmers and merchants!
  (End of chapter)

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