Chapter 383 The tonnage of the Obsidian battleship is not big enough

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  Chapter 383 The tonnage of the Obsidian battleship is not big enough.
  Because the fleet commander stopped the losses in time, less than a thousand legion battleships were lost in this battle with the black battleship.

  If it hesitates for a moment longer, the amount of loss will give it nightmares!

  A salvo of black warships killed thirty-six legion warships.

  This number may not sound like much.

  But ten volleys are three hundred and sixty, and one hundred volleys are three thousand six hundred.

  Is 20,000 legion battleships a lot?

  It only takes five hundred salvos and the fleet is almost destroyed!

  When one's own side is being beaten unilaterally, it is not difficult for the enemy to complete 500 rounds of salvo fire.

  Kil'jaeden agreed with the fleet commander's handling of the matter.

  Facing a black battleship that can perfectly avoid the siege and still has powerful firepower, retreat is the best option.

  If the opportunity is gone, you can keep looking.

  If the fleet is gone, it is really gone!
  Even in the Legion's heyday, it would have taken at least several hundred years to produce them all.

  The fleet is preserved, which means that it can attack the opponent at any time.

  Based on the information fed back by the eyeliner, Kil'jaeden once again calculated the next movement of the black battleship.

  He was preparing to lay a deadly trap.

  Try to focus your fire to destroy the black battleship instantly.

  However, the black battleship did not follow the routine.

  It wreaked havoc on the planet, demolished all the important buildings, and immediately jumped to other places.

  And then it didn't happen again for a long time.

  The universe is huge, too big to be imagined!
  Those very huge stars are just insignificant grains of sand in the vast sea of ​​sand.

  When the Obsidian Battleship wanted to hide and be quiet, even an omnipotent true god like Elune could not find a trace of it.

  At this time, the Obsidian battleship was parked on a desolate planet far away from the civilized world.

  Herard reviewed the previous battle and felt very scared.

  Fortunately, there are many mountains on that planet, like a stone forest magnified many times.

  Moreover, the environment on the planet has also been destroyed by demons to the point of being unsightly.

  The lakes on the land have completely disappeared, and the sea has shrunk a lot.

  As for plants, they definitely don’t exist!

  In such a harsh environment, the land is naturally very dry.

  So Herad can easily create a dusty environment.

  At the beginning, it was indeed dust produced by the collapse of the mountain.

  Later, the dust that was flying all over the sky and expanding continuously was created by Herad's earth magic.

  If the Legion's fleet refuses to obey, the endless sandstorms will educate them.

  This is the result of wanton destruction of the environment!

  Looking at the energy value that stopped at around 50%, Herard sighed at the intensity of firepower of the Burning Legion fleet.

  The energy attacks absorbed by the obsidian battleship will be stored in the obsidian shell.

  This energy can be used up.

  Energy is not a good thing if it is not used up in time!
  If the stored energy reaches 100%, the Obsidian battleship will probably turn into a gorgeous firework.

  The previous energy value was close to 99%.

  Seeing the terrifying energy value at that time, Herard's desire for survival was immediately aroused, and he quickly came up with a way to fight guerrillas.

  Fortunately, his method really works.

  Although the Burning Legion's fleet was huge, he was severely disgusted by it.

  But the scene where he was almost beaten to death after meeting him still scared Herard to death!
  It doesn't matter if the Legion ship's hit rate is low.

  Thousands of battleships bombarded them indiscriminately, driving the Obsidian battleship to a dead end in minutes.

  Interstellar war is a competition of hard power.

  Even with obsidian, a material as incredible as this, one cannot confront an attack that exceeds the limit head-on.

  Of course, the main reason is that the tonnage of the Obsidian battleship is not enough. With a tonnage of less than three million, one thousand or hundreds of energy bombardments would not be enough.

  If the tonnage could be increased tenfold, with the Burning Legion's fleet size and hit rate, it would definitely not be destroyed quickly.

  If you can increase the tonnage a hundred times, it doesn't matter if you stop there and serve as a target for them.

  It's a pity that after plundering three continents, less than three million tons of obsidian was obtained.

  Even if the continent of Pandaria where the Pandaren are located is opened, it is estimated that it will not be able to increase the obsidian battleship to four million tons.

  The Burning Legion fleet, which has suffered losses, cannot fight guerrilla warfare against the Obsidian battleships.

  If they didn't have weapons capable of destroying the planet.

  There is no way Herad's guerrilla tactics will work!
  If they have star-destroying weapons, such as super-high-yield ground-penetrating hydrogen bombs, or super laser cannons that are so powerful that they can tear apart the planet.

  Then as long as we block the outer reaches of the planet, there will be no obsidian battleships.

  Using terrain on a planet to fight guerrilla warfare?

  Activate the star-destroying super weapon and blow up the planet directly for you!
  Although those demons do not have the means to destroy stars.

  But Harad still didn't want to fight an interstellar war with disgusting guerrilla warfare.

  Therefore, the final solution to the problem is to search for obsidian in Azeroth.

  The first is the Pandaren continent of Pandaria.

  The Pandaren Emperor Shaohao practiced martial arts in the magical world, and was forced to become a martial arts god by it.

  In order to prevent outsiders from entering the continent of Pandaria, it sacrificed itself to become a special mist and sealed off the continent of Pandaria.

  However, the blocking effect of the fog formed by Shaohao's sacrifice was not very powerful.

  Instead of waiting for more than thirty years for the fog to dissipate on its own, Herard had a way to break through the fog.

  Previously, he felt that the obsidian in his hand was enough, and he did not want to trouble those unlucky people who were living in seclusion.

  Now I have to go to Pandaria for a visit.

  On the outskirts of the mist-shrouded continent of Pandaria, Herard looked at the dense layer of fog and felt that it was no big deal.

  This method can cause ships trying to enter to get lost and leave somewhere else in confusion.

  The compass loses its effect if it gets too close to here.

  Looking at the spinning needle, a wise captain will choose to go around.

  In fact, there are no tradeable targets here.

  Under normal circumstances, no ships would come here.

  Even sea explorers with an adventurous spirit have to kneel down and sing conquest when they come here.

  There is no way to see through or dispel the fog.

  There is a certain probability that a ship that forcibly breaks into the fog will hit the rocks and sink.

  However, for intruders with the ability to fly, the blocking effect of the fog is almost non-existent.

  The huge mist is like a lid, trapping the entire continent of Pandaria inside.

  The height of this fog cover is about 20,000 meters.

  No flying creature can fly so high.

  Even giant dragons cannot fly at an altitude of 20,000 meters where the air is thin.

  Herard didn't care about that.

  If possible, take out the oxygen bottle and get some oxygen.

  And his flight relies on anti-gravity props.

  Without strenuous activities, his body can fully withstand the hypoxic environment at high altitudes.

  He flew above the fog, flew a certain distance inside, and then began to land.

  Fog can interfere with people's senses, but it cannot interfere with the physical rules of free fall.

  After falling about 10,000 meters, Herard broke through the fog.

  The continent of Pandaria is at your feet!

  (End of chapter)

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