Chapter 382: Interstellar wars can also be fought as guerrillas

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  Chapter 382: Interstellar war can also be fought as a
  guerrilla. Of course, Herad was completely unaware of the dialogue and preparations between the bosses of the Burning Legion.

  Therefore, the Obsidian battleship followed his plan and wiped out the planet occupied by the Burning Legion.

  Although sometimes he would temporarily change the galaxy to catch the demons in that galaxy off guard.

  But as long as smart people put some effort into figuring out the rules, they can block the Obsidian Battleship.

  Although Kil'jaeden was not a smart man, he was a smart demon.

  And His timing was particularly precise.

  As soon as the Obsidian battleship approached the target planet and was about to show off its skills, traces of legion battleships appeared in all directions.

  Every once in a while, a legion battleship appears very suddenly.

  It looked like they were ambush here in advance.

  In fact, these legion battleships that suddenly appeared could indeed be considered an ambush in advance.

  When the Obsidian battleship wreaked havoc on the last planet, Kil'jaeden had already calculated that the target would be here.

  Then nearly 20,000 legion warships rehearsed.

  When they jumped over, they were evenly distributed, forming an extremely large encirclement.

  When the piercing alarm sounded, Herard was teaching Alleria how to play the game.

  Hearing the siren that represented the highest level of threat, his hand shook violently and threw out the handle.

  The little man jumping on the screen suddenly lost control and hit the wall.

  Alleria didn't know what the alarm meant, so she subconsciously picked up the handle on the ground to see if it was broken.

  When she looked up, she found that the wall that originally displayed the game screen had changed to the scene outside.

  The small black dots on the screen are all marked with enemy ships.

  The central control system of the Obsidian battleship immediately launched an attack on those enemy ships.

  The salvo launched by thirty-six energy cannons created thirty-six dazzling fireworks in the starry sky.

  However, its salvo was no more than a drizzle compared to the size of the Burning Legion's huge fleet.

  Seeing that the black warship dared to attack, the nearby legion warships launched a counterattack.

  Dense green light beams were like raindrops, hitting the black battleship one after another.

  The green light flashed for a moment, and it was impossible to see the specific situation over there.

  Knowing that the black battleship was very durable, the fleet commander had no intention of stopping the attack.

  It doesn't matter if you can't see the target clearly, just blast hard in that direction.

  The blind cat encountered a dead mouse and punched the old master to death.

  Although this kind of luck-based attack is ridiculous.

  The effect produced is quite good!

  Looking at the soaring energy absorption index, Herard quickly came up with emergency countermeasures.

  "Surge into the planet's atmosphere and use the mountains to avoid attacks!"

  "Copy that, start executing the avoidance plan!"

  The central control system is very efficient.

  In an instant, the Obsidian battleship entered the state and began to retreat towards the planet ahead.

  The vision was blocked by the dazzling green light.

  The demon captains who were directing the warships to attack randomly took a while to realize something was wrong.

  That black battleship is actually landing on the planet!

  Could this be an escape?

  Doesn't it know that we also surround that planet?

  The fleet commander saw the problem.

  That planet is a little different from ordinary planets.

  Countless huge mountains spread across the land.

  There are countless peaks with heights above 6,000 meters.

  There are also many huge peaks with a height of over 10,000 meters.

  All the peaks are quite steep, reaching straight into the sky, like giant pillars.

  It is difficult for people to climb such a mountain through normal means.

  The tall and strong mountain also allows the obsidian battleship to hide its figure.

  Once the opponent hides between the two mountain peaks, your attack angle will be very small!
  The fleet commander thought of this and quickly issued new instructions.

  "Everyone, hurry up and catch up! This black battleship is using the mountain to resist the attack!" However, after only a moment's delay, the obsidian battleship had already rushed into the atmosphere.

  The obsidian battleship with its protective cover open will not have severe friction with the atmosphere and will soon enter the rolling mountains.

  Although it can still be attacked from directly above.

  The number of legion warships that can launch attacks at the same time has been greatly reduced.

  The counterattacks launched from time to time by the Obsidian battleships caused the fleet to continue to reduce its numbers.

  But the Burning Legion's fleet commander is not simple either.

  The fleet commander, who had more than 20,000 years of experience in interstellar warfare, quickly came up with a countermeasure.

  It allows those legion warships that have no attack angle to attack the obstructing mountains.

  Once the mountain is destroyed, you can attack the black battleship.

  However, it underestimated the size of those peaks.

  The shortest mountain is six thousand meters high.

  No matter how steep they are, the mountains are still very strong!
  The diameter of the mountain is generally about two thousand meters.

  Mountains with a height of over 10,000 meters will be even thicker.

  They may not be as resistant as the gentle mountains.

  But it is not that easy to destroy them!

  The green light beam containing huge evil energy hit the mountain, only creating a huge evil energy magma pool.

  It looked like a shocking large area, but in fact it was only burned into less than a hundred meters.

  Explosives can explode mountains, and energy attacks that are countless times more powerful can only burn in little by little.

  To destroy the mountain, you must attack the same location at least twenty times.

  The hit rate of Legion battleships is appalling.

  The target hit rate during normal training is difficult to exceed 50%.

  When it comes to actual combat, this hit rate will drop a lot.

  Accurately shooting at the same location is a test of their luck.

  They attacked hundreds of times and finally succeeded in destroying a mountain peak.

  As the riddled mountain peak fell, a real landslide began!

  The billowing smoke shot straight into the sky, perfectly blocking the view of the Legion battleship.

  The Obsidian battleship took this opportunity to quietly move its position.

  The green light beams shot down randomly from the sky had little chance of hitting them directly.

  Chaos energy cannonballs shot through the smoke can accurately destroy legion warships.

  Fleet commanders possess great computing power.

  It can calculate the position of the obsidian battleship through the angle of the chaos energy cannonball.

  But could a demon's brain be faster than a computer?

  By the time it calculated the position of the Obsidian battleship, the opponent had already moved to the next position and continued.

  This method of guerrilla warfare using the mountains drove the fleet commander almost crazy.

  It has never seen such an interstellar war.

  How could a good interstellar war end like this?
  However, no one has ever stipulated that interstellar war cannot be turned into guerrilla warfare.

  And rules are meant to be broken.

  As long as you can eliminate the opponent, what do the rules mean?
  After all, history is written by the victors.

  Looking at the large area shrouded in smoke below, the fleet commander was completely at his wits' end.

  Our side has an overwhelming numerical advantage.

  This huge advantage was completely restrained by the mountains below.

  The enemy ships were already very resistant to beating, and the mountains also helped to resist the attacks.

  Once the mountain collapses, a large amount of smoke will be produced, which can obscure one's sight.

  The opponent's attack was very precise.

  One salvo took away thirty-six Legion battleships.

  The fighting power is really incredible!
  After some confusion in his mind, the fleet commander made a difficult decision.

  Retreat first!

  (End of chapter)

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