Chapter 373 The Seal of the Bronze Dragon

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  Chapter 373: The Seal of the Bronze Dragon
  Uldum's most powerful defensive measure is the traps spread throughout the turbulence of time.

  People have been inside for just a few seconds, but things have changed outside.

  Except for immortal species like the night elves, other mortal races will cry until they die.

  The exciting adventure is not over yet, everything outside has nothing to do with them!

  In fact, they were lucky to come out alive.

  The power of time does not act directly on them.

  But although they are alive, everything that belongs to them has disappeared.

  Most explorers who lost everything ended their lives.

  This is the horror of the power of time!
  However, the power of time is not stable and controllable, and the effect of normal spell casting will be very poor.

  Otherwise, Titan leader Aman'Thul, a master of time spells, would have become the most powerful spellcaster in the universe!

  The powerful power of time can only be perfectly displayed on the rune array.

  For example, the most common space prop has the effect of stopping time forever.

  It looks the same when you put it in, and it stays the same when you take it out.

  Even if it is kept for ten thousand years, it will still be the same as before.

  The palaces and mage towers of the night elves that were built tens of thousands of years ago are still in good condition today.

  There was just a thick layer of dust, and plants like ivy clinging to it.

  Over tens of thousands of years, metals and rocks will oxidize and decay.

  This is the powerful effect of the time rune array!
  But its powerful effects, whether gain or debuff, have little effect when used directly on living people.

  The bronze dragon can temporarily stop the enemy's time for a second or two, which is already a very incredible method!

  If you want to bring out the true effect of time spells, you can only set up fixed time turbulence traps.

  This kind of wait-and-see method is ineffective against knowledgeable spellcasters.

  Herard can sense the time turbulence trap.

  If the bronze dragon was arranged more loosely, he would only need to go around and walk over.

  Facing the layers of time-based traps, Herard could only rely on passage props to break through.

  The palm-sized hourglass exudes powerful fluctuations in time power.

  Every time Herard passed by those time turbulence traps, the powerful time power contained in the hourglass would protect him well.

  Those time turbulence traps usually do not cause direct damage.

  But this power has a certain instability.

  For example, trapping the enemy inside will cause them to age or reverse growth at an extremely fast rate.

  Both rapid aging and death and rapid rejuvenation are terrible methods that can kill people quickly.

  The dense bones in the trap area are warnings left by some pioneer explorers to future generations.

  As for the pioneer explorers who were turned back in time, they didn't even leave their bodies behind.

  The reversal of time will make the victim younger and younger until he becomes a fertilized egg.

  The unlucky guy who experiences that process has no idea what it will feel like.

  I'm afraid these ignorant explorers didn't know that they were going to die.

  After all, the time turbulence takes effect is very short, but the effect is very powerful!

  In just a few seconds, they will go through a life of good or bad.

  Herard glanced at the dense white bones below with pity, and then continued to fly forward.

  It’s so difficult to stop something like seeking death!

  Passing through the trap zone composed of time turbulence, you will find the normal Uldum inside.

  Uldum once had a large and prosperous city circle.

  After the Origin Forge exploded, there were only ruins left here.

  A large number of Tovir people still live in this huge ruins.

  The tol'vir are also titan creations.

  Their lower body is that of a cat, their upper body is that of a human, and their head is that of a cat.

  This look is similar to that of a centaur. Therefore Harald called them half-cats.

  The Tol'vir were not surprised to see an outsider flying through the sky.

  The only ones who can enter here are the bronze dragons with seals.

  After the devastating catastrophe, the powerful seal set by the bronze dragon gave them a chance to breathe.

  The Tol'vir lost their stone bodies due to the curse of flesh and blood, and suffered terrible disasters.

  At that time, it was no longer able to face the invasion of foreign enemies.

  If it weren't for the seal set by the bronze dragon, the race of Tolvir would definitely disappear.

  Therefore, the Tol'vir are very grateful to the bronze dragon.

  They all put down their work and waved their arms in cheers at the figures flying in the sky.

  After more than 10,000 years of recuperation, the Tol'vir people once again have a good number.

  And these restless guys have been cleaning and repairing the desert ruins.

  They can be seen everywhere on the ruins that are mostly buried by yellow sand.

  Herard admired these half-human cats with optimistic personalities and courage to face adversity.

  Passing through this huge community of ruins, a broad river with gentle flow appeared in front of it.

  The source of this big river should be the Un'Goro Crater, which is rich in water resources.

  The bronze dragon's time turbulence trap has no effect on substances like water!
  The large river runs through the entire Uldum from north to south, turning both sides of the river into oases that stretch for hundreds of kilometers.

  The Tol'vir were able to flourish again after the catastrophe.

  Herard flew south along the river, looking for a suitable location to detect obsidian.

  In order to maximize the effect of Khazgoroth's Hammer, the detection position should be as centered as possible.

  Try to explore the entire Uldum at once.

  Soon Herad fell into the desert west of the middle area of ​​the river oasis.

  This is near the Obelisk of the Sun that the Tol'vir restored.

  The Tol'vir are keen to repair the damaged buildings within the ruins.

  They don't even have a few guards for this restored building.

  Herard looked around and saw no trace of the Tol'vir.

  So he took out the huge Hammer of Khaz'goroth.

  For powerful artifacts made by Titans, it would be better to try not to be seen by the Titans' creations.

  After all, the Titans are the most qualified to hold it.

  While receiving the blessing of the Hammer of Khazgoroth, Herad took out the Crown of the Abyss and put it on.

  Greatly improved spiritual power, coupled with the powerful power of the earth.

  The two powerful forces combined, Herad's strength was like a fusion reaction.

  At this moment, he felt like he was the master of the earth!

  If he wanted to, he could cause a massive earthquake to tear Uldum apart.

  But creating a huge earthquake and tearing Uldum apart was a sin in my mind.

  He began to detect the location of obsidian mines.

  As expected, the underground of Uldum is rich in obsidian resources.

  But this place is different from deserts like Silithus and Tanaris.

  Although everyone is a desert, the population density here in Uldum is crushing!
  Random mining in the ground creates cavities, and sinkholes may form at some point.

  No one can guarantee that the sinkhole will not trap the Tovir people.

  After all, those guys like to repair ruins everywhere in the desert.

  You might fall into a sinkhole while walking.

  Therefore safe mining operations are a must!

  (End of chapter)

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