Chapter 372 Heading to Uldum

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  Chapter 372 Heading to Uldum

  Under the powerful increase in mental power from the Crown of the Abyss, Herad could vaguely sense the magma underground even without the blessing of Khaz'goroth's Hammer.

  If you hold the Doomhammer, you should be able to reproduce part of the power of Khaz'goroth's Hammer.

  But no one has something better to use, and they have to use something inferior.

  Doomhammer is superior in all aspects, and it is small and easy to carry.

  And there is no ownership dispute.

  After experiencing the power of the Abyss Crown, Herad took it off.

  Wearing this kind of headdress that symbolizes royal power always feels weird inside.

  He acted as if he was plotting to usurp the throne.

  After removing the effect of increasing mental power, Herard felt a little uncomfortable.

  When he recovered, he looked at the Bronze Dragon King Nozdormu.

  "Your Majesty the Dragon King, can you lend me the passage items in Uldum?"

  Hearing that Harad wanted to enter Uldum, Nozdormu looked at Harad seriously.

  Uldum holds great secrets.

  Once used by someone with intentions, it can cause the destruction of the entire Azeroth.

  The kind where the entire planet burns to glass in an instant.

  Therefore, it is surrounded by barriers set up by the bronze dragon to prevent outsiders from entering again and causing disaster.

  Looking at Nozdormu's troubled expression, Horad knew what he was worried about.

  Back then, there was an ambitious Thor who went to Uldum to mess around and almost caused the Forge of Origin to explode.

  The little trouble that Thor caused may have turned into Nozdormu's eternal nightmare!

  The Caverns of Time were so close to Uldum, but they almost caused the catastrophe that destroyed Azeroth.

  At that time, the bronze dragon clan was completely disgraced!
  When sealing Uldum, they gathered the power of the entire bronze dragon clan.

  Therefore, letting Horad enter Uldum requires the entire bronze dragon clan to make a decision.

  Even if Nozdormu is the Bronze Dragon King, he can't approve it just by slapping his head.

  Nozdormu looked at Harad with an apologetic look.

  "My friend, this matter is of great importance. I want to hear the thoughts of other members of the clan!"

  Herard nodded, expressing his understanding.

  "Well, this is a big matter, let's let everyone vote!"

  The Bronze Dragon worked very efficiently.

  A few minutes after Nozdormu's order was sent out, important members of the clan were already arriving one after another.

  These giant dragons who have mastered the power of time and space can still travel very fast even if their combat effectiveness is relatively poor.

  They can cover vast distances on the planet in the blink of an eye.

  Even if hundreds of giant dragons turn into human form, they are still a big group standing there.

  That scene was much more lively than the vegetable market!
  These guys who are running around the world always have a lot of new things to share with their companions.

  As Nozdormu came to the stage, all discussions disappeared.

  Nozdormu told everyone that Horad wanted to enter Uldum.

  Upon hearing the three words Uldum, the expressions of everyone in the audience suddenly changed.

  It was a forbidden place that no one would mention lightly.

  The audience suddenly turned into a noisy vegetable market again.

  "Want to enter Uldum? Is that mortal crazy?"

  "What do you mean by that mortal? Don't speak so harshly!"

  "Yes, it was with his help a few days ago that we were able to easily defeat those bugmen."

  "Your Excellency Chen Feng's character and ability are worthy of recognition! I think he can be allowed in."

  After a heated discussion, everyone quickly made a vote.

  Because many important members were in favor of Harad entering Uldum.

  In the end, more than 90% of the bronze dragons voted in favor.

  Nozdormu was not surprised by this result.

  Most bronze dragons have very rational characters. They weigh the pros and cons of something.

  If they feel that the advantages of that thing outweigh the disadvantages, they will implement it decisively or help others complete the task.

  Facts have proved that bronze dragons have very good eyesight!
  Since the vote showed an overwhelming number of votes, the advantages of entering Uldum on behalf of Harad indeed outweigh the disadvantages.

  Nozdormu took out a palm-sized hourglass and handed it to Harad solemnly.

  "Remember, never explore the Hall of Origins!"

  Hearing Nozdormu's instructions, Herad waved his hand helplessly.

  "I know, I won't touch that Origin Forge. If it explodes, it may be the end of the world."

  Regarding the functions of Titan buildings, Herad is more authoritative than dabblers like the Aspect Dragon.

  The smallest powerful explosion of the Origin Forge killed the ambitious Thor.

  That was a powerful being who had stolen the power of Great Guardian Rai, and whose strength surpassed the demigod level!

  However, it was just a small explosion with controllable power, and Thor burped on the spot.

  The entire Uldum has also changed from a tree-lined oasis to a desert without any grass.

  Just looking at the physical destructive power produced by the explosion, the power has already reached the destructive power of a nuclear weapon!

  The effect of completely destroying the ecological environment of an area is unmatched by nuclear weapons.

  Because in the second year after the nuclear explosion, flowers and plants had grown in most areas.

  After a few decades, the ecological environment has become better than the outside world due to the wild growth of a large number of plants.

  After all, animals and plants other than humans don't care about nuclear radiation.

  A moderate amount of nuclear radiation can even make them stronger!
  The wild boars near the Fukushima nuclear power plant are already stronger than wild boars elsewhere on Earth, and their population size continues to expand.

  If it weren't for the constant hunting by little devils, the nuclear-irradiated wild boars would have conquered the entire Japan!
  The explosion of the Forge of Origin killed most of the flora and fauna in Uldum.

  And in the following 10,000 years, animals and plants did not improve much.

  This is something that a nuclear explosion cannot do!

  To touch something dangerous like that, Herad's ten lives were not enough.

  Nozdormu was still a little worried when he saw Herald leaving with the passage items.

  Although this young high elf mage knows a lot.

  And his behavior is very stable.

  But no one can guarantee that he won't get hot and touch that absolutely taboo thing!

  Nozdormu ordered several bronze dragons responsible for monitoring Uldum.

  "You guys should keep an eye on it. If anything happens, please notify me immediately."

  Several bronze dragons with special privileges nodded and then teleported over in a familiar manner.

  As they distributed their surveillance duties, Horad had just arrived at the gate into Uldum.

  Uldum is in the southern part of the Tanaris Desert.

  It is a paradise surrounded by mountains on three sides and close to the sea on one side.

  There is a long canyon connecting Uldum to the Tanaris Desert.

  After the bronze dragon sealed the entire Uldum with a barrier, he built a city wall at the mouth of the canyon to isolate land traffic.

  Out of some unknown idea, the bronze dragon responsible for the construction opened a city gate.

  In the long years that followed, countless explorers tried to break down the city gate to search for treasure.

  Therefore, what appeared in front of Herad was a shabby old antique.

  There are arrows stuck everywhere on the old antique city gate, as well as traces of slashing, axe, and fire.

  And there's a big hole in it.

  Apparently the city gate was successfully breached by explorers.

  What will the explorers' expressions be like after they have worked in vain?

  Harald did not enter through the hole in the city gate.

  He flew directly over the city gate.

  As long as you have the pass props, there will be no problem in passing.

  (End of chapter)

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